Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1276 Contact (make up for yesterday)

Although it was only a blink of an eye, he had already made a rough analysis. Although this "shadow shield" was not as difficult to destroy as the one in Efraska, it was still a level nine spell. Even, from the strength of this shadow energy, Judging from the extent, it is quite possible that even the ninth-level light spell may not be able to offset it.

In other words, although he still has "Yangyan Explosion" and has never used it, even if he performs "spell upgrade" and upgrades it to a ninth-level spell, it may not be able to destroy this shadow shield.

Consider again, under the shadow shield environment, the various abilities of the Yin Souls are difficult to guard against, especially these Yin Souls are all high-level arcanists and high-level shadow priests...

Stepping into the shadow shield, looking at the center of the barrier with dark vision, Revalan and others were still performing the ritual spell, but Isaac was not surprised at all.

From the standpoint of the Prince of Shadows, as long as the shadow shield is not broken, their advantage will be too great. It is impossible for normal people to just break in at will and face the unpreventable concentrated fire of so many high-level Shadow mages, especially when there are The two ghost princes are here!

However, this is just what it is to him.

These Yinhun Masters are certainly a huge threat to others. Even the Ancient Golden Dragon may not be able to face their concentrated fire, but... he is not a "normal person"!

Stepping into the shadow shield, Isaac was just an invisible silhouette. Suddenly, the sea water filled in.

same moment.

Some people never thought that this mysterious mage would be so reckless, or that the rampant Brenas would break in so directly after seeing him...

The expression of this always elegant and elegant scholar also turned gloomy.

"Tactical coordination, keep him here!"

Even though the warning signs of the "Early Warning Technique" kept coming, Brenas still issued the order without hesitation.

If he didn't dare to take action against the enemy in the absolutely advantageous environment of "Shadow Canopy", then he might as well just retreat today!

Moreover, since Revalan has not stopped the ritual, he cannot let the other side go and launch a spell attack on this side first!

But just as he was issuing this order, several of his subordinates didn't even have time to follow the "Shadow Leap" rhythm.

On the opposite side, the invisible outline was suddenly filled up by the sea water, but it suddenly alerted these people.

This is like taking the initiative to attack!

Although he had already seen the arrogance on the other side, he never expected that he would be so arrogant!

Not to mention them, Revalan, who had already prepared for the ceremony to be interrupted at any time, had hidden anger in his deep eyes that could not be contained at this moment.

"Contain him!"

"Create the moment for me!"

Once again, Revalan's voice appeared in everyone's ears.

This is finally ready to take action!

Everyone, including Brenas, was overjoyed.

After all, they knew it well, and the fact that the other side dared to be so rampant also showed that they were by no means taking things lightly.

If they really had to be restrained or even trapped because of the magic circle, it might not be without the possibility of accidents.

Now, since the eldest prince is ready to take action, that is, to give up the ceremony, they can catch the other side by surprise!

As for whether the temporary abandonment of the ritual will cause the Kraken Siren to go crazy or escape...

At least now, it is no longer time to consider this issue!

Brenas nodded slightly, and his deep eyes were already scanning the surroundings.

The "ghost vision" naturally possessed by ghost creatures can see through all darkness, including magical dark effects.

He even added "True Knowledge" early on.

Coupled with the powerful sixth sense brought by the "early warning technique"...

"That's not right!"

In his heart, Brenas frowned secretly.

The powerful warning sign from the "early warning technique" reminded him that the crisis was getting closer.

But at this moment, not to mention the "True Wisdom Technique", no abnormalities can be seen at all. Even the "Ghost Vision" can no longer detect any signs that the sea water is being repelled.

For the former, it may be said that the opponent may not have entered the field of vision of his "eyes of true knowledge", and this is a targeted avoidance.

the latter……

"In a hidden corner?"

"Or is it a spiritual form? Or is it a gas state?"

With this hesitation in his heart, Brenas pondered for a moment and then looked at a subordinate.

It was this subordinate who immediately used the "double shadow" to cast a projection that was like a clone, and used shadow matter to create the huge sea monster around him.


Taking advantage of this cover, Brenas quietly waved his staff.

Everything around seems to be unchanged, and it seems...


Isaac's eyes only flickered, but he already knew the ghost prince.

Just as the Ghost Prince speculated, at this moment, he had already transformed into a spirit form.

However, the Prince of Shadows made a mistake in his judgment on one point.

He did not avoid this "vision of true knowledge".

On the contrary, after a little testing at the edge of his field of vision, it was determined that even though he had "Prophecy Specialization", he still could not directly break through to his current "Legendary Hidden".

Isaac was already close to Brenas' protective barriers.

At this moment, Brenas's "barrier" display could not hide his "eyes of true knowledge" at all.

Barrier, an eighth-level illusion!

This is a powerful illusion specifically aimed at "detection" and "direct observation".

All scrying spells that detect this illusion area will be misled by the illusion created without any possibility of immunity.

Direct observation, if no abnormalities are seen, will not trigger any exemptions.

This prince of ghosts must think that he is staying out of the scope of his true knowledge. Furthermore, even if he also adds "true knowledge", the scope of the "true knowledge effect" is also out of reach. "Barrier".

Furthermore, whether it is direct observation with eyes or detection through magic, this is bound to be deceived by the illusion created by this "barrier".

In addition, there is also the spellcasting cooperation of the Yinhun Mage...

It has to be said that Brenas's action, if he had been replaced by any other mage, he would have really been tricked.

But unfortunately, this person is targeting the wrong person!

But even so, Isaac was still not in a hurry to attack immediately.

Just outside these protective barriers, while observing the situation of the barriers, he was also analyzing the general level information, general spell status, and general equipment status of the arcane masters and a few priests inside.

Especially the great prince of the City of Shadows.

As the Supreme Priest of Lady Dark Night, this person deserves his attention!

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