Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1271 Achieved

In the telepathy, Mies obviously felt some heartbeat, but at the same time... the hesitation was equally obvious!

His intelligence comes from the infusion of the "creator's" own soul.

Therefore, Mies has always secretly boasted of being the "son of the founder".

Therefore, in terms of morality, he has always regarded the "creator" as a role model.

The "creator" would never do anything that breaks his promise, and he doesn't even bother to do it, and the same goes for Miz himself.

In fact, his previous explanation to Irevis was completely false.

He did regard Erevis as his friend, and he did not manipulate Magadon.

The anomaly in Magadon should be the negative influence of the devil's bloodline.

The reason why he chose Magadon was because Magadon not only had this bloodline power, but also had psychic energy as a link, which fully satisfied the prerequisite for the infusion of magical energy.

The hesitation at this time lies precisely in this.

Although according to what this person said, the problem in the City of Shadows does seem to be serious, and to a large extent, he also believed what this person said, and he did not accept the idea of ​​​​reforming from the shadows, and he would not have it. The "founder" of Sacros City was transformed into the "Second City of Ghosts", but...

In any case, at least for now, these people in the City of Shadows are working to help him get out of trouble, and they have not revealed any intention of designing him.

Under this situation, at most he was secretly wary, but there was no way he could do anything like actively breaking his promise or even turning back!

Mis finally resisted her heartbeat, and her telepathic response came again: "I'm sorry, although I will keep your reminder in mind, but just like my gratitude to Irevis, before they break their promise, I can't abandon them either."

Moreover, there was another sentence that Mishu kept in her heart and did not say it out loud.

The Prince of Shadows is confident that he can catch the Kraken and get him out of trouble.

But it’s hard to say whether there is such certainty here!

But when he said this, Isaac laughed.

Intelligent Sacred Instruments insists on and keeps its promises, which is not a bad thing.

He even welcomes it, which will make him feel more confident when using it in the future.

Moreover, what kind of hindrance is this...

With telepathy, Isaac smiled and said: "Your Majesty Meese's words and actions are admirable. However, I think you may have misunderstood my meaning. I did not mean to force you to betray your trust, but it is true." Just like you have a deal with the City of Shadows in addition to Irevis, I think you wouldn’t mind having one more collaborator outside the City of Shadows, right?”

It doesn't matter whether the Intelligent Sacred Artifact gives up the deal with the City of Shadows.

The important thing is, as long as you agree to his trading conditions!

As for the rest...that is between him and the Prince of Shadows!

Isaac's words.

Irevis and Jack Felitt both looked at each other.

This entry point couldn’t be better.

Meese can look for the City of Shadows to cooperate with them.

This can't be done. There can't be any other collaborators outside the City of Shadows, right?

If they really can't...then maybe, they just have to do it, and they doubt Miz's consideration!

at the same time.

Regardless of whether the purpose of the bystander's trip has been with Mice for a long time, or it is just a temporary intention, judging from the meaning at this time, it is obvious that he is probably not ready to "spectate" anymore!

Then, their expected goal has been achieved!

Now, the only difference is on Magadon's side.

However, if what Meese said is true, Magadon's anomaly is not a big problem.

So...it depends on how Miz chooses and what his attitude is, and then we can judge whether what he said is true or not!

Irevis didn't interrupt, and quietly waited for the reaction of the intelligent holy weapon.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to see clearly whether his previous views on this intelligent sacred instrument were biased, and whether he had been deceived by it!

He was not asked to wait.

Soon, through telepathy, Mis's voice came: "It is true that I misunderstood Your Excellency. I fully accept your conditions, but I forgot to ask for advice. I don't know how to address you?"

He already understood clearly what the other person meant.

There is no need for him to break his promise and turn against the Prince of Shadows.

As long as he is willing to have one more collaborator, he will naturally "discuss" specific matters with the Prince of Shadows.

As for the outcome of this discussion, whether it is ultimately decided by the Prince of Shadows or this person...

Miz also understood.

If the Prince of Shadows wins, then everything will remain as usual.

And if this one wins...

If this Prince of Shadows can win, he will have a lot of confidence that he can capture the Kraken Siren. Furthermore, he will still have a lot of confidence in being able to separate from the Kraken.

Compared to the Prince of Shadows winning, Mis actually looked forward to this possibility more.

After all, what this person said was related to the transformation of the "Shadow Energy Core", which was really not something he could accept!

"You can be like Erevis and call me 'spectator' for the time being."

"Because I didn't want to get involved in Sambia's affairs, I hid my identity, but it was not aimed at you."

After a moment of response, Isaac said again: "Since you have agreed to the terms of the transaction, you can just wait and see what happens next. After I have the results of the discussion with the two ghost princes, I will discuss it with you in detail. .”

Isaac's thoughts moved like this.

On the opposite side, Mies also sent a message of acquiescence, and then the telepathic fluctuations lurked.

However, the Prince of Shadows may not be able to notice his change at the first time, but the Kraken Siren, who is in a symbiotic state with him, understands his thoughts very well.


Although the Siren is ferocious and violent, his natural intelligence is extremely high, and he realizes the opportunity almost instantly.

The tiefling outside was still throwing balls of hellfire wildly.

Here, a cruel look flashed in Sesmis's bloody eyes.

Suddenly, in his brain, like the sun, magic energy in the form of flames was continuously spreading out, and Mis's inner thoughts also surged at the same time.

The Kraken could feel his thoughts, and he could feel the Kraken's thoughts.

It was precisely because of this that he couldn't bear to coexist with this monster whose thoughts were completely opposite to his.

At this moment, he realized the siren's intention.

But... in the end, he still endured it.

Let’s first see how the “watcher” negotiates with the Prince of Shadows!

This is also the idea of ​​the Siren!

Rarely, these two souls that coexist together have some consistency.

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