Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1229 Extraordinary and Limited

Within the ice shield.

Holding the "Winter Dawn Apocalypse" in her hand, Eleklia's long hair flew and she let out a scolding sound like a storm or thunder.

An extremely strong command!

Suddenly, countless prismatic snowflakes began to dance in the blue and ice-like field.

There is also a deep and suffocating force of oppression, which is also spreading at the same time.

Just for a moment.


Blizzard, lightning, hurricane!

A huge tornado that enveloped the area quickly formed in front of Elaklia as she shouted.

Blizzard, this is the power of winter!

Lightning, this is the power of destruction!

Hurricane, this is the power of the storm!

The combination of the three corresponds to the fact that the goddess of winter is a symbol of nature's ruthless destruction and disaster.

Holding the "Winter Dawn Apocalypse" in her hand, Eleklia's eyes were emitting furious and ruthless icy blue light.

In response to her will, the storm of disaster suddenly swept towards Isaac.

Not a legendary spell!

However, it was the formation of this disaster storm that swept across again.

While Isaac was casually dealing with the ice demon leader, his eyes also wrinkled slightly.

"It's still just a ninth-level magic!"

"But it is definitely not at the same intensity level as the ordinary ninth-level magic!"

Just like, for spells of the same level, one is a standard spell, the other is a full-round spell, or even a spell that takes ten minutes or even a whole day to perform, the intensity is naturally different.

Relevant spell-casting materials, related spell-casting instruments, and investment in professional accumulation are also factors that affect spell strength.

If his analysis is correct, Eleklia's magical technique has two major prerequisites.

First, the "Winter Dawn Apocalypse"!

Secondly, the combination of "transcendental body" and "chosen essence"!

The existence of these two prerequisites, regardless of whether she has further invested in career accumulation, has already determined that her ninth-level magic, in terms of "difficulty coefficient", is far from ordinary nine-level magic. Super divine magic can reach it!

That's not all.

Although the "difficulty coefficient" determines the strength of the spell, it does not mean everything.

What makes Isaac pay more attention is...

"The corresponding meanings of these two prerequisites!"

With a casual wave of his hand, he blocked the slash of the ice demon leader's battle ax with his bare hands. Seeing the storm of disaster sweeping over, Isaac stepped forward again, and his figure suddenly reached the other side of the blue field.

At the same time, a look of thinking appeared in his eyes.

From his understanding, whether it is divine magic or arcane magic, these are actually magic creations achieved by leveraging the essence of magic.

The reason why the two are different is to distinguish them.

Take mages and priests for example.

The mage's spellcasting is directly related to the essence of magic through himself, and then completes the spellcasting.

As for pastors, this requires an intermediary.

In most cases, the intermediary through which priests perform divine magic is naturally the deity they believe in.

The priest prays, passes through the gods, or the clerical powers possessed by the gods, and further the areas they control, and then relates to the essence of magic. This is the completion of divine magic.

In a few cases, if certain divine powers, such as Lords of the Abyss and Lords of Hell, can also grant divine spells to believers, this "intermediary" method is actually similar.

The root cause lies in the connection between the gods themselves, their related powers and domains, and the essence of magic.

The existence of this "intermediary" undoubtedly greatly limits the creativity of magical arts.

In particular, every god has its own philosophy of existence, so it will actively restrict believers from researching and mastering certain aspects.

This is the decision. Divine magic cannot be compared with arcane magic in terms of breadth.

However, divine magic also has its own unique side.

Not to mention the well-known close relationship between the positive energy plane and the negative energy plane, as well as the various medical magic and damage-causing magic that come from it.

Not to mention the extraordinary protection and attack against specific camps and specific areas.

After all, these characteristics are universal. From Isaac's perspective, he can even realize them directly through arcane methods.

What really matters to Isaac is the "intermediary"!

Although the existence of an "intermediary" limits the breadth of divine art, at the same time, the existence of this "intermediary" also means that under certain special conditions, the "variables" possessed by divine art will be difficult to Estimate and grasp.

The analysis is still based on the comparison between arcane magic and divine magic.

Such as "wishes" and "miracles".

For the former, if enough career accumulation is invested, the limit of the changes that "Prayer" can produce is completely corresponding to the difficulty coefficient. The essence of magic is that it will never allocate an extra millimeter of extra strength to it.

But the latter is different.

Although generally speaking, the intensity of the "miraculous spell" corresponds to the investment, this is only usual.

If in some special circumstances, such as what responds to the "miracle" prayer, it is not the domain itself, or even the divine power, but the gods directly hear the prayer and pay attention to it...

With the addition of this "subjective consciousness", the intensity coefficient of divine magic is difficult to predict!

This kind of situation will especially happen to those priests who have strong divine grace and are even closely related to the gods themselves.

Like sunflower dew!

Another example is the Ice and Snow Queen in front of me!

However, if that was all, Isaac wouldn't think so much.

After all, all this was expected.

In his opinion, Eleklia's magical technique at this time is more meaningful for research than the direct descending power of the Winter Goddess.

"The Goddess of Winter wants to bring down her divine power through her prayers. That is through the power of the priesthood and through the domain."

"And the spell she is casting at this time is actually promoting the power of several fields related to the goddess of winter!"

"Although this promotion is based on the "Winter Dawn Revelation" as an instrument, and because of the combination of 'transcendent body' and 'chosen essence', she also has an essence that is close to divinity, so she can be related to There is a direct connection with the fields, but because this essence is rooted in the Winter Goddess, not herself, so with this connection, she can only promote the relevant fields, or at best manipulate them, but cannot truly control them. but……"

"This is enough!"

Quickly, I analyzed and speculated on the causes and consequences of Eleklia's magic.

Isaac's eyes flickered again and again without realizing it.

Elaklia, you are leveraging the power of the "Cold Realm" and "Storm Realm"!

With this kind of spellcasting, her spell strength will far exceed the usual limit.

Moreover, closely related to the field, she also has sufficient control over such ultra-limited spells.

With this control power... on the opposite side, the disaster storm that failed due to his teleportation was turning here at the moment.

"Such a spellcasting is, in essence, even close to the state of my 'mysterious power'."

"However, she has a congenital flaw!"

"The existence of the Winter Goddess means that the power of the domain is not under her control. This is to limit her to death!"

Otherwise, this Ice and Snow Queen, who has ruled the Great Glacier for nearly a thousand years, may not be able to create "level ten spells" beyond the limit in this special form!

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