Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1248 Misjudgment

“The Priest of the Damsel of Pain.”

"Believers of the Black-Blooded Beast King."

"Followers of the Plague Lady."

"And the Dark Guards of the Dark Lord."

"This, the Dark Moon Monks actually have it too!"

Deep in the secret passage, Magadon and the mage with the eyeless mask were having a magical confrontation.

Here, as Sagini led the team to charge forward at full speed, elite thieves in black iron masks also appeared one after another.

Although these thieves could not stop the joint attack of Sakinni and the half-orc barbarian warrior, almost all of them were decapitated by the red flame holy sword in the blink of an eye, or even smashed directly by the axe.

However, Isaac followed all the way, his eyes constantly scanning these masked thieves, but he also had strange looks.

No wonder they say there is no lower limit to eyeless masks.

This is a hodgepodge of evil cultists, and as long as they put on a mask, everyone can make trouble together.

In this kind of environment, these people are probably eager to compete with each other and there is no lower limit.

Naturally, it is better than that of the Dragon Witch Cult. Everyone knows each other's identities, so they inevitably have to care about face, but it is even more uncontrollable.

Similarly, all evil sects are potential sources of members in a hodgepodge, which is naturally more difficult to exterminate than the "Night Sword".


"To be able to bring so many evil cultists together..."

"Although the design of this 'eyeless mask' is naturally suitable for members to hide their identities from each other, but..."

Sensing the exchange of magic in the deepest part of the secret passage, Isaac's eyes also showed some curiosity.

On the one hand, he was a little curious about what kind of person could create such an organization.

On the other hand, what made him even more curious was the purpose of such a person creating such an organization.

With its ability to continuously attract evil believers, and even a high-level spellcaster inside, Isaac would not believe it if it was said that it had no special purpose and was just doing evil for the sake of doing evil.

If that were the case, there would be no need to create such an organization.

And since it is very likely, it has a special purpose...

Considering the consistent style of the Eyeless Mask, Isaac was a little confused even though he didn't know much about it.

However, he should be basically sure of one thing.

"It can't be an organization related to the Yinhuns!"

The creation of the Eyeless Mask was much earlier than the return of the City of Ghosts.

Moreover, the original target of the City of Ghosts is Cormyr.

If the Eyeless Mask was their masterpiece in advance, it wouldn't be in Sembia!

Of course, although it was basically not the work of the ghosts, Isaac did not deny Jack Felit's speculation.

Given the limitlessness of the Eyeless Mask, if it had any connection with the ghosts, it would not be impossible.

Darkmoon monks also joined in, which in itself was also a prerequisite for establishing contact.

This was his moment of contemplation.

Sakinni's team had already penetrated the entire secret passage and broke into the core of the Eyeless Mask's lair.

Inside, a masked mage commanded a large group of black-robed masked warriors, fighting fiercely with halflings and tieflings.

Although the masked mage couldn't see any expression at all as the four Saginies charged in, the panic was clearly revealed.

This is also normal.

The various controls and interferences from the Mind Mage were already difficult enough, not to mention the powerful spell resistance brought by the bloodline of the Demon King of Magadon, which also caused too many obstacles for him.

In other words, he has enough subordinates to be able to support him.

But now, as the masked thieves outside were completely killed almost in the blink of an eye, his subordinates saw that it was impossible to resist anymore...


Sakinni went to kill him simply and roughly.

The red holy flame swept past, and in an instant, these elite warriors, who could even suppress Jack Felit, directly broke through the defense line.

Isaac's eyes flashed with strange color again at this moment.

What a surprise!

There are even some... hesitations!

"Undead warrior!"

In his eyes, these black-robed and masked warriors were all undead creatures.

Moreover, judging from the abnormal agility and sufficient freedom, in other words, it has intelligence.

Obviously, these undead warriors all have souls.


"Not a grave knight, let alone a death knight."

"This should be... a voodoo zombie!"

Voodoo zombies are much lower in cost than grave knights and death knights. They are undead creatures that can be created on a large scale.

However, although the cost is not high, this does not mean that voodoo zombies are waste.

On the contrary, the creation of voodoo zombies is of great significance even to the powerful necromancer.

Just like the Grave Knight and the Death Knight, the Voodoo Zombie is actually a special "undead template"!

In other words, the more powerful the transformed "material" itself, the more powerful this voodoo zombie will be!

Moreover, normally speaking, if the material itself is a warrior-type profession, then the overall strength of the transformed voodoo zombie will even be better than that in life!

However, despite its low cost and high power, the technology for creating voodoo zombies has not been widely spread.

From Isaac's understanding, on the one hand, this should be that the creation of voodoo zombies requires at least a high-level spellcaster to meet the prerequisites.

On the other hand, and more importantly, this technology should have come from the Red Robe side, and may even be the masterpiece of Sazastan, and may also have the participation of that god.

Therefore, the core secret of this technology should always be under the control of the Red Robe Necromancy School!

"Is it the red-robed mage?"

However, this accident did not make Isaac pay too much attention to it.

Whether it's a red-robed mage or a voodoo zombie, to him, it's actually the same thing.

What really made some hesitation appear in his eyes was...

"Perhaps the judgment is wrong, or at least it is biased!"

His eyes were once again fixed on Sakinni's golden holy sword.

Although the power of this holy sword should only be in its initial release state, it is enough for Sakinni to easily kill the voodoo zombies.

Although under the sweep of this red holy flame, the voodoo zombies also avoided it like thunder and did not dare to face it directly.


"The divine power of the God of Dawn has the ultimate degree of restraint against all undead!"

"If the Lord of Eternal Glory is the symbol of the blazing sun, his restraint on undead creatures must be even more domineering and brutal!"

"If Sakinni's holy sword is related to this person, even if it is only related to the God of Dawn, with its rank, these voodoo zombies will definitely have more than this reaction..."

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