Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1218 Ice Queen (Part 1)

Although the report from the ice demon Tosven was important, Isaac did not stay here any longer because of it.

After explaining to Tosven, he quickly used the "advanced teleportation technique" to teleport directly to the northeast of the great glacier.

The Ansa Mountains!

The eastern boundary of the great glacier, continuing eastward, is the Sausal Plain.

In view of the fact that the druids of Southall have always been fighting against the coldness of the Winter Goddess.

If nothing else happens, in the next major changes, this plain will be the first target of the "Snow Queen" to conquer!

At this time, high in the sky above the Onsa Mountains, amid the never-ending winter blizzard.


"They should all still be White Dragon Lich!"

Having just teleported over, Isaac's gaze had already locked onto the flight trajectories of several dragon lichs in the boundless blizzard.

Even though the dracolich has only a skeleton left.

Even because of the distance, he has not been able to directly perceive the elemental attributes of these dracolichs.

However, at a glance, he could still directly identify the original bodies of these bone dragons from their general body shapes.

If the white dragon is not naturally suitable for the ice and snow environment, then perhaps Sammaster also thinks that the white dragon is too useless. Therefore, with the help of many plane dragons, this should be the best choice for many white dragons and The White Dragon Lich was all sent to the Ice Queen.

Of course, he was still vomiting in his heart when one of the white dragon lichs flew close to him and swooped towards the Sosar Plain.

His eyes lit up unconsciously.

To say that Sammaster doesn't care about these "white shames" is actually intentional.

From this white dragon lich, he once again felt the abnormal "vitality" intensity!

Obviously, these white dragon lichs have been transformed and strengthened by Sammaster's new technology.

"Profane enhancement derived from the essence of evil and death!"

"Mostly it is expressed through the attribute of 'charm'!"

This means that this new technology of Sammaster should be able to give Dracolich an extra vitality bonus based on the "charm" attribute!

In this way, even after transforming into an undead, without the increase in vitality caused by the "physique" attribute, the Dracolich's vitality intensity has not dropped at all.

Combined with the advantages of Dragon Lich in all aspects...

This transformation is true enhancement, and it is no longer that useless "Paps-Bone Dragon"!

Even so, Isaac would still not have any interest in the transformation of "dracolich".

But this does not mean that he has no desire to possess this new technology.

As the leader of the Dragon Worship Sect, he still has the intention to seize the dominance of the Dragon Witch Sect. He may not transform into a dragon lich himself, but in order to win over those five-color dragons, this new technology is necessary to win.


"Although this blasphemy enhancement is based on the combination of evil essence and death essence, it should be a clever combination of the original evil energy of the 'Dark Sky' and the endless negative energy of the 'Negative Energy Plane'. Therefore, Direct use on living creatures is obviously harmful but useless, but..."

Looking at the white dragon lich's quickly disappearing figure, Isaac's eyes flickered again.

Even though he doesn't have much time to slowly study this "blasphemous enhancement" for the time being, based on his experience, since such enhancement can be achieved on the Dragon Lich, then some changes must be made to transform it into Realizing it on a giant dragon, or in other words, on a living creature, there should be no problem at all in theory.

If only he could achieve this step!

If "Physique" and "Charm" can double increase vitality...

Combined with his already quite good "charm" attribute and his high enough life energy level, there is no doubt that his already extremely powerful vitality will be enhanced to an almost qualitative change!


"It will be impossible to conduct research step by step from scratch, at least for a period of time."

"Only by directly accepting Sammaster's legacy and standing on the basis of his research results can it be possible to quickly realize this research."

And considering that Sammaster has not yet fallen, but is still in full swing...

Another reason to capture Sammaster and suppress Ogason's group!

Similarly, it is also something that cannot be rushed and needs to wait for the opportunity!

Countless thoughts flashed through him in a short period of time, and Isaac withdrew his gaze from the white dragon lich.

Another "SMS" was sent: "Old place, come and see me!"

This place is actually quite far away from Eleklia's "Winter Castle".

Here, even at a high altitude, through the endless blizzard, Isaac could not directly see the side of the "Winter Castle".

The reason why the site was chosen and positioned at this distance...

Naturally, this is a bit of a taboo against the "Snow Queen"!

As he completed the "dominance and enslavement" and "forced command" of the two ice demons, naturally, his understanding of Eleklia would not be less.

The Winter Goddess is undoubtedly the strongest chosen one. The ice demons are not very clear about what level this person's power is, but thinking about it, combined with the nature of her chosen one, the actual level of "30+" should be there.

This alone makes it necessary to have scruples.

And from the ice demon leader Tosven, Isaac also learned another secret.

In Eleklia's hands, she holds a powerful sacred object that was directly given to her by the Goddess of Winter.

"Winter Dawn Apocalypse"!

One of the nicknames of the Winter Goddess is "Winter Dawn"!

The Apocalypse named after this...

From Isaac's understanding, this must be the direct manifestation of the doctrinal thoughts of the Winter Goddess Church!

Therefore, there is no doubt that this is the most powerful sacred weapon of the Winter Goddess. It may even be the manifestation of part of the Winter Goddess's divine essence!

If such a holy object were combined with Isaac himself...

Perhaps, this has a similar meaning to his "Power of Mystery" state, the "Holy Emblem" anchored in "Evil Magical Power"!

Of course, it's just similar.

Compared with a true god like the Winter Goddess, even in the "power of the mystery" state, the gap between Isaac and him is on a completely different level!

With such a Bible in hand, this Snow Queen has the qualifications to make everyone taboo, and Isaac is no exception!

Because of this, whenever he summoned Ice Demon Jared, he would be cautious enough.

Moreover, during daily periods, he also had "instructions" to make Jared try not to have close contact with Eleklia as much as possible.


As soon as the text message was sent, a reply came immediately.

Just a few seconds.

It's in an ice peak below, in a completely sealed secret cave with only the middle being hollowed out.

With a flash of teleportation light, the figure of Ice Demon Jared appeared.

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