Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1213 Completed

"Actually, if you want to get to the root of it, the most critical root of these two problems lies in my inconsistency with the 'evil magic field'. Even though I have controlled a certain amount of 'evil magic power' in advance with the 'power of the secret ritual' , but the essence of life has not been fully conceptualized, let alone the final conceptual sublimation!"

"So, even if I can peel off part of the essence of the domain through the combination of the 'Power of Mystery' and the 'Trinity Clone Technique' and transform it into a soul body to combine with the stasis clone body, this soul body, Whether it’s the consistency with myself or the innate spiritual attributes, there are just some shortcomings!”

"There is a solution to the latter, whether it is through 'deformation seeds', 'strengthening seeds', or a combination of the two, there is a possibility of a solution."

"But the former..."

While thinking about it, Isaac frowned slightly.

The consistency with the "field of evil magic" is a lack of level. It is impossible for him to say that he can sublimate the concept now, and then be closely related to this field, or even integrate it into one.

Therefore, this natural shortcoming cannot be made up for under normal circumstances.

Only step by step, when he reaches the level of Hellaster, or even completes the final sublimation, can this "Clone Technique" have any hope of final perfection.

Before that...

"If we can't solve it from the normal situation, then we have to change our thinking and think from another angle!"

For the time being, the purpose of creating this 'Clone Technique' is to achieve a parallel connection of multiple magic circles similar to the "Plural Ritual" and the "Infinite Ritual" through a certain consistency.

The "Trinity Clone Technique", which is consistent with the domain and has the domain as a link, undoubtedly satisfies this condition.

But now, with the emergence of this vital hidden danger, it is still impossible to directly make up for this innate shortcoming...

"Forced dominance!"

After giving the "clones" enough natural spiritual attributes, they can then be forcibly controlled, and then forcibly expand the three-layer magic circle at the same time!

However, to control and enslave the "clone", this...

With some thought in his heart, Isaac was not in a hurry to make this attempt.

The train of thought continues.

If we don't use coercion, we need to make the "clone" less rebellious and more cooperative so that we can be harmonious with him.

"Perhaps, we still need to combine it with some ordinary clone methods!"

For example, with a part of one's own soul as the core, such a clone is naturally closely related to the main body.

But there are some problems.

First of all, not only will one's own strength be reduced during the spell, but also, if the clone is killed during the spell, this part of the power will be permanently lost!

Of course, the creation of this clone was just to control the parallel connection of the magic circles.

If the relevant rituals were only performed in the demiplane base, normally, this death loss would almost never happen.

However, even so, there are other problems or even a series of problems after considering it.

"It is possible to combine ordinary clones, and it is also necessary to divide a part of one's soul, but if it is used as the core, there will be problems."

"Compared with this, perhaps we should try to use it as the foundation for the innate spiritual attributes!"

Again, this consideration was noted in the list of subsequent tests.

Isaac resumed his meditation.

Apart from the two core issues, what are the shortcomings of this first attempt?

At this time, he seemed to have entered again, the process of tireless guessing, speculation, and repeated attempts and verifications towards the unknown and incomprehension that he only had in his early years.

Time naturally passed quickly.

One experiment a day, one recharge every day, and occasionally dealing with the door to another world.

It is with this continuous accumulation of data.

Ten days later.

When once again, the soul integrated into the clone body is dissipating as the duration ends.

“Remove ‘forced domination’!”

"Focus on cultivating innate spiritual attributes to enhance consistency between each other!"

"Take the progress of realizing the 'reincarnation' as a fact, and let them be happy to participate in it!"

"The next attempt is to give the clone the ability to cast spells!"

"In addition... we also need to allow them to control the Tianshu magic circle!"

It is not difficult to give the clone the ability to cast spells. Isaac has already had the idea.

The creation of clones is based on the "field of evil magic" and is naturally in line with the essence of magic.

This step can be achieved by simply adding a series of corrections to the "specific individual" during the "special transformation" stage of the "blank soul body".

The body of the green dragon that was then integrated into them allowed them to withstand the pressure of manipulating the Tianshu array.

Therefore, there is no problem with this step.

The real question is, from creation to dissipation, which lasts less than a minute, can they understand the operation of the "Sky Number Array" and can they carry out this manipulation?

"Under normal circumstances, this is impossible to understand!"

Isaac first confirmed this in his mind.

His "Trinity Clone Technique" can only be said to be a "defective version". In terms of the consistency of the essence of life, there are many gaps compared to the "God King Reincarnation" and "Helast Clone Technique". of.

Due to this shortcoming, it is impossible for the clone to directly synchronize the correlation of the "Tianshu Array" within one minute.


"We still have to find another way!"

In this regard, Isaac is not without solutions.

In fact, he had considered an idea in his early years, and with a slight change, it should be applicable in this aspect!

"Separate the 'Legendary Connection' from the 'Professional Card'!"

"The correlation of soul essence can also be further deepened into the correlation of domain essence!"

"Through this connection, using the 'legendary connection' as a link, not only can we try to directly instill the relevance of the 'Celestial Number Ritual' into the clone, but at the same time, this can also further synchronize the final 'triple array parallel connection' Optimization of aspects!”

Design a special “contact card”!

For the two clones, maybe a special "auxiliary mode" can be added!

In this way, it is possible for them to simply control the Tianshu Array within one minute!

In the end, it was up to him to take the lead in the triple parallel connection and control it, which more than doubled the original magical energy!

Granting the ability to cast spells!

The creation of "Contact Card" again!

When these two steps are completed...

Then it’s time to update a series of Legend Grants and Legend Constants!

These are simple and have ready-made versions. They just continue to assign difficulty coefficients and require almost no extra time.

At this point, at least in terms of framework setting, everything from "Clone Technique" to "Triple Parallel Connection" is complete.

What follows is nothing more than further attempts and experiments!

So, another week later.

Everything is completely ready.

Still in the Dragon Castle demiplane.

The First Mage Group, all three major teams are assembled.

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