Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1247 Crimson Gold

Although in his judgment, this tiefling's spellcasting method is somewhat similar to that of a Githzerai monk.

However, he would naturally not think that Magadon Castor was practicing his own practice in the manner of a Githzerai monk.

The personality differences are too great.

The Githzerai are not known for this kind of bad temper.

However, it is strange that a guy with such a temper can actually possess such level of psychic powers?

If the world is not full of wonders, then...

"Although it is basically due to the blood of Demon King Mephistopheles, we cannot absolutely rule it out. Is it related to his mother?"

On the one hand, although the blood of the Demon King is magical, it will not be any better than the essence of the chosen people. Moreover, at least the descendants of the Demon King whom Isaac is aware of do not seem to have heard of anyone with psychic powers, Mephisto. Felice himself, according to the information circulated, has never shown any psychic powers.

On the other hand, to be able to give birth to an heir with Mephistopheles, this tiefling's mother must not be an ordinary person.

If Magadon's psychic powers were inherited from her, this wouldn't be too surprising.

It was while Isaac was observing and making associations.

At the front, there was something wrong with Magadon's psychic powers when he encountered the last bandit elite wearing a black iron mask.

This is a Dark Guardian!

The Dark Guard's strong resistance to mind control, and Magadon's mind manipulation, surprisingly failed to control him.

Even though Jack Felit and Sakini reacted quickly, they surrounded and killed them almost immediately.

Especially for Sagini, when the holy sword was unsheathed, the crimson and hot sacred power rose up in just an instant. The dark guard's natural aura of despair was evaporated in an instant as if it was directly burned by the sun. on the spot.

Under such absolute suppression, with the cooperation of Sakinni and the halfling, the Dark Guard was surprisingly unable to hold on for even one round, and was already struck down by the golden holy sword burning with crimson flames. The beheading was completed directly.

However, although Sageni and the halfling's reactions were extremely fast and their actions were extremely decisive, in the end, due to this momentary deviation, the Eyeless Mask, who had always been vigilant enough, still reacted. .

In the underground secret passage, the sharp magic alarm bell instantly pierced the silence.

"I'll intercept that side. You fight quickly and get over there as soon as possible."

Magadon was a little embarrassed. After saying a word, his figure suddenly transformed into a spirit form again and passed directly through a stone wall.

Jack Felit didn't stop him.

He has been an old friend with Magadon for many years. He naturally knows that Magadon not only has the ability to hinder various teleportation spells, but also has the miraculous ability to directly change the destination of teleportation spells. Most importantly, this violent tiefling is not someone else. of spellcasters.

A normal spell caster would still use a staff to hit people.

If this violent tiefling doesn't use spells, he can still fight with barbarian warriors with his fists.

Therefore, in his plan, regardless of whether the infiltration went smoothly or not, Magadon's interference with the transmission inside was all part of the plan.

At this time, Magadon's shameless reaction was actually part of his preconceived ideas, so there was no need to stop him.

Of course, it was necessary for Magadon to intercept first.

They responded quickly, but it was also necessary.

Although tieflings are a bit irritable and sometimes have childish ideas, and there is still unfathomably powerful evil power hidden deep in their blood, but...

All of this is okay, tiefling is almost the only common confidant between him and Erevis in the past ten or twenty years!

Of course he wouldn't let the tiefling go deep into danger alone!

"Quick victory!"

"The time Magadon can delay is limited!"

"Kill them as quickly as possible and keep those people completely!"

In the sound, Jack Felit's figure seemed to suddenly turn into an illusion, and disappeared into the air.

Although he is a thief, he is also a priest. He is the priest of the halfling god of thieves, and he also has the ability to cast spells.

"Follow me!"

Sajinni didn't make any sensational slogans. She just waved the flaming holy sword in her hand and killed her as fast as flying.

Halflings and tieflings are close friends in life and death.

Her partners can also trust each other in life and death, and they are also the most elite adventurers!

Although there is no lower limit for the eyeless mask, this is just a stronghold. How can it stop their full thrust?

Seeing these people, no longer needing to hide their traces, they used the blazing red flames transformed by Sagini as spearheads to rush into the depths of the secret passage, even if there were all kinds of insidious traps on the opposite side. It can't stop their impact at all...

"This kind of power..."

Although he followed him as if he were taking a leisurely stroll, Isaac's eyes were slightly frowning at this moment.

As expected, Sakinni's holy sword does have extremely powerful holy power, and it may be regarded as a truly powerful artifact.


Even at this moment, Sakinni was beginning to release its holy power, but he was still a little unsure.

"The power of fire!"

"But it is not the power of the prince of the fire element, nor the power of the god of the fire element. It has a hint of the fire of the sun, but it should not be consistent with the god of morning. Could it be..."

With a thought in his heart, Isaac suddenly thought of the "rising sun theory" that Sambia was promoting.

Of course, in Sembia, this is the "Rising Sun Doctrine", but in the Pancontinent, at least in most places, it is the "Rising Sun Heresy"!

"Lord of Eternal Glory?"

It's not impossible.

Since the Rising Sun Doctrine was born in Sambia, this person is naturally closely related to Sambia.

Thinking about it again, all sun gods are the opposite of the Lady of the Night.

Once the Lady of the Dark Night takes over Sembia, the status of the Rising Sun Sect can be imagined.

It is normal for this person to place a bet in advance.

Considering this point, the Silver Moon Sect, the priests of the Goddess of Magic, and perhaps the God of Knowledge and Literature must also have been actively preparing for this, right?

Revalan personally led the army, but has yet to be able to advance into Sambia. Now he has the idea to manipulate the hearts of Sergante and trigger a strange move like a civil war in Sambia. This is probably exactly what happened with Sambia. Related to this!

It seems that the eldest prince of the City of Ghosts has become more cautious after suffering a loss from Cormyr.

"Lord of Eternal Glory!"

"Ancient Sun God!"

"Are they one and the same, or are they actively adapting to the evolution of the times?"

"Or is it a kind of encroachment, a kind of substitution?"

That's what you have to think about.

Ahead, a magical confrontation finally broke out.

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