Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1220 The Ice Queen (3)

"Don't worry."

"It will take at least ten minutes for that person to perform the 'Instructing Technique'."

"That's enough for me to determine the general location of Jared first."

It was Isaac who was refreshing the state of the "Instructing Technique" while also understanding the situation on the big glacier.

It is also on the edge of the Ansa Mountains.

In that boundless blizzard.

An extremely huge ice monster, which is bigger than the usual frost giant and even comparable to the adult dragon, is constantly flashing in the mountains with the "advanced teleportation technique". .

Just on his back stood another woman with blond long hair, an astonishingly beautiful woman with an uncommon temperament at first glance.

Despite the blizzard, the woman was dressed very simply.

Wearing an ice-blue magic robe, not only did her mouth hang down to the peak, but it also couldn't cover her snow-white thighs at all.

Standing barefoot on the back of the Ice Demon, she held a Frost Scepter in one hand and an open Bible in the other.

In a voice as indifferent as ice and snow.

The bible is constantly emitting a cold aura of azure color, and in her pale eyes like snow, there are constantly sacred emblems in the shape of snowflakes, emerging and disappearing.

Following all this, with the Frost Scepter, she pointed at a certain position on the heavy ice peak.

"Those dracolich have obeyed your order to patrol this ice peak area, how dare this person summon Jared here?"

"Don't use any misleading techniques!"

"Since this person dares to enslave, and can also enslave Jared, his magic ability should be quite impressive..."

Instructions from the blond woman.

On one side of the Ice Demon, there was a teleportation aura, which flashed again.

On the one hand, telepathically, his voice was still transmitted directly to the blond woman at the same time.

What was wrong with Jared was actually what he had discovered.

Although Jared was manipulated as if he was deliberately avoiding the Snow Queen, but this "dodging" was only aimed at the Snow Queen.

When he was the Queen, he came from the Palace of Winter and summoned these former subordinates, but within a short time, he noticed something was wrong with Jared.

He knew it, and the Ice Queen knew it too.

However, she was not in a hurry to take Jared down immediately. Although Elecleia was furious, she didn't burst out. Instead, she was going to pass Jared and touch him first to see who it was who dared to secretly Eyeing her!

The method is also simple.

"Instructing skills" all have a time limit,

No matter how secretive the person behind the scenes was, as long as they wanted to continue to enslave Jared, they would definitely summon him before the end of the duration.

In this way, as long as you pay attention to when Jared disappears, it is naturally an opportunity to track him!

However, considering that this person's magic ability is extraordinary, direct tracking and detection may be possible to be detected.

Therefore, Eleclelia cautiously used some indirect means.

In the name of using troops against Sosar, she armed the "Eleclelia's Claw" through Wadsworth, the leader of the Ice Demon!

Jared was assigned a piece of magic equipment that she had used frequently in the past, and it was a magical equipment that she had personally created using the holy power.

Get in touch here.

She also used the "Apocalypse of Winter Dawn" to reveal the prophecy.

This is exactly where Jared can be determined, or in other words, the general location of the magic equipment that she made by herself can be determined without directly detecting Jared.

In this way, combined with the teleportation ability of Wadsworth, the leader of the Ice Demon.

As well as the use of the "Instructing Technique", that person stayed here for at least ten minutes...


"If it's somewhere else, there might be a possibility of misleading spells, but just because it's here, it means that Jared must be here."

"If that person wants to mislead us, he will not intentionally mislead us to the side of the dracolich!"

Wadsworth's suspicion, Eleclelia shook her head lightly.

In fact, it's not just this reason, but more importantly...she has absolute confidence in her magical skills!

She also didn't think that the person opposite could mislead her and make her unaware of the slightest abnormality!

Moreover, there is another important point, she did not do anything strange to Jared, which means that that person may even have no suspicion of Jared's exposure at all, let alone specifically misleading!

And since she said so...

Wadsworth will not always question it.

In fact, speaking of it, he and Electlia are also old acquaintances.

This elector of the Winter Goddess probably existed for thousands of years. After such a long time, she was almost regarded as the incarnation of the cold side of the Winter Goddess.

As the champion warrior of the goddess, he naturally had many contacts with her.

Wadsworth knew in his heart, when will this elector's mission be completed and rise to the Goddess's Winter Kingdom, if nothing else, with her achievements of spreading the power of winter for thousands of years, this should be At least it is possible to become a servant of the goddess, or even be promoted to a quasi-god, or even simply become a part of the goddess, an incarnation, an aspect of the goddess, all of which are possible!

For such a person, even though Wadsworth is the champion warrior of the Winter Goddess, he still needs to have enough respect.

This is also the reason why, after this recovery received the call, he would quickly lead a team of Ice Demon Guards for reinforcements.

Because he is an old acquaintance, he also knows the pride of the Ice Queen, and therefore, he had that reminder before.

And this time no longer doubts, this is also the same reason.

The pride of the Ice Queen, even if he questioned it once or twice, but if he keeps questioning, it will still offend this one.

Moreover, although the Snow Queen is proud, she also does not lack wisdom.

Since she persists in this way, she has her own conceit!

Following Electlia's constant instructions, Wadsworth also continued to carry out short-distance teleportation.

In just a few minutes, dozens of teleportations were completed, after many encounters with the dracolich along the way.



Eleclelia, who has been adjusting the angle accurately and calculating the approximate distance through small angle adjustments, after Wadsworth completed another teleportation.

Her telepathic voice immediately blocked the ice demon leader from teleporting again.

Immediately afterwards, in his eyes, the holy power of winter fluttered for a moment, and the figure, Eleclelia, flew directly from the back of the ice demon, and looked around for a while, and quickly, Her gaze was fixed on an ice peak again.

"right here?"

"Could it be hiding in some hidden cave?"

Although Wadsworth knew that Eleclelia would do this, he must have discovered something.

But looking to the front, this mountain peak completely covered by ice and snow, after only a few glances, he couldn't help but wrinkled his expression.

Not so easy to find!

But it’s hard to find, this is what you need to find!

"Go and search, I'll be watching from above."

"After three minutes, if there is still no result, I will forcibly cast the scrying technique to locate Jared, and interrupt this man's casting of the 'command technique'!"

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