Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1224 Ice Queen (5)

This mysterious person doesn't even want to make up a pseudonym, even though he seems a bit unfathomable.

However, no matter how powerful she was, if she were just one person, Eleklia would not think that she would not be able to cope with it with the help of Wadsworth.


Never mind Jared's enslavement thing.

We still need to test and determine whether this person is possibly related to Protarnes.

In today's battle, this is imperative!

As for starting a war, will it anger the opponent?

Let’s not talk about whether this person can survive the joint efforts of her and Wadsworth. Even if he can, he asked for it!

As the chosen one of the Winter Goddess, it’s already good if she doesn’t cause trouble for others.

How could she swallow her anger when someone offended her like this?

Eleklia sneered while facing the other side.

On the other hand, she remained calm, both herself and Wadsworth were already in a state of war readiness.

Just wait...

Facing her sneer, there was a look that seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

"If the queen wants me to hand over the certificate of surrender, it will be inevitable. I believe that with or without me, the decisive battle between you and the golden dragon is inevitable!"

"I keep an eye on Noflaron's side and never miss this matter."

"On the contrary, if I pay too close attention and wake up Protarnes in advance..."

Isaac's words made Eleklia's expression change.

However, she didn't wait for any further reaction.

Isaac's words changed again: "Of course, mistakes are not necessary, and I don't want to be like this.

Therefore, I will not take away the beacon on Jared. If the Queen is interested, she may use it to contact me at an appropriate time.

Of course, if the Queen has other ideas..."

For the first time, he turned away from Eleklia and glanced at the leader of the ice demon who was always silent and reserved. Then a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I will continue. !”

The Winter Goddess is one of the Furious Gods. Together with the Ocean Goddess and the Black-blooded Beast King, they are all subordinate to the Storm God, and they are all symbols of disaster.

As the chosen one of the Winter Goddess, and also the most powerful and oldest chosen one, Eleklia's nature is naturally infinitely close to that of the Winter Goddess.

Although it was Isaac's first contact with this person, he already had a relevant understanding of her character.

Proud and fickle!

Cold and more deadly!

Just like a flower, carved from polar ice, each petal is a magnificent flower with sharp edges.

Such a person, who had been prepared for a long time, came directly here. How could he put down the war just because of his few words?

Isaac had known this for a long time, and since he chose to show up directly, this meant that he would definitely have to fight with this person.


Looking at her side, he saw that her body size had reached a super large size. Obviously, just like the six-armed snake demon queen of Eltaba, her racial advancement had entered the second stage, even if There is no professional level, they are all ice demon leaders with legendary power...

Isaac smiled lightly.

With such a Barthese Devil on his side, even if he were the Snow Queen, he would not tolerate others either. First he offended, then he did it in person, and he was still so wanton!


His words and this gesture...

This is already prepared to meet her wrath!

At this moment, Eleklia no longer concealed anything.

Although the person on the other side was well prepared and showed that he was unusual, but...


"I won't argue with you about Jared."


With a cold snort, the winter Bible in the Ice Queen's hand burst into extremely cold blue ice light. The ice light passed by, and the void was like a mirror, constantly being frozen.

Eleklia's voice penetrated through it again: "If you want to join forces with us to deal with Protarnes, then let me see if you are qualified to join forces!"

The opponent made everything clear. Seeing that there was no chance of attack from beginning to end, Eleklia simply came in plain sight.

Not just anyone is qualified to ally with her.

In order to win over her, Sammaster sent an entire group of white dragons to obey her command.

If this guy wants to step in...

"Do it!"

He stopped talking to the other person, but the other person seemed to want to say something else.

With the voice of telepathy, as Eleklia raised the frost scepter in her hand, a thought was transmitted to Wadsworth's mind.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether there is this spiritual communication or not.

Wadsworth's tactical prowess will not miss such cooperation.

At the same time as Eleklia raised her scepter.

"Spell-like ability is instantaneous - advanced teleportation!"

A moment ago, he was as silent as an iceberg. At this moment, the huge figure of the champion warrior of the Winter Goddess disappeared into the air like a shadow.

Almost the same moment.

"Aura of fear!"

Innate supernatural ability, with one instant action, Wadsworth's figure teleported behind Isaac, and an extremely intense fear field radiated out in an instant.

"God's wrath!"

"Fight heresy!"

The dual powerful abilities of the Holy Champion Warrior are actually activated at the same time.

"Destroying Blow!"

The heavy cold iron ax in his hand was swung, and the legendary combat expertise was activated instantly.

In just a moment, the terrifying power of destruction completely enveloped everything in front of it like a broken space.

This is not over yet.

"The most effective spell-like ability - cone of ice!"

The casting of spell-like abilities does not require any concentration, and there are no specific spell-casting actions or spell-casting languages.

With Wadsworth's ability, he can do exactly that, even when he is attacking with all his strength, he can still use related spell-like abilities at the same time.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary spell-like ability.

With the second spell-like ability and super-magic expertise, his "Ice Cone" was almost as lethal as an eighth-level spell!

The simultaneous manifestation of these many forces...

Even though Wadsworth had been prepared for all of this, with just this moment of explosion, the leader of the guards of the Winter Palace was indeed qualified to be on par with the three devils under Eltaba's command. !

He is taking action like this.

Eleklia will never rest.

The frost scepter was raised at the same time, but the spell casting was slightly behind Wadsworth.

Even on the opposite side, Isaac also had some emergency moves.

That's it.

"Instant - Legendary Dispelling Technique!"

Works well with Wadsworth.

Regardless of how the person on the other side was preparing to react, Eleklia instantly cast a legendary spell.

And connected instantly.

"Super Demon - Lord of Winter - Extreme Ice Ray!"

An eighth-level domain magic from the cold domain, but when it is cast, it is no longer pure magical cold energy.

A kind of deep and cold essence has just been formed...


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