Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1227 Ice Queen (8)

Avalanche is a ninth-level domain magic in the cold domain. And, just like "Snow Storm", it is also a cold spell of the conjuration creation system, so it also has the attribute of ignoring spell resistance.

However, unlike "Snow Storm", which is only a third-level domain magic and has no direct damage except obstructing vision and movement, the "Avalanche", a ninth-level domain magic, has quite good damage. force.

Moreover, the damage of "Avalanche" is also linked to the effective caster level, especially the cold damage in addition to the impact damage. Although every two caster levels can increase the damage intensity by one level, it is not the same as the level of the effective caster. Although "normal spells" such as meteor bursts have huge damage power, all damage has limits, there is a difference. The cold damage of "Avalanche" has no upper limit.

With Eleklia's caster level and her expertise in ice spells, the damage in the center area of ​​the "Avalanche Spell" she cast is comparable to a single-target ray like the "Extreme Ice Ray" Spells, even in the edge area, are comparable to the "Withering Spell".

In addition, "Avalanche" also has the special effect of ignoring magic resistance and burying the target.

At this time, Eleklia's performance once again showed signs of the "extremely cold super demon"...

"In terms of spell countermeasures, there are still some shortcomings."

In an instant, he recognized the spell cast on the other side, and this thought flashed in Isaac's mind.

Although he has mastered "Proficient Spell Countermeasures", he can counterspell with spells from his classmates that are one level or above higher than the spells cast by his opponent.

However, considering the normal situation, level 9 spells are the limit of spellcasters' mastery. Therefore, the limit of "proficient in spell countermeasures" is to counteract level 8 spells.

At this time, to use Eleklia's "Avalanche Technique", although he always has a ninth-level spell "Destruction Sphere" of the conjuration system, it is obvious that direct countermeasures are impossible.

"When the transformation of the 'Magic Dragon' is realized, some designs may be made in this regard!"

The flash of thought did not affect the fact that Isaac's spell was already in progress.

No "Great Disintegration" was cast.

The flash of magic light showed the nature of "teleportation".

"Isaac's continuous flashes!"

While he was casting spells, his figure was still flying and landing, heading straight towards the Snow Queen.

Seeing him approaching...

Elaklia couldn't help but feel a frown in her heart.

If it were any other spellcaster, she would definitely welcome such an approach. A priest never hides behind to increase health and status. A priest who can pick up the scepter and charge into battle is a true priest. Priest.

Elaklia is no exception.

However, such a charge into battle also depends on who it is compared to.

In this regard, it is highly suspected that the existence of the original dragon can be faced head-on with Wadsworth's full-out attack easily and even with bare hands.

No matter how proud Eleklia is, she is not arrogant enough to think that her fighting skills can defeat such a being.


"The spell resistance is too high!"

With the "High Priest's" special abilities of "Faith Healing" and "Bombarding Pagans", the "Divine Medical Spells" and "Damage Spells" she cast automatically have "extremely effective" effects.

Therefore, if anyone else wanted to fight him in close combat, even a giant dragon would not be able to stop the blows of her scepter.

Even if combined with the "High Priest's" special ability "Divine Hand"...

As long as someone comes within thirty feet of her, they may be touched by a "Serious Injury Technique" at any time!

Even the ancient giant dragon couldn't bear her few touches!

But...this one is different!

After missing that "Extreme Ice Ray", Eleklia just couldn't figure out this person's magic resistance level.

If this person really gets close and her damage spell fails again...

"Some extraordinary measures need to be taken!"

Although she frowned, Eleklia didn't panic at all.

Although she felt a little helpless with conventional methods, they were only conventional methods.

She is a voter!

He is also the "disciple of God" of the Winter Goddess, and already has a "transcendent body"!

The combination of the two, the distance between her and the Winter Goddess is much closer than anyone else, even than the other chosen people of the goddess.

It's not just that.

At the same time, she also holds the goddess's Bible "Winter Dawn Revelation"!

Transcendence from the mortal body, plus the essence of the elect, plus "Winter Dawn Apocalypse", this is 1+1+1 far greater than 3!

Although this old guy who is suspected of being the original dragon is unfathomable, she is not ready to just give up.

Isaac's side was flying closer.

While Eleklia continued to perform the "Avalanche Technique", she also retreated simultaneously.

At the same time, he was holding it up with his left hand, and from the "Winter Dawn Apocalypse", the bright blue ice brilliance suddenly bloomed.

Suddenly, with Eleklia as the center, in a space with a radius of forty or fifty feet, the extreme cold from the winter realm instantly filled everything in the space.

In just this moment of change, Eleklia's surroundings seemed to have transformed into the realm of the Winter Goddess. The harsh ice power directly rejected all other energy.

In such an environment, Eleklia's extraordinary nature was revealed simultaneously.

The long golden hair was melting like ice at the moment, with wisps of deep blue light constantly flowing, and a sense of detachment that was not ordinary, spreading simultaneously.

At this moment, the "Winter Dawn Revelation" continued to resonate, and crystal light like snowflakes kept flying out and surrounding Eleklia.

That evil, that coldness, but at the same time, there is an indescribable sense of holiness...

At this moment, Eleklia seemed to have transformed into some kind of divine being.

With such a change, even Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly at this moment.

As he got along with Kui Lu for a long time, he knew that he would see Eleklia appear like this at this moment.

Although the relationship between Kui Lu and Eilistraee is close, in terms of real distance, the relationship between the Dark Sisters and the Dark Maiden is not as good as the Snow Queen and the Winter Goddess.

Everyone is a chosen one, and the steps taken by the Ice and Snow Queen are deeper than those of Kui Lu.

Of course, this does not mean that the Snow Queen is absolutely superior to the Dark Sisters.

Kuilu is not just Eilistraee's chosen one!

"And this Bible!"

"This is a powerful holy weapon that ranks even higher than the Five-Colored Crown!"

Although the Winter Goddess herself is not more powerful than the Dragon Queen.

However, there are five five-color diadems, and the Dragon Queen has always been quite stingy. The most important reason is that there is another reason that cannot be ignored. During the creation period of the five-color diadem, the Dragon Queen had already changed from the Enser God System. Fading out, there was a special period when one had to pass the position of Hell Lord to stabilize one's own existence. Naturally, it was impossible to invest much in the five-color crown.

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