Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1275 Sky Curtain

But it was the figure of the bald man escaping into the shadows.

"Activate the canopy!"

The command was originally handed over to Brenas, but in the end, Rui Valan's indifferent voice rang in the ears of the ghost mages again.

Since Brenas couldn't delay the time until Yada arrived.

On the opposite side, neither the mysterious mage suspected to be related to the city of Sacross, nor the chosen one of the god of thieves who showed signs of making a move, were not simple people.

In addition, Mies seems to have repeated.

Although Rui Valan still didn't stop the ceremony immediately, he still showed his direct attention to the current situation and his solemnity!


Shadow sky!

This is the strongest version of the unique spell "Shadow Shield" unique to the City of Shadows under normal circumstances!

This "shadow shield" was naturally not the shadow shield that trapped Felin Mokui.

That shadow shield was created by legendary spells combined with grand rituals.

This "Shadow Shield" is a shadow spell with a minimum level of six and a maximum of level nine.

Moreover, as the iconic unique spell of the City of Shadows, this "Shadow Shield" can block even dark vision in addition to the black light layer on the surface. A level shadow spell has a wider range, a longer duration, and doesn't have any other protective properties.

But even so, this spell is still the spell that those high-level arcanists must create every time they encounter a big battle!

The reason why...

As the unique spell of the city of ghosts, unlike the usual "darkness spell", it will be dispelled by the "light spell" of the same level, but the "shadow shield" is just the opposite, it can restrain and dispel the "light spell" of the same level technique"!

Moreover, it can be fixed in a certain area to form a stable enchantment.

It can also be centered on a creature and have mobility.

Even, it has the nature of ignoring spell resistance.

These characteristics are very important for high-level arcanists who have the weakness of sunlight and will lose all kinds of ghost abilities in bright environments.

A high-level arcanist who has mastered the "Shadow Shield" completely has the ability to leapfrog the level, or even two levels, and still beat the enemy in a daylight environment, even if the enemy is also an arcane spellcaster, he has the same ability possible!

At this time, the "Shadow Canopy" directly ordered by Rui Valan is exactly the ninth-level spell version of "Shadow Shield"!

And because the "Shadow Shield" restrains the "Light Spell" of the same level, it means that once the "Shadow Canopy" is activated, unless it is a legendary spell, even the "Great Disintegration" can only be used under the cracking effect. Within the area, destroy a part of it.

And because of the coverage of the "shadow sky", it has a huge radius of at least a thousand feet...

The part that can be destroyed by the "Great Disintegration Technique" is just an insignificant small part!

This is also the reason why Rui Valan is not in a hurry to revoke the ceremony now, although he is prepared for the emergency.

Once the "Shadow Canopy" is erected, it may not hinder the first choice of the God of Thieves.

But it was different for the mystic mage.

Even if this mage should have come prepared, Rui Valan has no doubt that he should have prepared a high-level light technique, but as long as he is not the priest of the God of Dawn, he cannot restrain the darkness through the sun domain, and then be able to Use the ninth-level light spell to restrain the "shadow sky", otherwise, it is necessary to cast a legendary spell to forcibly dispel the advantage here.

And once this person really casts the legendary spell...

This not only means that Rui Valan's disadvantage in terms of spellcasting consumption due to targeting the Kraken Siren will be greatly offset.

more importantly……

With nearly two thousand years of preparation, the magic resources of the City of Shadows are too rich.

Although "Shadow Sky" is a ninth-level spell, on their side, even if they don't use important resources such as high-level scrolls, only one or two can cast it on their own!

If the person opposite can disperse once, can he disperse a second time, or even more times?

With this order of Rui Valan.

While most of the high-level arcanists are still cooperating with the ritual operation, it is still Braines who makes a move, and a high-level magic scroll is activated for the ghost prince.

Suddenly, in the already dark and deep seabed, at this moment, the darkness that engulfed everything suddenly surged like a tide.

Just the blink of an eye.

The radius is far beyond a thousand feet, and within the incomparably huge area, all the light is completely swallowed up by the darkness in an instant.

"Harland, if something happens, you lead the team to intercept that sea monster!"

Rui Valan's voice sounded again at the same time.

Even normally, with the "Shadow Sky", it should be difficult for the opponent to affect his rhythm.

However, having taken over the commanding authority again, the eldest prince of the City of Shadows will certainly not fail to consider what might happen.

If something happens and he has to stop the ceremony...

There is no doubt that the Kraken Kraken will escape!

Of course he can't give it a chance!

The Miser Energy Core is still inside the Kraken's body!

"Don't worry, Your Highness, leave this matter to me!"

Harland was a senior arcanist who assisted him in the spell ritual and was also a member of the Shades.

It may be difficult for Harland to deal with the sea monster, but with the "shadow sky" already open, it is much easier to just intercept the sea monster's escape.

And on their side, while they are actively pursuing the challenge, while still refusing to give up the magic ceremony...

"Shadow Shield!"

The shadow spell released by Breners made Isaac's figure pause for a while.

At first feeling, this spell was actually somewhat similar to the legendary enchantment that enveloped the sky above Efraska King City.

But immediately, Isaac still reacted.

This shadow spell is certainly not bad, but compared with the legendary barrier that trapped Felin Mokui to death, the gap is a bit big.

The gaze of true seeing can easily penetrate the barrier of the black light layer of the "Shadow Shield".

This black light layer can certainly block dark vision, but under his "true seeing", it is not very useful.


"Level nine magic!"

"And, combined with shadow matter, it seems to be the real shadow magic!"

Outside the dark sky, Isaka appeared thoughtful, and at the same time...the footsteps didn't stop at all, he just broke into the shadow sky!

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