Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1279 Aquatic

Dimensional lock!

The Yinhuns are not shadow mages in the usual sense. While they specialize in shadow spells, they also inherit the arcane knowledge of the Magic Dynasty. In terms of spell recognition, they all have their own uniqueness.

And the people here are all the elites among the Yin people, especially Revalan and Brenas, who are the de facto rulers of the city of Yin. With their mastery of arcane magic, even Isaac's Before the spell was completed, it was so obscure that there was almost no sign. Even they could not detect the abnormality at the first time.

But when this spell is actually completed...

Almost instantly, Revalan had reflected the situation of this spell.

Eighth level spell - Dimensional Lock!

This person wants to seal their teleportation abilities, especially the "Shadow Leap" and "Shadow Teleportation" inherent in the ghost creatures, as well as the Shadow Mentor's professional ability "Shadow Walking"!

This seal is different from the single-target seal of the "Dimensional Anchor". This is a regional blockade. This is to force them to either leave the area or come to lift it when the "Shadow Canopy" cannot be lifted. Otherwise, this spell would require giving up the most powerful shadow teleportation ability of the ghost creature.

Three options.

Leaving this area naturally means giving up the ongoing ritual spells.

To remove this spell...

"Dimensional Lock" is an eighth-level spell that needs to be lifted through countermeasures. Not to mention not being able to keep up with this speed, even if it can keep up, this can only be done by the "Dimensional Lock" itself or a more advanced protection spell. In order to counteract and offset it, otherwise, it would probably require the "Great Disintegration Technique" or even the "Legendary Dispelling Technique".

However, the "Great Disintegration Technique" does not distinguish between friend and foe, so it is certainly impossible to cast it at will.

"Legendary Dispelling Technique" can solve it, but... the opponent may have this intention!

So, the final choice you can make...

"Ignore it first, and then move out if necessary!"

Already prepared to terminate the ceremony, Revalan did not mind evading it by leaving, but he would not leave here so easily.

Brenas has set up several protective barriers here, so it is natural to make use of them.

With this protection, he still wanted to see if he could really lure this person out.

He has always been so passive, but this is nothing.

As for seducing this person, will it lead to indiscriminate bombardment of spells...


The "Dimensional Lock" was almost connected, and the "Black Water Tentacle" here was just in progress. Revalan's unhurried expression suddenly turned into a glare at this moment.

The expected spell bombardment is coming!

It's just...it's a little bit beyond expectations!

It was still the projection, and once again, it was still a "spell instantaneous", and it was actually a "acid mist spell" that was cast!

Needless to say, "spells are cast instantly". This mysterious mage has mastered "compound spellcasting" and dares to fight against them on his own. Revalan does not doubt this person's ability.

But the "Acid Mist Technique"...

Although the "Acid Mist Technique" can indeed block their "Ghost Vision" and can also block Brenas' "True Seeing Technique", but...

Water environment, this is not a suitable diffusion environment for cloud and mist spells!

However, Revalan naturally would not take it for granted that this person made a casting error. With this person's ability, it is impossible for such a mistake to be made in this active attack situation.

Instead of making a mistake...

"Special spellcasting ability!"

In just a blink of an eye, the "acid mist technique" over there was completed instantly and was thrown over.

Revalan also realized a possibility in his heart.

Some special races, such as sea elves, have the ability to cast spells in water, and the spell effects will not be affected by the water environment.

This means that even if it is a fire element spell, the sea elves can make it work in the ocean.

Cloud spells such as "Acid Mist" are naturally no exception.

Since this is not a casting error, we can only refer to this possibility!

And if that's the case...

"It is necessary to test this possibility!"

While secretly frowning in his heart, Revalan still did not give any instructions and allowed Brenas and the others to perform freely.

In the end, he also raised his hand.

With just this signal, those subordinates who had been on high alert while cooperating with the ceremony all breathed a sigh of relief.

The next moment, everyone stopped casting assistance at the same time. Then, under the control of Revalan, this extremely powerful magic ritual gradually stopped.

But even though he was well prepared, the strong backlash from the interruption of the ceremony caused the body of the Prince of Shadows to suddenly be hit by a violent impact of magical energy.

However, the physique of the ghost creature in the shadow environment is constantly enhanced, and combined with Revalan's high enough professional level, its life energy can indeed fully withstand this impact.


"Automatic spell instant-healing!"

The "Acid Mist Technique" is just as expected. When it is in a water environment, it spreads like a cloud completely normally.

Revalan's body also surged with strong medical energy at the same time.

In an instant, the magical damage he suffered due to the backlash of the ritual had been completely recovered.

Although the dual cultivation of Sinnoh has delayed the improvement of his single-professional spellcaster level to a certain extent, Revalan has not been weakened in terms of comprehensive ability.

In particular, it is precisely because of relying on the Lady of the Night that he has mastered the ninth-level arcana at the mage level, and has also transformed into a ghost creature. As the professional level increases and the difficulty becomes more and more difficult, his priest level is Being able to advance to the point where he is only one step away from mastering the ninth level of divine arts and becoming qualified to research legendary divine arts.

And once he finally achieves the Sinnoh double ninth level, the Sinnoh double transmission method, and even becomes the lady's second chosen one after his father...

Revalan even has the confidence to challenge his father to bring the City of Ghosts and the rebuilt Second Magic Dynasty under the leadership of the lady!

Of course, before that…

"Uzumaki Jutsu!"

On the other hand, Brenas has finished casting spells.

Coming against the Kraken, they had all prepared corresponding means for the various abilities of the Kraken.

The normal diffusion operation of this "Acid Mist Technique" is similar to the Kraken's "Ink Cloud Spray".

Using the super magic scepter, Brenas's "Vortex Technique" quickly swept most of the acid mist upwards.

Immediately afterwards, he also controlled the vortex and swept it in the surrounding direction.

Since the projection is here, this person should also be hidden around it. Whether it is a virtual body or hiding somewhere, just sweep it out.

Not just Breners.

The arcanist who was the first to take action, but who had just finished casting the spell, controlled the "Black Water Tentacle" to sweep towards Isaac's projection like a sea monster.

Surrounded by the arcane masters who had completed their tasks as ritual assistants, they also cast the "Shadow Curse".

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