Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1280 Assistance

With the cessation of the ceremony, all arcanists were left free. This was finally a manpower redundancy.

Follow, take turns.

Some people were on the defensive, not only to prevent the mysterious mage from continuing to attack, but also to keep an eye on the sea monster's lair to prevent the sea monster from escaping.

The other part carried out a spell sweep.

Just like Brenas.

Brenas used a spell to summon a large whirlpool to sweep through the surrounding waters.

These arcanists are basically performing "advanced shadow spells" and using shadow material to create semi-real deep sea monsters.

And in the middle of them.

Revalan, who had completed the use of "medical skills" in an instant, and had returned to his full strength, glanced at the surrounding situation with his eyes as dark as an abyss, and at some point, there were many things in his hands. A mysterious scripture with a dark purple cover came out, but when I looked at it, it was hazy and psychedelic, and I couldn't see the specific situation at all.


Isaac frowned slightly.

Generally speaking, the "Bible" is directly related to the "doctrine of the gods" and must correspond to the most devout beliefs. To a certain extent, it can even be regarded as an extension of the will of the gods in the material world.

Therefore, the most troublesome among the sacred vessels are often the "Bible" type.

However, there were not too many surprises in the end.

As the supreme priest of the Lady of the Night, and also the leader of the religious community in the City of Ghosts, it is actually normal for Revalan to have such a Bible!

"It's almost hot enough!"

The figure was casually walking around the outside of the protective barrier of the ghost mages. Isaac was avoiding the sweep of the "water vortex" while... his eyes flashed again.

Guarded by these three protective barriers, these ghost mages did not counter his "dimensional lock" and were indeed waiting for his further spell attacks.

in this way……

"You and Irevis follow the siren, leave this to me!"

A message is sent directly to the person in the upper body at the same time.

"Time stands still!"

Isaac waved the scepter in his hand again.

"Dimension Lock" blocks teleportation.

If these ghost wizards want to counterattack, they need to invest in the "Legendary Dispelling Technique". In this way, he will definitely not lose.

And if we don’t fight back...

Then the only option is to leave, or simply stay here like now!

These two possibilities.

If the ghost mages choose to leave, this will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for him to attack. He can even completely disperse these ghost mages in a wave, cutting off the possibility of Revalan or Brenas performing ritual spells.

However, Revalan and the others did not choose to leave. They chose to use the protective barrier to resist, perhaps with the idea of ​​seizing the opportunity!

From the perspective of the Yinhun Masters themselves, this choice is undoubtedly the safest.


But this is also within Isaac's control!

Since these guys have chosen to stay and resist, then... this is the perfect time for the Kraken to escape!

Although some of these arcanists will definitely be wary of this, but...

With his "active assistance", if the Siren can't escape, then he won't be qualified. Revalan is so solemn and the bald man is also taboo!

Since these guys have chosen to resist the "Dimension Lock" ban, they will naturally bear the risk of not being able to make a "Shadow Leap" in time, and thus being too late to stop the Kraken from escaping.

Of course, the ghosts can "fight"!

With their "number" advantage, even if they encounter an accident where the sea monster escapes, they can quickly break through the obstacles through a short burst and quickly pursue them again.

But... this is not a bad thing for Isaac either!

I have these general directions in mind.

When Isaac waved his staff, he did not use super magic. He just used the cover of "Legendary Hidden" to cast a simple "Time Stop".

In the surrounding waters, many huge deep-sea monsters were quickly created by the arcanists.

And at the same time, his projection was completely swept away and dissipated by the "Black Water Tentacle".

"Time Stands Still" is also completed.

"Four rounds of time!"

When everything around him fell into stasis for an instant, Isaac was also sure of the duration of the stasis at the same time.

"Burning Cloud Technique!"

"Energy Control - Holy Energy Replacement!"

The scepter was waved again, and a huge cloud of white-hot smoke, which reflected extremely strong sacred power, directly enveloped the location of the Yinhun Mage.

Different hourly flow layers, the "Burning Cloud Technique" at this moment, naturally interact with the protective barrier.

However, this did not prevent it from spreading first and quickly covering several layers of barriers.


Once again, another projection was thrown out for him, still in the direction behind Revalan.

"Annihilation Sphere!"

Another sphere of darkness and nothingness, like a black hole, flew from the projection side to the protective barrier.

Although at this time, even the "Destruction Sphere" cannot be destroyed, and it is in the protective barrier of different speed flow layers, but... just like the "Burning Cloud Technique", the "Destruction Sphere" is enough. With a long duration, it is completely possible to continue to attack the barrier and the ghost mages after the "time stop ends"!

However, although this "Annihilation Sphere" was released by the projection, after it was shot, it was controlled by Isaac's concentrated mind, and it quickly separated from the projection in two directions. , as if it was shot from another direction.

Next up, the final round!

Precise control of time.


It's like an eighth-level illusion like Brenas.

However, Brenas was unable to capture his whereabouts, thinking that he was outside the field of vision of his "True Seeing Technique".

And he has an accurate grasp of the positions of Brenas and others.

It means that time stops and ends, and all the speed flow layers instantly return to unity.

It was still projection, but the spell itself did not hide itself. Isaac applied this "curtain" to hide the ruins of the floating city, especially the environment of the cave nest. superior!

Since he wanted to take advantage of the Kraken Siren's escape, he naturally wanted to provide the necessary "assistance" for its escape!

Almost at the same moment as the completion of "Curtain".

Time stopped but it was over.

"Got you!"

Revalan's eyes flashed suddenly at the same moment.

When the projection was destroyed by the "Black Water Tentacle", Isaac's true body's use of "Standing Time" was a sign that Revalan caught.

There is no slowness or hesitation.

The scepter in his hand only lifted once.

"Automatic spell instant-Great Disintegration!!"

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