Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1238 Cyrus (take leave during the day)

(After 0 o'clock, today is the anniversary of my father's death. I have to go back to my hometown to pay respects during the day, and it is basically too late for the noon one. Please take a leave of absence. I will see if I can make up for it in the evening.)

"Make sure of this!"

"In addition, is there a channel for the Dragon Witch Cult to understand and contact the Silos situation?"

Cyrus, this is the collective name for the territories of the Inner Sea and the bottom of the sea.

Although Isaac has never actually been in contact with this place, he also knows that the sea elves in Selos have a civilization that is as prosperous as the elves' royal court.

According to the legend, Aresemaliel, the sea elf empire that lasted for more than ten thousand years, actually ruled almost the entire Cyrus.

Aresemalier's royal capital, Keresemale City, the name of the "Coral City" has spread throughout many coastal countries.

The "Mith South Tower" created with high magic is the status of Myth Drannor in the Elf King's court for the ocean races.

And the "Duka Society" that directly created this mysterious miracle under the sea is the High Mage Society that has guarded Cyrus for thousands of years.

Even today, the Aresemaliel Empire has long since declined and split, but there are rumors that after the demise of the elf court, a high mage walked out of the forest and joined the sea elf kingdom of Cyros.

Already possessing an extraordinary mastery of magic, and with the addition of those high mages from the Elf King's Court, the sea elf kingdom of Selos seems to have a tendency to flourish again.

Of course, Isaac knew something, and that was it.

He who has never had any actual contact with Silos, naturally he will not know what is going on with Silos, and he has never had the will to explore.

The reason why I asked at this time was just because I considered that if there was a floating city that fell into the inner sea, the most likely to know about it would be the undersea tribes of Cyrus.

Just like, if Irevis Keller had a fierce battle with the ancient sea monster because of tracking the ghosts, then it is very likely that the territory occupied by this sea monster may be the relic of the floating city. It's about!

"What about Cyrus?"

Ferra frowned a little.

Although the Dragon Witch Cult is powerful, there are not a few giant dragons, all of whom have the ability to breathe water and even cast spells, but among the five-color dragons, there is really no one who will develop power in the ocean.

Therefore, he may have some sources of information about Cyrus, but it is a bit difficult for him to get him in touch with that side.

But who asked the question, not only the boss of the Dragon Worship Cult, but even the greatest son of the Dragon Queen.

No matter how difficult it was, he had no choice but to try his best to think of a way.

After pondering for a while, Ferla raised his gaze again: "For Cyrus, there should be no direct contact with the Dragon Witch Cult, but, as far as I know, some pirate forces that once entrenched in the Pirate Islands , seems to have a tradition of forming an alliance with the deep-sea monster.

In addition, on Cormyr's side, the sea elves and Thoreau murlocs in Misnanta should have resumed their trade.

Furthermore, the son of the Grand Commander, the legendary adventurer named "Silver Crow" Mikros Selric, is said to have had a close relationship with sea elves during his many years of adventure career.

If Your Majesty needs it, I should be able to pass through those pirates and try to get in touch with the giant monsters of the deep sea.

In addition, through the spies arranged by Darren, as long as there is enough time, there should be a possibility of contacting Mithnanta through Cormyr.

However, Misnan Tower has always rejected us, and this contact may not reveal our true identity..."

Darren, which is also the metropolis of Sembia.

However, the prosperity of this metropolitan city is different from that of port cities such as Serlund and Sergante.

Darren is adjacent to Cormyr, and has always had a close relationship with Cormyr. Its prosperity is also due to this reason.

Through the pirates, encounter the monsters of the deep sea!

Through Darren, and indirectly through Cormyr, contact the Myth South Tower!

The only thing Ferla ruled out was contacting the sea elves through the son of the Grand Commander.

Isaac thought about his meaning for a while, but he also nodded: "Hurry up, find out those pirates first, I want to know the situation of the sea monster Sesmesh as soon as possible."

Since the pirates are related to the deep-sea giants, it is also possible that they have a direct or indirect relationship with the Kraken Siren, which also belongs to the deep-sea giants and is also the most powerful type of monsters.

Through them, it is a good way to learn about the situation of the ancient sea monster Sesmis.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will finish this matter as soon as possible."

"Speaking of which, it is actually very convenient to find out the whereabouts of these pirates now."

"After the pirate islands changed, most of these guys hid their identities and wandered around the Dragon Coast."

While Ferla was accepting the order, there was still a hint of a chuckle emerging.

The one who drove all those pirates out of the Pirate Islands was the boss in front of him!

Now I have to use these people again...

Isaac understood what he was referring to, but he also showed a slight smile, nodded slightly, and said, "Since that's the case, I will leave this matter to you. In addition, with Misnanta , Let’s also try to get in touch. Know more, master more, there is nothing wrong. It may not be useless in the future.”

Phila took the lead.

It's just contact through normal business and trade, which is naturally no problem for the forces under his command.

After exchanging some more information related to Sembia, especially the "Huiyang Brotherhood" and the two electors of the God of Thieves.

Isaac then left.

Ferla waited until his substitute came back here in a carriage, and it was obvious that he already had the status of a lord, so he quietly left the manor.


In a blink of an eye, it was three days later.

Half-plane base.

Isaac, who is used to arranging things to his subordinates, has already returned to research at this time.

The meeting with the Ice Queen was quite touching for him.

At one time, through the "Corrupt Tekira Stone", he was also able to temporarily increase the strength of spells.

However, such methods are not real high magic of elves after all, after all, their improvement is limited.

Moreover, it is only an increase in strength.

Elecleia's method gave him another way of thinking.

Do not use the individual to resonate with the whole to leverage a larger coefficient.

Directly promote the power of the field, and use it as the core to carry out the most special form of divine art creation!

This kind of creation, although in principle, is completely different from the high magic of the elves.

However, the difference is that both of them can exceed the normal spell level limit to create powerful spells that are close to "forbidden spells".

At this time, Isaac's research is conceiving the creation of these "pseudo-level ten spells".

Yes, these!

Although if he was asked to start from scratch to conceive the creation of "pseudo-level ten spells", it would undoubtedly require a lot of time, energy, and resources to complete the research of each spell.

However, if a trick is used, based on some high-level spells, using the "difficulty coefficient" as the scientific unit, increasing their strength, modifying various coefficients, or going further, combining various effects , for him, the difficulty has dropped sharply.

For this kind of research, he doesn't even need to practice it step by step. He can complete the detailed formulas and steps only by theoretical calculations.

in this way……

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