Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1270 Instigating rebellion


The floating city of Sacross!

Isaac's heart moved, but he quickly identified this person from the information he had.

During the heyday of the Magic Dynasty, there were perhaps forty or fifty floating cities flying in the sky.

This also means that there are at least the same number of great arcanists in the Magic Dynasty.

There are so many great arcane masters, and naturally the three arcane kings are the most respected.

These three are all casters whose level exceeds level 40, have mastered level 12 arcana, and are proudly above the rest. There is nothing to criticize about them.

Second only to the King of Arcane Arts, there are some spellcasters who have reached at least level 35, and then there are senior arcane masters who have mastered level 11 arcane spells.

In the Magic Dynasty, the status of these senior arcanists is far higher than that of ordinary arcanists.

"The Creator" Thorund is a senior arcanist!

He and his city of Sacros are almost second only to the three arcane kings in the Magic Dynasty!

Compared with him, Telamante Tanshur and the "Immortal" Ovo at that time were really just newcomers, some of the youngest among the great arcanists.

Isaac had no expectation that this floating city, whose main outline was basically complete, turned out to be the city of Sacros.

What was even more unexpected was that the Myser Energy Core of Sacros City would actually be an intelligent holy weapon!

Moreover, this intelligent holy weapon is actually integrated with the Kraken Siren!

Anyone who comes into direct contact with a powerful magical artifact like the Myser Energy Core will be subjected to the destructive impact of the original magical energy, and all material components will be directly destroyed, which is more thorough than dissociation. This is also Nothing more than normal.

But now, this can actually be integrated with the Kraken Siren...

No wonder Erevis used the word "unknown reason" in his introduction!

Presumably, even Mis himself doesn’t know what the reason is!

Of course, this is not important, at least, this is not Isaac's current focus.

What worries Isaac even more is...

"Smart Sacred Artifact!"

In his mind, he frowned slightly.

When the Mythron core possesses intelligence, it becomes somewhat uncontrollable!

If something really happened, he had planned the ceremony, but Miser Nenghe deliberately refused to cooperate, and even betrayed and resisted...

Judging from the fact that this Myser can carry out one-on-one combat and instill energy into Magadon, this possibility, at least based on the premise, is undoubtedly there.

Of course, by the same token, since this Mithron can indoctrinate Magadon one-on-one, if he can actively cooperate with the ceremony, this will undoubtedly be the premise of getting twice the result with half the effort.

In this way... Even if he is bound to get this magical artifact, he still has to put more thought into it.

After a brief pause, Isaac's inner thoughts came to him again: "It turns out that this is the Sacros City of Archmage Solond! I have heard for a long time that the 'creator' Solond is the most famous creative master in the Magic Dynasty. , Today I saw the city of Sacros that was still intact after the disaster, and I even met Mr. Meese. It can be seen that this rumor is not exaggerated in the slightest..."

This compliment, however, made the intelligent holy weapon even more happy than complimenting Mis himself directly.

Of course, there is also the intention to further delay time.

Some greetings also came from Miz's mental fluctuations.

But at this time, Isaac changed his mind again: "However, Mr. Meese has not had contact with the outside world for a long time, so he probably doesn't understand some things, right?

Some old friends may not still be old friends!

Some promises may not be the promises you understand! "

This means...

The mind of the intelligent holy instrument tightened unconsciously.

This is directed at the ghosts!

Pointing to the two sons of the Great Arcanist Telamante, or even directly pointing to Telamante?

The Terramante of today is not the same as it was then.

Even these two sons of Telamant have extraordinary powers.

Especially Narivalan Tanshur, according to Mis's induction, he is even qualified to catch up with the senior arcanist!

If these people have any different intentions...

Mis thought in his mind: "What do you mean by this?"

"I just want to remind you that the City of Shadows is no longer the City of Shadows it was back then, and what drives the City of Shadows now is no longer the Myser Energy Core."

"Using the essence of shadow magic as the source of power, the former Myser energy core has long been transformed into a shadow energy core by Telemante."

"So, if Mr. Meese decides to accept their conditions, I'm afraid he must be mentally prepared in advance to accept the transformation of Telamant. The future city of Sacros may also be the second city of ghosts. .”

"As for whether my reminder is true or not... I think Your Excellency Mice already knows the essence of the existence of these ghosts, right? For more information, you can also ask Erevis!"

Through telepathy, Isaac's voice was continuously transmitted to the mind of the Miser Energy Core in waves.

At the same time, the Kraken Kraken, which is in a symbiotic state with the Myser Energy Core and is still the main body, also has feelings.

This ironic reality is that although the sea monster has always been in a state of rage, it is now inside the mountain and roaring mockingly.

The essence of shadow magic!

Replace the entire source force!

This kind of transformation...

Even if Miz's heart couldn't wait for separation and couldn't wait for a moment, there was an obvious gloominess in the fluctuations of his mind.

Isaac naturally had feelings, and then, once again, there was another wave of thoughts in his mind.

"So, Mr. Meese, would you like to consider changing a collaborator, or in other words, have another cooperation option?"

"If there is a failure on the part of the Yinhun people, and I am lucky enough to succeed, my conditions will definitely be much looser than theirs, and I will not impose any restrictions on you!"

What he said.

Since Mies also had doubts in his heart, it was impossible for him to remain unmoved.

After a brief consideration, the intelligent holy instrument's mind wavered slightly: "What do you want?"


"I only have two requests."

"First, I need you to cooperate with me wholeheartedly and fully to complete a spell ritual!"

Isaac directly revealed his true intention.

Meese has no doubts about this.

It’s just a ritual cooperation. For him, this couldn’t be simpler!

This requirement is simply too loose compared to his rescue.

"Second, if the conditions are met, I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you again in the future!"

This is paving the way for the future, whether there will be any rituals that will use the Myser Energy Core.

And even with this additional foreshadowing... still, these two requirements are much simpler than the demands from the Haunted Soul City.

In fact, Miz's heart suddenly became excited.

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