Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1241 Strange

Unexpected, but what a coincidence!

Although the results of Philla's investigation are not necessarily guaranteed to be free of deviations and errors, there is no doubt that a lot of the information that has been basically determined makes Isaac, His expression changed several times.

Not only the three parties, but also the slaadi, and the ghosts are suspected to be latecomers!

It is not a floating city, but it is closely related to the floating city.

"Deep Sea Colony Base!"

This unexpected situation made Isaac's heart slightly wrinkled.

If Fiela’s investigation is correct and the ghosts are really the last to arrive...

"Then it must be that the slaad is searching for information and is being targeted by Erevis and the others!"

"But it doesn't matter who comes first. The point is, if it is really just a deep-sea colonial base and it is destroyed by the big explosion..."

Is there still a possibility of the existence of Mythronic cores?

This is the only thing Isaac cares about.

After pondering in his heart for a moment, Isaac said in a deep voice: "Tell me about the situation of these deep-sea bases. They exist and have existed here in Sellen Bay. Is there any relevant exploration and discovery?"

It's just a base, so it can't be a floating city.

During the Magic Dynasty, every floating city represented a great arcanist, which also meant an independent private country.

Even the three arcane kings cannot use a great arcane master's floating city as a colonial base.

This was also the most critical factor that led him to doubt the existence of the Miser energy core.

Only the Great Arcanist can create the Myser Energy Core. With the Myser Energy Core, it means that there is the foundation for the birth of the floating city.

Since this is not a floating city, it is naturally unlikely to have a Myser energy core!

Fierra had made preparations in advance and replied without much thought: "The information that can be found so far shows that there should be three deep-sea bases, clearly named 'Kulmas' and 'Verappan'. As well as 'Quila Uvis', in the records, these three bases are described as deep-sea bases with 'magical crystal domes'. This description should be a description of the base's magic enchantment.

These three bases have existed for almost a century. It is said that during this period, the arcanists enslaved many sea elves.

Only then did it become known that the big explosion that finally destroyed them was the work of the high mages of the Aresemariel Empire.

At that time, the Aresaimalir Empire was still at its peak strength and fully capable of this..."

These are long-standing deeds that happened two or three thousand years ago. Even though Fierla is backed by the Dragon Witch Cult and has a profound foundation in Sambia, the direct information that can be found is just these fragments of information. recorded.

"As for the ruins under the Searlun Gulf, they may have been destroyed in the big explosion, or they may have been cleaned up by the sea elves. Over thousands of years, judging from the exploration and excavation records of many adventurers, it should be There are no magic items left."

Although Fierla has not personally explored it, given his status, he has always been active in Sellon, looking for relevant allusions, and then making concentrated comparisons. This is naturally not a problem.

In fact, there is relevant information in the base of Dragon Witch Cult.

However, when he said this, Isaac became a little strange. Without being tactful or probing, he directly asked: "Since there is no problem here in Sellon Bay, those slaads and Erevi Why did Si and the others want to explore Sergante Bay, and why did they provoke the sea monster Thesmys?"

He didn't suspect anything from Phil.

If Fierra really wanted to deceive him, he would not be so eager to conduct the interrogation and fabricate reasons that would easily arouse doubts.

However, there is indeed something wrong between Philla's preface and last words.

If the sea elves really destroyed the three deep-sea bases, could they only clean up Serron's side and ignore Sergant's side?

Or, could it be that what Slaad and Erevis were exploring wasn't the destroyed deep-sea base?

Fierla nodded in response: "Your Majesty's question is exactly what I have a question about. However, although I can't explain the difference for the time being, I think Irevis and the others should have grasped something.

The whereabouts of Irevis and Drasek are not easy to pin down, but I have arranged spies to keep an eye on the whereabouts of Magadon Custer and Jack Felit in Sergante.

These two are both close friends of Erevis. As long as we can find them and invite them, I think Erevis will naturally find them himself!

Your Majesty, do you think it is necessary to forcefully invite these two? If I need to take action, I will prepare to mobilize manpower. "

Being able to become Erevis's best friend, comrade-in-arms, and companion, the halflings and tieflings will certainly not be that simple.

Even if they are not with Erevis, it is still not an easy task for the forces under Fierra to force them from Sergante to Serron.

Isaac was not prepared to let this one bite the bullet.

After pondering for a while, Isaac said: "There is no need to force the invitation. I will visit Sergante in person later. You can give me the contact information of the secret agent there. In addition, don't let him go." , continue to pursue those slaadi. It is not easy for these slaadi to escape from the battle between Erevis and the Kraken. I want to know their specific origins."

Isaac didn't want to waste time and energy when the goal was already very likely to be deviated.

Make sure early and see if it's still necessary. Let's continue fighting against the City of Shadows!

Of course, even on his side, he might give up and continue to take the initiative to confront the City of Shadows.

But considering that the "dark energy core" is in his hands, it is difficult to judge whether the City of Shadows will take the initiative to confront him under certain circumstances.


Isaac made a decision, and Fierra naturally cooperated with the order, but while nodding, the Dragon Queen's three secret agents showed a little bit of contemplation on their faces, and continued: "But your Majesty When you get there, be sure to pay attention.

At this time, Sergante was in a turmoil. In addition to the Dragon Cult's spies, there were also the generals, the business princes, the ghosts, and maybe even the Harpers, and more. External forces, including a large number of spies, have gathered there.

Your Majesty, of course you don't care about them, but if your identity is not exposed, it may alarm Janester, and then those in the Dragon Witch Cult. "

This is indeed true.

If Isaac really reveals his true identity in Sembia, I am afraid that Sammaster and those others will immediately attract attention.

However, it is already certain that even the Snow Queen cannot see through his current "Legendary Hidden", but Isaac is confident enough not to alarm anyone.

"It doesn't matter, I know all of these."

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