Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1242 Sergante

Sambia is a typical merchant country.

The rulers of almost every large city are elected by business tycoons, and these elected people often call themselves "merchant princes" and "merchant dukes".

From these people, the commander who is further elected is the supreme ruler of Sambia.

At least, he is the apparent ruler of Sambia.

Therefore, in Sambia, nobles are businessmen, and the best among businessmen can become nobles in this country.

Often, these "nobles" are also accustomed to the thinking and behavior of businessmen, everything can be solved with money, if not, then there must be insufficient money!

In this regard, even Amn, which is also famous for its prosperous business, is completely incomparable with Sembia.

Sergante is a typical Sembian metropolis.

Among the four metropolitan cities in the south, Sergante is even more Sambia than Serron.

After all, even though Searl lun was the apparent ruler and a business tycoon, anyone who knew Searl lun knew that this bustling port city had always been the foundation of the Cult of the Dragon. It is the base camp of the Sambia faction of the Dragon Witch Cult, and no one will challenge the actual rule of the Dragon Witch Cult here.

But Sergente was different.

A legendary commander in history made Sergante escape from the influence of the Dragon Witch Cult long ago.

The current Sergant, who neither pays attention to those forces vying for the position of the great commander, nor pays attention to the infiltration and win-over of the Dragon Witch Cult all the time, has an extremely high degree of independence.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Sergante is more attractive and energetic than Selron.

For many people in Sembia, including foreign forces, Sergante should actually be the top of the four southern metropolitan cities if they only look at commerciality. , are actually inferior to it.

to this point...

Above the sky, it was teleported by an "advanced teleportation technique", overlooking the city below, the continuous tower buildings that rise one after another, overlooking the bay, densely packed with merchant ships and warships that are constantly entering and leaving.

At first glance, this city actually gave Isaac a feeling like Waterdeep City.

Of course, it's just a feeling.

Compared to the gigantic scale of Waterdeep City, Sergante's area should be only one-third, or even only about one-fourth of the size.

However, judging from the overall architectural planning of the city at a glance, this may be the wealthiest metropolitan city in Sambia, and it is indeed better than Selron.

Even if it is not as good as Waterdeep City, it still has the qualifications to be compared with Askatra, the capital of Amn, and its natural greenness.

"It's no wonder the Dragon Witch Cult can't let it go!"

"I just don't know if Janest's move this time will get the support of Sammaster or Aglorosa."

Isaac is not prepared to interfere in any way with the purple-robed archmage's plan.

It will be a good thing if the Purple Robe Archmage can take down Sergante, when he takes down the Dragon Witch Cult in the future.

If the purple-robed archmage loses... if it can make Sammaster and Aglorosa react, it is not a bad thing either.

So, just sit and watch!

Looking down at the city for a few moments, Isaac's eyes flickered slightly, and his figure disappeared into the sky.

It's time again.

Inside a busy tavern in the business district.

According to Ferla's explanation, she first asked for a designated box, then half-opened the window, and hung a string of inconspicuous tokens behind the window.

Condescending, Isaac waited quietly while overlooking the singing and dancing crowd below.

Compared to the capital city of Uudulin, which is full of small businessmen who can only do small things, compared to the indifferent and decadent Sellun, which is already in decline, Sergante is Sembia, and even the entire Longhu area. The most prestigious fashion metropolis, at least, according to the Sergantes themselves, is exactly that.

Although Isaac has never paid much attention to fashion, but at this moment, looking at these bright and sexy, passionate and not inferior at the same time, without any sense of vulgarity Sergante ladies, whether they are Dressing up, hair styling, especially the general exuberant temperament, still gave him a refreshing feeling.

That's all.

Isaac also felt in his heart, from people to city, this is indeed a unique metropolitan city with its own self-confidence and pride.

"Tuk tuk!"

Just as he was observing, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Isaac withdrew his gaze from the window.

In response, a tavern waiter just opened the door with a warm smile: "Sir, your drinks are all ready. In addition, welcome to the Kimmel House for the first time, and we have prepared a carefully prepared meal for you." The special delicacies made, see if you need to deliver it now..."

First visit!

As soon as he came, he directly designated this box, but the person in the tavern still concluded that it was his first visit...

It seems that the secret agents of the Dragon Witch Cult are hiding in this tavern.

Of course, it is more likely that this tavern itself may be a hidden stronghold of the Dragon Witch Cult.

However, the Dragon Witch Cult is the same as the Dragon Worship Cult. Some strongholds are combat-oriented, while others are purely commercial.

Presumably, this tavern is the latter.

"Say hello to Ms. Kimmel for me, but I don't appreciate her kindness."

Isaac nodded slightly.

Ms. Kimmel was the proprietress of this tavern, and the code Phila gave him for further contact was related to the proprietress.

As soon as he said this.

The smile of the waiter on the opposite side became more cordial: "It turns out that the husband is an old friend, and I am unfamiliar with it. I don't know what else, I can serve you?"

While talking, on the other hand, the waiter put his middle finger and thumb together, made a gesture inadvertently, and quickly retracted it.

The password is right.

Isaac casually put away the token hanging on the window.

Seeing this, the waiter's gaze also moved, and his final confirmation was completed.

"I don't need anything else, just follow this arrangement and deliver it as soon as possible."

As Isaac spoke, he handed the waiter a silver coin.

"Don't worry sir, it will be fine soon."

Under the silver coin, the touch of the note, the waiter bowed, quickly exited the room, and closed the door again.

After a while.

With another knock on the door, drinks and food were delivered, but it was no longer the same waiter as before.

Isaac didn't care either, after letting him back down.

His gaze fell on the refined cheese that was presented as a gift.

A beautiful card with the logo of the tavern was inserted on it.

"Storm Tower!"

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