Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1277 Revalan

Isaac has actually been secretly paying attention to Revalan for a long time.

When the City of Shadows first returned to the mainland, he already knew about the existence of the Supreme City Lord and these Princes of Shadows.

Even, they would have some reservations about Erlan and interfere in Efraska. This is not without the factors of these ghost princes.

As the leader of the twelve ghost princes and the supreme priest of the Lady of Dark Night, Revalan is naturally the focus of his attention.

But even though he has been paying attention for a long time, he has roughly figured out Revalan's professional level and power level, but... that's it!

Although the great prince of the City of Shadows planned quite a few incidents after returning to the mainland, his real actions, at least, those that Isaac knew about and had actual records, were in the City of Shadows. During the invasion of Cormyr, he fought against Vongeldahast, the leader of the Royal War Mage of Cormyr.

Over the more than a thousand years since the founding of Cormyr, among the successive war mage leaders, although Vengdahast is definitely not the strongest, and it is hard to say whether he can even enter the top three, he can fully assist Asan. The fourth generation became the King of Heroes with a great reputation throughout the continent. The power possessed by this great mage was absolutely unparalleled.

However, judging from the relevant records of that battle, this archmage was no match for Revalan.

Cormyr's war mage couldn't resist the ghosts at all.

In the end, he was able to drive back the ghosts, and in turn seriously injured Revalan. This was not due to Vongeldahast himself.

Cormyr, left by Assan IV, has become the central belief area of ​​the major good god sects.

Cormyr has a huge population base, and these Good God Churches all have a corresponding level of investment there.

Therefore, Cormier's overall background is quite deep, and Sambia is far behind it.

It doesn't matter that Vongaldahast can't beat Revalan.

It doesn't matter that the War Mage can't defeat the Shades.

In that battle, Vongeldahast should have invited a powerful sacred weapon directly related to the goddess of magic, and directly detonated this sacred weapon.

Although Revalan could easily suppress the leader of the battle mage, under such an attack, he had no choice but to admit defeat.

Even his injury, to a certain extent, prompted the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic to launch an attack on the City of Ghosts.

And looking at the two together...

"I'm afraid there is a deeper reason why Fengdahast invited that magical artifact!"

"If Minnis fell into hell because of the hands and feet of these princes of ghosts, or even the Lady of the Night, then the heavy damage to Revalan, and the subsequent attack on the city of ghosts by those chosen ones, should be related to the goddess of magic. response."

Although Lady of the Dark Night is ancient and powerful, the Goddess of Magic is not inferior in any way. In fact, in this world, the Goddess of Magic is even better than Lady of the Dark Night.

Naturally, He will not be provoked and will always endure it!

And to be able to survive His response...

"There are many instant spells, including instant spells for high-level spells and high-level divine spells!"

"Also, he should have mastered the 'compound casting'. The spells that can be cast instantly are more than once in each round!"

"This should be...'automatic spell instant'!"

"And, even further than Laila, he should be able to unconditionally cast all spells and divine spells at level nine and below!"

Revalan's total professional level must have reached at least level 33, which is better than Laila and even Xinbu. This means he is qualified to master three "automatic spell instant casts" and can not Restrictedly, all spells of level nine and below are cast unconditionally and instantly.

This ability has greater significance in Revalan.

This person is not only a shadow mentor, but also the pastor of the Lady of the Night.

In other words, with the "triple automatic spell instant cast", what this person can instantly cast at will is not only arcane spells, but also divine spells!

Arcane, that can bombard you indiscriminately!

Divine magic can continue to return strength!

Being able to escape unscathed from the goddess of magic is the most important ability!

If he wants to target this person, he must also take appropriate precautions against it.

While observing this man's spellcasting, various thoughts were flashing through Isaac's mind.

However, even with "compound casting" and "triple automatic spell instant casting", this is still not Revalan's limit.

The Supreme Priest of the Lady of Dark Night, the thousand-year-old foundation of the City of Ghosts, Isaac did not believe that there would be no holy weapon in this person!

"At least, I was bound to have a sacred weapon in my hands!"

The reason why it is "once"...

After the battle in Cormyr, it was hard to say whether the holy weapon held by Revalan had been damaged or even destroyed by that magical disaster!

"However, there is nothing wrong with being more careful!"

"Just like...it is necessary to be wary of this ritual circle!"

In the final observation, Isaac was eyeing the spellcasting team centered on Revalan.

At this time, these ghost wizards are still continuing the ceremony, which is a bit pretentious.

Regardless of whether Revalan was already preparing for an attack behind this, at least, Isaac would not lack the necessary precautions.

After all, at least in his opinion, the biggest threat to Revalan lies in this ritual casting!

Although "automatic spell instant casting" and "compound casting" are great, the lack of single-professional spell caster level limits its threat. At most, it can only be used to instantaneously cast divine spells, and it has enough long-lasting combat power. That’s all.

The same goes for the handling of sacred vessels.

Judging from the fact that Revalan performed a ritual spell on the Kraken Siren but did not cooperate with the sacred weapon as a medium, the possibility that the sacred weapon he controlled was destroyed in Cormyr is really not small, at least, it is possible. Like people, they have been damaged.

In this way, what he needs to guard against the most is naturally the ritual circle!

"With the restraint of Brenas and the influence of the shadow shield, he really has the time and energy to reconstruct the ritual casting."

"Therefore, it is necessary. Once you start, you will not hold back, and the strong wind will sweep away the fallen leaves to complete the entire cleanup!"

This whole includes not only Revalan, but also these people from the Yinhun clan.

Interrupting the ritual was not the only way to interrupt Revalan.

Compared to the almighty Revalan, these arcanists are naturally better able to deal with it!

Isaac's eyes quickly scanned the team of arcanists.

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