Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1246 Trailing

The previous observations are a bit far away. Whether it is the analysis of magical auras or the observation of professional information, there will inevitably be deviations.

At this time, he had already followed behind the three of them, and when Isaac looked at them again, he found a discovery that was obviously different from the previous observation.

There is a problem with Ferra's information!

Of course, it might be due to the information of the Dragon Worship Cult, who hadn't been able to accurately grasp the situation of these people.

Originally, he thought that this tiefling might be a great discovery, or even a great harvest, during his trip. In this way, even if the matter of Miser's energy core failed in the end, it would still be a worthwhile trip.

From tiefling, he might be able to think about how to design Mephistopheles.

Just like, for the half-purgatory fire giant, he has been hanging around for a while and didn't directly attack it, which also has some new ideas.

Unexpectedly, this tiefling was a great discovery, and the eldest lady of the Uskevillan family was also not bad at all.

A holy sword!

Moreover, even though Isaac had seen many holy artifacts, this holy sword, even before it was unsheathed, gave him an extraordinary, extraordinary feeling.

This should be a very powerful holy artifact!

Su Jinni can get this holy sword, and if his induction is correct, she should also be recognized by this holy sword, and she has actually mastered the power of the holy sword...

This is a lady, perhaps not inferior to Eileen!


"Based on the current changing situation of Sergante, she can obtain this holy artifact, and even get the approval of the sacred artifact. I am afraid that there is something deeper behind it."

"Most likely, it points to the City of Shadows, to Lady Dark Night!"

Among the many churches of gods in Sembia, apart from the followers of Lady Dark Night, none of them would welcome the invasion of the City of Shadows.

Sects such as the Goddess of Silver Moon, the Goddess of Magic, the God of Dawn, and the Goddess of Love have always been the staunchest opponents of Lady of the Night.

Such as the God of Knowledge and the God of Literature, etc., this is also hostile to Ms. Dark Night.

For the invasion of the City of Shadows, some people made preparations in advance, which couldn't be more normal.

Coming from one of the two great business families of Sergante, at the center of the confrontation between the City of Ghosts and Sembia, Sagini also has the qualifications for some people to invest!

This discovery, and this speculation.

Although he was a little disappointed with the absence of Irevis Keller, Isaac was not in a hurry to make a direct move.

"It's not too late."

"Look behind her first, who will it be!"

"By the way... I also want to know what's going on between the City of Shadows and Sergante."

Although for the time being, he will not reveal his identity in Sambia, but in the future, if Sammaster is captured, then those three are eliminated, the Dragon Witch Cult is annexed, and he enters Sambia, which is inevitable.

In this way, by the way, it is necessary to know about the situation of Sergante in advance.

Then, neither slow nor fast, Isaac continued to follow silently.


When it comes to the "eyeless mask" and the collusion with the ghosts, Sagini's efficiency is extremely fast.

It didn't take half an hour. On their side, they just arrived at the port area, only a few minutes away, and Sagini's companion arrived quickly.

Three people came.

One is wearing a robe and holding a magic book, giving people a thin and quiet feeling, so it should be a mage.

One is actually a half-orc, carrying a long bow and sharp arrows, carrying a huge axe, and wearing a heavy armor. The built-in position of the belt is filled with various potion bottles, giving him the feeling of being fully armed.

The last person is a dark and straight woman with an exotic temperament, mysterious but also charming.

Inevitably, Su Jinni quickly introduced each other and the next target for them.

Hearing that the target is "Eyeless Mask", everyone has no problem.

But they quickly became familiar with it, and quickly sneaked to somewhere in the port area.


Isaac continued to follow, but at the same time, his eyes frowning, fixed on the black-haired woman.

A familiar feeling.


With a movement in his heart, some long-standing memories floated up in his heart.

That was a thing of adolescence.

He and Altana ran away from home, but they took control of a lycanthropist village that lived in seclusion in the forest.

This black-haired woman gave him the feeling that he was seeing the fox female patriarch again.

"Another lycanthropist who believes in the Silver Moon Goddess!"

However, this memory is not a good thing.

It was because of those lycanthropes that Altana had been imprisoned in Lei Loren for many years.

Because of this, he wandered around for many years.

Although these wanderings have also promoted his achievements in the field of magic, but...could he still be grateful to those lycanthropes who left without warning, leaving them defenseless?

subjective factor.

After realizing that the black-haired woman should be the lycanthropist priest of the Silver Moon Goddess, Isaac's favorability for this team suddenly dropped in his heart.

However, they have already followed here, and they will not make a move now.


On the surface, the lair of the eyeless mask looks like an ordinary port warehouse.

However, Jack Phillipt had already explored this place in advance, but he knew that hidden under this warehouse was a complex underground structure connected to the sewer system.

However, although the underground structure is complicated, it is impossible for him to easily explore it and explore it more clearly. However, he is already familiar with the sewer environment further below.

There is no intention of going to the ground to break through.

The halfling led the team, went directly through the secret passage, entered the sewer, and quickly touched a hidden secret door.

The tiefling psionic mage then stepped forward.

The casting of psychic powers hardly requires any spell-casting actions and words, which are far more restrained than normal spells.

Moreover, psychic powers are uniquely good at manipulating matter and confusing thoughts.

Seeing that Magadon-Caster passed through the secret door directly as if he had turned into a spirit body, and in a blink of an eye, he controlled the situation inside without any movement, and then the secret door was opened by his manipulation.

From the beginning to the end, no evil power related to that hellfire was used at all.

"It seems to have a lot of similarities with Brother Githzerai's psychic powers."

"It's not surprising, though."

"Whether the heir of Mephistopheles is related to the devil king of hell, or the person targeting the devil king of hell, it is normal for him to have any encounters."

Just like, isn't he eyeing this one now?

Seeing that Magadon Custer took the lead to open the way ahead, and Isaac walked unhurriedly at the end of the line, at the same time, there was a slight flash of strangeness in his eyes.

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