Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1228 Ice Queen (9)

"It's a pity that such sacred artifacts of faith are directly bound to the gods."

"Moreover, even if the current environment has restricted the direct arrival of gods, but in the hands of Eleklia, according to the Bible, this chosen one of the Winter Goddess will still not lack the ability to directly call on the power of gods!"

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

This was exactly the reason why he still stopped.

Although the Winter Goddess really exerted her divine power, he would not be afraid of her, but if it was not necessary, he would not even think about confronting the Winter Goddess directly for no reason.

After all, from a standpoint, Eleklia was even in the same camp as him to a large extent.

This common position is not even just for Protarnes...

The direct approach finally stopped.

next moment.

"Snow storm!"

The ice demon leader obtained through the "cold field" a spell-like ability that can be cast at will.

Within a huge area with a radius of more than forty feet, the extremely dense icy rain instantly obscured all vision.

Almost at the same time.

"Super Demon - Lord of Winter - Avalanche Technique!"

Above the sky, it was as if the space was torn apart directly, and a large crack suddenly opened, releasing a flood. The extremely cold and freezing tide of ice and snow, like a large waterfall as white as snow, suddenly crashed down.

But before the impact, like the mountains and rivers toppling over, came.

"Isaac's continuous flashes!"

In the icy rain and under the avalanche, Isaac's figure suddenly disappeared.

In one step, he teleported to the top of the azure realm of the Snow Queen.

"Overlimit-instant-energy shackles!"

A chain composed of force field energy shot out in an instant and wrapped around the Ice Queen.

The voters of the Goddess of Winter have never been the direct enemies of the Dragon Worship Cult. Moreover, these people are basically shrinking in the far north and have almost no real contact with the Dragon Worship Cult. Therefore, even Isaac has no regard for this voter template. , but there is no advance knowledge of what abilities it possesses.

However, this time, after coming into contact with the Snow Queen, he was able to roughly see some of her revealed characteristics.

The Snow Queen has some special aura effects on her body.

If his observation and analysis were correct, this aura effect should have the properties of "protection from kindness", "avoidance of detection", and "resistance to fire damage" that cannot be dispelled.

Needless to say, the latter two, one is anti-detection, and the other is to grant fire resistance.

The former is more interesting.

Although "Protection from Goodness" is only a first-level spell, it has the effect of preventing "occupation" and "mind control" within the duration of the spell.

Occupation refers to a method similar to the "Demon Soul Pot" that directly takes over the target's body.

Mental control has the effects of "charm" and "dominance".

It's just a first-level spell. "Protection from Goodness" prevents these effects, so it is naturally impossible to be immune.

What this "preventing effect" means is that during the duration of "Protection from Good", which is counted in minutes, although spells such as "Charm" and "Domination" can still act on the target, these During this period, the effect of "Mind Control" will be blocked. Only when the duration of "Protection from Kindness" ends, will the blocked effect take effect again.

Although this kind of "blocking effect" is still very practical, it is not immune after all. Compared with "Charm" whose duration is measured in hours, and "Domination" whose duration is modified in days, it is still very limited. big.

However, such limitations should fall on the aura effect of the Snow Queen.

In the aura effect, the "protective kindness" lasts forever and cannot be dispelled...

This is almost equivalent to being given immunity to "invasion" and "mind control"!

It was precisely because of this analysis that he gave up those direct death spells and dissociation spells because he was not prepared to kill Eleklia.

Isaac once again gave up on the control spells he was best at.

As soon as he raised his hand, it was a restraining force field chain, as flexible as a snake and python, entangled towards Eleklia.

If such a force field chain is used to imprison the leader of the ice demon, it will basically not have much effect. It will be broken free by force. Moreover, the ice demon's spell-like ability is tied up and cannot be used. How to be affected.

But when such a force field chain is used on Eleklia, it is completely different.

Eleklia is a priest, and priests' magical spells also need to be prepared in advance. This means that even if Eleklia has the "spell setting" expertise, if she does not prepare any setting spells in advance, once she is Bound by "power shackles", it is quite possible that it will restrict the normal spellcasting ability and movement ability for the duration of the spell.

In addition, at this moment, Isaac still performs "Overlimit-Prompt". If Eleklia wants to keep up with the rhythm, she must simultaneously perform spell prompts to counter...

With one strike of "Power Shackles", Isaac took another step forward without waiting to see how the Snow Queen would respond. His figure flashed again and he was already at the back of the azure field.

Right now.

"Hold him!"

The telepathic link and Eleklia's voice sounded in the heart of the ice demon leader. At the same moment, the dazzling magic aura suddenly shone on the frost scepter.

It's the force field chains that are entangled.

With the power of the sacred ice inherent in the scepter, Eleklia directly hit it hard, causing a strong "ice explosion" effect. Even if the chain was shaped by force field energy, it would It was blocked by the ice that exploded.

Just this.

"Ice shield!"

Still coming from the Frost Scepter itself, a shield composed entirely of magical ice walls formed around Eleklia.

At the same time.

"Spell-like ability is instantaneous - advanced teleportation!"

Once again, Wadsworth's figure flashed in an instant.

Isaac just appeared at the back of the azure field, almost like a shadow, and the leader of the ice demon also arrived.


The ice demon is born with supernatural abilities.

On the giant axe, a vicious cold energy condensed instantly.

He was still in the "God's Wrath" state, but instead of carrying out a full blow like the "Destruction Blow", Wadsworth slowed down his strength and swung the giant battle ax into a whirlwind, sweeping towards the opposite side.


"Extreme ice ray!"

He can use this eighth-level realm magic in the cold realm three times a day.

Although it was difficult to determine whether this type of magical ability could have an effect on the opponent, at this moment, Wadsworth started to use it without hesitation.

It was in response to his decisive cooperation.

"The Wrath of Orul!"

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