Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1226 Ice Queen (7)

Chapter 122)

"Flame Strike!"

Almost instantly, Eleklia had completed the identification of this spell.

The fifth-level divine skill Flame Strike creates a pillar of holy fire falling from the sky, causing mixed energy damage consisting of half fire damage and half divine energy damage to enemies within the range.

At this moment, although the Pillar of Holy Fire has not yet been formed, when the crimson flames are burning, half of the divine energy appears as evil purgatory energy...

"Most likely, it's a dragon!"

In her heart, Eleklia's suspicion quickly took shape.

She was able to catch Wadsworth's battle ax blow with her bare hands without even getting hurt. This alone made her wonder if this was some ancient dragon with enough powerful damage. Only with strong enough power can this be achieved.

Although this is still a bit unbelievable, if the dragon is old enough and its advancement limit is difficult to judge, it may not be impossible.

Moreover, if this giant dragon really came towards Protarnes, its ancientness and power should be extraordinary.

Based on this guess.

Then there is this "flame strike"...

Eleklia could tell.

The "Flame Strike" performed by this man not only reflects the divine power of the evil power of purgatory, so it is unlikely that he is from Protarnes' side, but there is also an extremely important key. , also pointed out the identity of this person.

"His flame attack technique is not a real divine technique!"

"But it is using arcane magic to perform divine magic!"

Able to perform divine spells in arcane ways.

Elaklia's first reaction was that of the dragon again!

Although this kind of ability cannot be said to be completely universal among the entire dragon clan, especially those plane dragons, which generally lack such magical abilities, among metal dragons and five-color dragons, it is completely different.

Needless to say, metal dragons are the most mainstream of the five metal dragons. They are generally capable of performing magical spells through arcane means.

Although the five-color dragon is slightly inferior, the red dragon and blue dragon also have this ability.

Combining several aspects.

How could Eleklia not suspect that this person of mysterious origin must be some ancient enemy of Protarnes?


"still have a question!"

"If he is really a giant dragon... wouldn't he be afraid of Dragon Madness?"

"Or is he related to Sammaster?"

With this hesitation in her heart, Eleklia's "Extreme Ice Ray" has been completed.

Almost at the same time, the Ice Demon Leader's "Ultimately Effective - Ice Cone" had also completed its use.

One probed his claws, and a harsh and cold cone-shaped area quickly covered Isaac.

One pointed at the scepter, which was extremely cold and freezing, and a blue and white ice ray also flew over at extremely fast speed.

Under the attack of these two powerful ice spells...

"I see!"

Isaac, who had been focusing on the Snow Queen's spellcasting, at this moment, when the blue and white ray finally came, his eyes lit up.

He had finally analyzed Eleklia's "extreme cold super demon".

"Essentially, this is actually a manifestation of 'spell sanctification'. However, her sanctification has a higher intention than 'holy energy' and 'evil energy'. It is a higher The…essence of levels!”

Isaac didn't define it simply as "energy"!

In his eyes, although the core of Eleklia's "extreme cold super demon" is not the real "ice power", it is obviously that it has it, and it is similar to the "cold realm", and even to the "cold realm". "Ice Power" is directly related to the nature!

Regardless of domain or divine power, these are all metaphysical existences, related to thoughts, concepts, and concepts.

Since the "extreme cold super demon" is directly related to their existence, it is naturally no longer a pure energy essence!

Therefore, although in terms of effect, this special super demon is not much more powerful than his "energy control".

But there is no doubt that from the essence, from the core, from the perspective of conception, Eleklia's "extreme cold super demon" is definitely a whole level higher.

Whether it is the destiny ability, the core of the chosen people, or related to the divine essence, there is no problem in either case.

Based on this analysis...

"This is a good idea!"

"Holy energy and evil energy are sometimes subject to special resistance, but this ability to ignore resistance and be immune to puncture is a higher level."

"Also, while conceiving such abilities or expertise, this itself also means that we are continuing to move forward..."

As these thoughts flashed through his mind, the two spells attacked him almost at the same time.

next moment.

Eleklia and Wadsworth, who were still in shock, suddenly froze again.

Especially Eleklia.

Seeing that her "extreme ice ray" had hit the target, there was no clue, and all the ice energy disappeared directly in front of the target.

The originally beautiful eyes of this chosen one by the Winter Goddess shrank to the extreme at this moment.

"Spell resistance!"

It was a spell resistance that even her caster level couldn't break through!

Such legal resistance...

"The possibility of the original dragon is definitely greater!"

At least in Eleklia's view, only those primitive dragons that have advanced many times can only resist with magic, ignoring the possibility of her magical attack.

Not easy to fight!

It may even be more difficult to deal with than Protarnes.

After all, although Protarnes is extremely powerful, he is not able to completely ignore Wadsworth's heavy blows, let alone her spellcasting.


No matter how hard it is to fight, since it was her side who made the first move...

"Snow storm!"

With a wave of spiritual thoughts and the ability of "telepathy", Eleklia's voice was directly transmitted to the ice demon leader who shared her belief.

This is not the first time he and Wadsworth have joined forces.

Elaklia knows that in addition to having powerful melee combat abilities, the goddess's holy champion warrior is also quite extraordinary in terms of spell abilities.

Not only the ice demon's natural spell-like abilities, but also the areas controlled by the goddess, such as the "cold field" and the "storm field", Wadsworth also mastered many domain magics in the form of spell-like abilities. .

Although most of these spell-like abilities cannot break through the opponent's magic resistance, they pose no direct threat to the opponent.

But, of course there are exceptions!

It was in response to Eleklia’s summons.

Isaac's "Flame Strike" has also been completed.

With a casual finger, it was a pillar of evil fire that fell from the sky and landed on the head of the ice demon leader.

However, Wadsworth's reaction was not slow at all.

The evil fire pillar had just crashed down...

"Spell-like ability is instantaneous - advanced teleportation!"

The figure flashed for a moment.


"Snow storm!"

Coming from the cold realm, the cold spells of the spell creation system have no actual lethality, but they also ignore the obstruction of spell resistance!

Not just him.

"Avalanche Technique!"

Eleklia's spell, which also comes from the cold realm, is also being cast.

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