Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1219 Ice Queen (Part 2)

Chapter 121)

Ice Demon Employee No. 2 arrives.

However, Isaac did not enter the cave immediately.

Although he has "instructions", Ice Demon Jared will never come here unless he is summoned, so normally, it is unlikely that this place will be exposed.

However, considering that the boss of this ice demon is the "Ice Queen", he is in a completely different environment from the employees in Damara.

Isaac was a little more cautious after all.

Still invisible in the sky, he waited for a while and saw that although there were dragon lichs appearing from time to time in the snowstorm, there was no magic detection pointing here.

Then, with a false step, his figure flashed into the ice peak.

Looking at the ice demon again, his heart moved again.

It was very different from the previous times.

The "Eleklia's Claw" is now fully armed.

That giant insect-like body with a carapace like ice crystals was actually covered in magic armor.

Carrying a heavy magic battle axe.

On the finger-like claws, there is also a magic ring.

There was even a pink ioun stone orbiting above his head, constantly rotating.

Such equipment, not to mention when it was enslaved by him, was completely different from what it was a month ago.

"The battle of Sosal seems to be imminent!"

This ice demon is also a member of the "Eleklia's Claw" and is the Ice Queen's undoubted loyalist.

Before the war was about to begin, it was natural and reasonable for the Snow Queen to release her magic resources to once again strengthen her strongest bodyguard.

With this thought, the invisibility state was slowly lifted.

It was his figure that appeared in the cave without any warning.

Ice Demon Jared was instinctively startled, but his body bowed a little habitually: "Sir!"

For this mysterious and unfathomable person, the longer he was enslaved, the stronger his instinctive fear became.

"When will Eleklia prepare to launch a war?"

At the same time as the voice sounded, Isaac had calmly refreshed his "Command Technique" state.

Since the "Instruction Technique" requires a full ten minutes of casting time, he can actually understand the situation here within this time.

"It should be in the near future."

"In addition to mobilizing most of the subjects, the queen has also mobilized the allies from Vasa. In addition, there are some signs that she has completed the split within Sosar."

"Everything is ready. Now, just wait for her to give the order."

As a member of the "Eleklia's Claw", Jared is qualified to understand deep intelligence as long as he wants to know it.

And with Isaac's "instructions" there, he naturally did not lack the willingness to "actively understand".

Split within Southall?

Isaac was also moved in his heart.

Even he knows very little about Sausal, a mysterious kingdom isolated from the mainland. However, Eleklia is adjacent to it and has always been interested in it. There are spies who have been lurking for a long time, and some of them are aware of it. It is not surprising that the target is co-opted for a long time and eventually seduced into rebellion.

However, he was not in a hurry and immediately asked about Southall's situation.

Since the ice demon said that Eleklia has mobilized most of her subjects...

"Tell me, what powers has she prepared?"

What happened to Southall was not actually Isaac's concern.

Compared to this mysterious far north country, he was more concerned about what kind of power Eleklia had summoned?

In the future, if she really participates in the hunt for Protarnes, what kind of things might she bring with her?

"According to the Bitter Winter Bible, there is an ice demon guard who came from the goddess's kingdom and joined her command. The leader of this guard is none other than Wadsworth, the most powerful champion warrior under the goddess!"

"There are many frost giant tribes that have also responded to her call. They are all led by priests of the goddess, and these frost giants are completely loyal to her!"


Jared had noticed these things for a long time, and when he reported them now, it was as familiar as vomiting something familiar.

Isaac had already understood most of the reports, or at least made judgments about them.


Ice Demon Guard!

Champion warrior of the Winter Goddess!

This latest news actually made him pay attention.

Then he asked in depth again about the ice demon's information.

The leader of the ice demon, Wadsworth, is one of the most powerful leaders in the Guards Corps built by the Goddess of Winter with the ice demon as the core.

If you want to compare it...

Perhaps, it should be at the level of the wolf-snake demon governors in Eltabana's demon army!

Although Mephistopheles has an equally powerful or even more powerful ice demon army under his command, considering that this hell demon masters the promotion rules of the baatezu devil, excluding the fact that he has already completed the promotion, he is already in the deep hell. Those who are demons, I'm afraid there may not be ice demons of this level, at least, there may not be a few!

According to "Winter Dawn Revelation", Eleklia actually called for such an ice demon leader, or, more to the point, the Winter Goddess actually sent such support...

"The target is Southall?"

"Or is it Protarnes, or... Sammaster?"

In his heart, Isaac also moved unconsciously.

If it's the latter two, this is normal.

It is true that Eleklia is powerful, but whether she is the former King of Justice or the Archmage, the former chosen one of the Goddess of Magic, these are all worthy of her taboo and attention.

But if it’s the former…

"Already with the help of the Dracolich, Eleklia still wants to call Wadsworth and others..."

"What's going on over there in Southall?"

There was no expression on the ice demon's face, and Isaac didn't bother to test or observe anything.

"It is said that after the death of all members of the royal family, Southall has been under the rule of a druid organization, the Ring of the Frozen Sun."

"The leader of this organization, Archdruid Ursok, is the Queen's long-time rival."

"There is a strange phenomenon..."

At this point, even though there was no expression on the ice demon's face, his voice was full of surprise: "The residents of Sosal, including these druids, are all goddesses." Believers, but they actually think that the goddess is the 'Frost Kissed Lady', a symbol of kindness and kindness..."

Jared used to be a member of the Guards of the Winter Goddess, but he never knew when the Winter Goddess would have a kind and kind side!

Winter goddess!

Frost Kiss Lady!

Did people add another aspect to the gods?

Isaac was a little caught off guard by such news.

However, when the ice demon said it, he immediately thought of another one.

In Sembia, one of the Archbishops of the God of Dawn seems to be claiming that the God of Dawn is an aspect of an ancient sun god.

Morning light is dawn!

The sun is eternally glorious!

The dawn will eventually rise into a blazing sun!

Therefore, the sect led by this archbishop is regarded as the "Rising Sun Heresy" by other archbishops of the Church of the Dawn.

There was a big fuss over there in Sambia just now.

Here, the two sects of the Winter Goddess are locked in a life-and-death battle!

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