Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1225 Ice Queen (6)

The cooperation between the Ice Queen and the Ice Demon Leader is simple and crude.

The ice demon leader teleports instantly and launches the most violent close attack.

Not to mention just a spell caster, under the explosion of his dual abilities as the Holy Champion Warrior, it is difficult for even the devils and demons in the outer plane to withstand a single round of attacks.

The Snow Queen's cooperation is even more brutal and direct.

No matter what the opponent's reaction is, it is just a "Legendary Dispelling Technique".

The other side is about to cast a spell, so let’s disperse it!

If there is any "triggering spell" on the opponent, it is still forcibly dispelled!

Of course, the cooperation was rough and direct, but whether it was the timing of casting the spell or the control of the spell itself, Eleklia controlled it extremely perfectly even though she was well prepared.

In terms of timing, she was slightly behind the leader of the ice demon by half a second, but she was definitely ahead of the person on the opposite side, so she was pre-attacking.

In this way, her "Legendary Dispelling Technique" will not appear in the past. After forcibly dispersing the opponent's response, there is still time for the opponent to attack again before Wadsworth's attack arrives. What kind of instant response is there?

However, because it was a pre-cast, this "Legendary Dispel" meant that she could not target the opponent's specific spell.

Therefore, for this "Legendary Dispelling Technique", the Snow Queen chose range dispersion.

In this range, the target in the front is absolutely trapped, but the target in the back is absolutely unaffected. The ice demon leader is swinging the heavy cold iron ax to attack, and is also using the "extremely effective - ice cone".

In this way, not to mention that the opponent basically had no time to dodge, but even if he could...could he still be able to face Wadsworth's heavy ax blow on his own?

After completing this cooperation, Eleklia did not pause at all.

The person opposite is not simple. She will not neglect him in any way, let alone despise him.

It was almost completely connected, using the frost scepter to increase the intensity of cold spells. From the domain magic position, the "extreme ice ray" started to be cast instantly.

Although he dared to face her directly, this must be a spell against cold energy, and there were special protective preparations.



Wadsworth's teleportation broke out again, without any change in Isaac's expression.

The same goes for Eleklia's Legendary Dispel.

However, just by raising his hand, a "Legendary Dispelling Technique" was instantly cast and offset the spell directed at Eleklia.

Seeing the Snow Queen's use of this domain magic, Isaac was already fighting back, facing the ice demon's giant ax that was coming with destructive power and heavy blows.

His eyes suddenly moved again.

With his spell recognition level, he could tell at a glance that Eleklia was casting "Extreme Ice Ray".

He even had a rough analysis of the caster level of this "Extreme Ice Ray".

Like the "Arch Mage", the "High Priest" has the special ability of "mana enhancement".

In addition, the scepter in Eleklia's hand is quite extraordinary.

When the chosen ones of the Winter Goddess cast the "Extreme Ice Ray", their effective caster level even exceeded level 30.

In addition, she should also have expertise such as "spell penetration".

This magical technique can basically guarantee an absolute breakthrough in spell resistance even against the ancient golden dragon.


That's right for the Taikoo Golden Dragon!

Combining the "Energy Storage Dragon Ball" with the "Triple Parallel Array", Isaac's "Primordial Dragon's Magic Resistance" gave him a full 65 points of spell resistance.

This means that for a spell such as "Extreme Ice Ray" that cannot ignore spell resistance, its effective caster level, plus the level of piercing spell resistance, if it does not reach level 45 or above, this is even completely useless. It can't affect him in the slightest.

Therefore, Eleklia's "extreme ice ray" is completely ineffective against him based on this premise.

But that's it, when Eleklia started to perform magical arts in this field...

Isaac's attention and focus were not even on the ice demon behind him that had already bombarded him.

Just turning sideways, as if casually, he struck the ice demon with a powerful and devastating blow.

Isaac's eyes were still fixed on Eleklia.

"It's still cold energy!"

"But this kind of breath, this kind of essence..."

Rarely, there were some thoughts and guesses in Isaac's eyes, and even a little uncertainty.

Eleklia's spellcasting should be combined with a special "super-magic" ability.

If his perception and suspicion were correct...

"It should be a kind of 'piercing' super magic!"

But it’s not puncture resistance, it should be puncture resistance to cold, or even...

"Piercing cold immunity!"

Immunity is not absolute either.

Just like he can pierce certain aspects of immunity through sacred objects or even divine power.

This chosen one of the Winter Goddess, because of his close connection with the gods, also has certain prerequisites for being immune to puncture.

He combined this piercing with legendary spells.

It is not unacceptable for this chosen person to use this to create special metamagic expertise or metamagic abilities.

Anyone facing the Snow Queen will prepare various ice resistance states and ice resistance equipment in advance.

But when these people actually confront each other, they will find that their ice resistance is useless to the Snow Queen!

She was able to wreak havoc on the Great Glacier for thousands of years, and even caused the continuous expansion of the Great Glacier. For a long time, even the former King of Justice was unable to do anything to her.

This is not without underlying reasons!


It was Isaac's room of contemplation.

His absent-minded palm was also a powerful blow from Wadsworth, and it was a confrontation.

The void suddenly exploded, and within a huge range, the invisible shock wave even annihilated all the blizzards in the sky.

The next moment.

"How can it be?"

A flash of horror shot out of Wadsworth's cold compound eyes.

An unimaginably powerful impact.

It was obviously a heavy attack with all his strength, but the opponent only blocked it.

But at this moment, when the giant ax he was swinging with both hands struck the slap of that palm...

Wadsworth's huge body trembled violently, and the terrifying impact was transmitted from the palm, through the giant battle ax, to his claws...

At this moment, the leader of the ice demon even felt a sudden numbness in his arms. If he had not been rich in combat experience, even if the sudden change at this moment was too outrageous, but if the instinct of the body was still there, at this moment, I am afraid that Even the weapons have to be thrown away.

However, what was even more difficult for him to accept was not just the power gap.

He broke out "God's Wrath" and used "Fight Heretics", combined with the legendary combat expertise.

Under such an explosion, a palm came from the opposite side, and the power directly overwhelmed him. Not to mention, look at that hand again...



Elaklia's eyes, which had been cold and indifferent, suddenly shrank at that moment, with no damage at all on her palm.

But just in response to her shock and hesitation...

A crimson flame ignited again in the palm of his hand.

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