Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1269 Creator


The tiefling's hellish flames kept erupting and sputtering, and the rampaging form of the dark fireballs that smashed into the mountain attracted his attention.

So much so that Isaac couldn't help but turn his attention to the tiefling, which was originally focused on the nuclear judgment of Mythor.

The power of hellfire!

Originating from the blood power of Mephistopheles!

Such an explosion...

"It looks like there's going to be trouble again!"

"No, it must be really troublesome!"

Once again, Isaac's heart moved.

Let’s not talk about the reasons first.

No matter what caused Magadon to trigger this rampage, judging from the results, Isaac believed in Mephistopheles, who controlled the power of Hellfire. It was impossible for him to react to this. There is no induction, after all...

At this time, this Hellfire King is in the material world!

"The night is long and the dream is long, let's take down the Mithron core first."

With this movement in his heart, Isaac continued to stare at the tiefling's rampage, and also remotely sensed the situation inside the mountain. At the same time, he said in a faint voice: "What's the situation in Magadon? What's going on here... huh?"

The voice was just coming out of the mouth. Suddenly, his mind and will suddenly moved again, and his eyes suddenly retracted, showing some surprise, but he looked around.

Surrounding it are also underwater ruins.

However, it is completely different from the half of the mountain that is inserted into the seabed, which is obviously the ruins of the floating city. The surrounding ruins, look at the degree of damage, especially the degree of destruction in most places...

This should be what Fierra said, one of the three undersea colonial bases where the Magic Dynasty was destroyed!

As for why the floating city happened to crash here...

"It should be that this floating city was hovering in this sea area before it crashed."

"These still have preserved ruins. I'm afraid it may not have been destroyed, but it is more likely that the later repairs and reconstructions are related to this floating city!"

"This can also explain why there is still a magic barrier here. This must also come from the later repair and reconstruction!"

However, these observations and judgments are not what makes Isaac suspicious at the moment.

What really surprised him was...

All around, there is a telepathic fluctuation!

Oddly... it was only at this moment that he became alert!

Strange... Similarly, even he, for a moment, was somewhat unsure of its inner nature, its frequency, and its corresponding identity!

At the same time... there is an indescribable feeling of power!

This "indescribable" does not specifically mean that it is so powerful that even he cannot estimate it.

But a... weird feeling!

It was so weird that he couldn't describe it for a while!

"Some people don't want us to stop the enslavement of Sesmeath by the Shadow Souls, so according to him, this is a deal with Magadon. He instills strength into Magadon, and Magadon assists the Shadow Souls. Attack Thesmeath.”

There was a slight hint of sarcasm in Irevis' voice.

Instilling strength?

Also, prevent them from conflicting with the ghosts?

Naturally, it can be heard that the person the bald man is referring to is the person corresponding to this spiritual power.

Similarly, if Isaac guessed correctly, the bald man and this person should have met before.

Moreover, this person should not be from the City of Shadows!

But he is not from the City of Shadows, but he agrees with the Shadow Souls to enslave the Kraken Siren. This person’s intention...

"Erevis, I told you, I just want to get out of trouble."

"You are also my friend. I don't want to be your enemy, and I don't want you to be my enemy."

"Magadon's abnormality is not that I am affecting him, but perhaps his own bloodline power is affecting his mental state. This abnormality will naturally end as long as I stop the magic infusion and wait for him to vent all his power. .”

In response to the bald man's sarcasm, that mental fluctuation was indeed the sound transmitted.


What does this have to do with the Prince of Shadows enslaving the Kraken Siren?

Isaac's heart moved, but he was not in a hurry to take action directly against the Prince of Shadows. He just thought in his heart and conveyed a voice with a little curiosity: "You two, I don't understand what you mean.

Your Excellency is trying to escape from trouble. Is this related to the Siren Thesmeath?

And we must enslave him instead of driving him away or killing him? "

This question about him.

The mental fluctuations revealed some doubts: "Erevis didn't tell you about me?"

Irevis snorted lightly: "What I promised you will naturally not be leaked at will until it is completed."

"Well, my friend, allow me to thank you again and apologize."

"However, this matter does not need to be kept secret. As long as someone can help me separate from this sea monster as soon as possible, I will be willing to pay no matter how much thanks you receive."

Meese's voice came again.

Separate! !

Combined with some previous observations, Isaac's heart suddenly moved.

And since this person doesn’t need to be kept secret...

He looked at the bald man again.

Irevis knew something about it, and after a slight thought, he stopped keeping it a secret. After all, this intelligent holy device had already said it himself, and there was no need to keep it secret.

"He is Mith, an intelligent artifact from the Magic Dynasty era. For unknown reasons, he merged with the Kraken Siren and has been pursuing escape and separation."

"The Kraken Siren has unparalleled speed in the ocean. Coupled with its fusion, it also has powerful magical abilities and incredible regeneration abilities. These should be the ones among the ghosts. The first choice is to try The reason to enslave him, not to destroy him.”

This time, the bald man didn't intend to give any guidance because of his dissatisfaction with Mies.

The ghosts tried to manipulate Sesmis instead of directly destroying it. From his current point of view, it might be possible that it was because they couldn't be destroyed!

But Isaac didn't care about this.


Intelligent holy tool!

Moreover, it even merged with the Kraken Siren!

At this moment, there was a strong sense of inquiry in his eyes, which could not be concealed.

If it is true that Miser can nuclear...

This can actually give birth to intelligence?

Moreover, this can actually be fused with the Siren?

"With all due respect, I wonder which floating city during the Magic Dynasty is controlled by Mr. Mis?"

This is just to explore whether the other side is capable of nuclear weapons.

"Your Excellency has said so."

"I am just an assistant to the 'founder' Archmage Solond and control the city of Sacros."

Mi Si's heart wavered, naturally showing a kind of respect and remembrance.

Even though it was a thousand or two thousand years ago, he was still full of nostalgia for the great mage who gave him independent intelligence.

It is precisely because of this that the Kraken Siren becomes even more intolerable and is completely opposite to the Archmage!

"The Creator", Archmage Thorund!

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