Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1237 Lock

Isaac's heart moved, and he quickly found the approximate location of this port city.

From a geographical point of view, Sergante and Serlon are on the east and west sides of the same peninsula. Both have excellent port conditions and have both developed into urban cities.

Once upon a time, just like Serron now, Sergant was also one of the earliest bases of the Dragon Witch Cult.

However, it should be related to a legendary leader in the history of Sambia, but the influence of the Dragon Witch Cult in Sergante is no longer what it once was.

From this point of view, the alliance between the purple-robed archmage Janeste and the green dragon Drotroast should be taken advantage of to take advantage of the general trend of confrontation with the ghosts to take advantage of the situation. The influence of the Dragon Witch Cult once again spread to Sergante's intentions.

That's not Isaac's focus, though.

What he was more concerned about was what Revalan was referring to...

"Is the target in the waters near Sergante?"

"Or is it just a maze created to attract the attention of interested people?"

Of course, it cannot be absolutely ruled out that Revalan actually does not have this purpose.

After all, based on the current information he had, his speculations about the purpose of the City of Shadows were based on the prerequisite information provided by Kelben that the City of Shadows was searching for the ruins of the Floating City.

If the information provided by Kelben is not accurate, then naturally what Revalan is referring to cannot be determined.

However, based on Isaac's own judgment, the probability of this possibility is quite small.

He roughly concluded that Revalan's action against Sambia was heading towards the ruins of the floating city, and this floating city should have fallen into the inland sea!

"Inland Sea!"

After pondering in his heart for a moment, Isaac looked at Fierra again: "Besides the target of Sergante, are there other places where the ghosts hang out in the coastal areas?"

Coastal areas!

This specifically refers to...

Fierla's heart moved, and after thinking for a moment, she replied: "It seems that Ye Hong in the north also has their spies operating. However, Ye Hong is close to Odulin. In recent years, the Dragon Witch Cult has been targeting that The influence on the border has been weakened a lot, but it is difficult to grasp accurate information."

Ye Hong is also an important port city in Sambia, but geographically speaking, Ye Hong is already in the north of Sambia, close to the capital Odulin.

Around the Year of Turbulence, after the Sambian faction lost several of its most powerful ancient red dragon lichs, its potential influence on these areas also declined simultaneously.

"Ye Hong!"

"It shouldn't be here!"

Isaac briefly recalled the information about this city, but he quickly came up with some speculations.

It shouldn’t be Ye Hong!

After all, Revalan's original target was Cormier.

After Cormier's offensive went awry, he turned to Sambia.

Geographically, Cormyr is in the west of Sambia, and the distance between Yehong and Yehong, which is in the east and north of Sambia, is too big.

To attract attention, it is more likely to act against Ye Hong.

After this judgment, Isaac asked again: "Sambia is close to the sea, has anything unusual happened recently? Including Longhu, have the ghosts haunted these places?"

Something unusual happening offshore?

After thinking about it for a moment, Fierra said slowly: "If there is any abnormality, the first place is naturally the Pirate Islands, but the situation there is under your control, so I won't say more.

In addition, there are rumors that the first choice of the Masked King, Erevis Keller, seems to have had a fierce battle with a powerful ancient sea monster, Thesmys, in the ocean..."

This "Masked King" does not refer to Eilistraee's brother. It is another title of the God of Thieves.

Whether it is priesthood or title, the God of Thieves Mask and the Masked King Velen have considerable overlap.

Both are known as the "Masked King" and both have the title of "Shadow King".

They all have the "Priesthood of Stealing" and "Priesthood of Conspiracy", and they also control the "Field of Trickery".

Even the holy emblems are similar.

Moreover, to a large extent, there are many alliances between the two.

Velen is attracting surface races to join his sect in the name of "King of Shadows".

Mask is also trying to get some supplements from Velen.

"Mask's First Chosen One!"

Isaac's heart moved.

Unlike Viren.

Because they are not in the same pantheon, although Viren is also active in the shadow realm, there is no direct conflict with Lady of the Night, so they have always been in an alliance.

Mask is different. The god of thieves who is also active in the shadow realm has always been eyeing by the Lady of the Night because he controls the essence related to the "shadow priesthood".

In this conflict between Sambia and the Shadow Souls, Mask's two major voters have been fighting against the Shadow Souls.

If Isaac's understanding is correct, the first chosen one named "Erevis Keller" should still come from the "Mask of Dark Night" in Ximen City.

However, after the "Mask of the Dark Night" gradually fell into the control of vampires, this elector stayed in Sambia for a long time, paying little attention to the situation at the "Mask of the Dark Night".

"Where did this battle take place?"

Isaac became interested.

The chosen ones of the God of Thieves would not go into the deep sea for no reason to provoke the ancient sea monster.

In such a fierce battle, there must always be a lead.

Due to the confrontation between him and the Yin Hun people, if the clue was there, he discovered the Yin Hun people's actions, so he followed them.

This can explain why he interacted with the ancient sea monster!

And if that's the case...

Naturally, the place where this battle took place must be close to the place where the ghosts are moving!

"It should have happened in the waters near Sergante."

"Erevis Keller's recent actions are all centered around the matter between the City of Shadows and Sergante."

"Although he is not close to the followers of the Masked King, there is a high degree of agreement between the two parties on the matter of opposing the ghosts. It is said that because of this, he is not close to his rival, the Masked King. The second choice, Drasek Raven, has joined forces several times."

"If Your Majesty is interested in this matter, I will conduct a thorough investigation later."

"Recently, agents of the Dragon Witch Cult have also been gathering around Sergante. Although this battle took place in the ocean, it should not be traceable."

Fierra actually had some money at this time.

The leader of the Dragon Worship Cult is suspecting that the City of Shadows has other intentions in attacking Sambia, and this is exactly what he is targeting!

This is naturally a good thing for Sambia.

No matter how many times the Yin Hun attacked, they were all repelled by Sambia. However, as one of the twelve leaders of the Dragon Witch Cult, Fierla naturally knew that those who attacked were just the Yin Hun. It's just a small part of the power.

In particular, it was only the two ghost princes who led this war.

In fact, only one of these two ghost princes actually made a move.

The most powerful prince, Revalan, has never actually taken any public action!

Under such circumstances, if the leader of the Dragon Worship Sect also intervenes, it will naturally be a good thing for Sambia, the Dragon Witch Sect, or should I say, for him personally.

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