Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1283 Voters

Erevis takes action!

Even if there were any abnormalities in Magadon, he would not be able to sit back and watch it be in danger and remain indifferent.

The figure flashed in the darkness, like a ghost, and he actually walked directly between the two tentacles of the sea monster. Not only were the tentacles unable to entangle him at all, but the sea also had no hindrance to him.

As if, this is "free movement" has been enabled.

With "free movement" and the legendary thief ability of Erevis, even Sesmeath was unable to catch him in this sudden encounter.

Another series of vicious murmurs continued to come out of Erevis's mouth.

After a moment of indoctrination, even if the Siren's iron will is unimaginably tough, even Revalan's enslavement control through ritual casting has been difficult to complete, but under these curses of Erevis, The sea monster's blood-colored eyes suddenly revealed a strong sense of pain and torture.


One of the most powerful abilities of the Chosen of the God of Thieves!

Even not all voters have this ability.

According to legend, the God of Thieves will eventually have five chosen people who will manifest his will and act on behalf of him in the material world.

These five voters are all named "Hand".

Irevis Keller is the "first hand" and Drasek Raven is the "second hand". Currently, only these two hands exist.

Judging from ancient legends, the only ones who can be given the ability of "evil speech" by the God of Thieves are the "first hand" and the "second hand". These two chosen ones are his right and left hands!

With "Shadow Words", the first and second chosen people of the God of Thieves can instill pain and despair directly into the target's heart. At the same time, they will be repelled by darkness, lose their ability to sneak, and lose their lucky blessings. Surrounded by bad luck...

Although this ability does not have any direct harm, it can affect the mind and will of all living things, and is even linked to the "destiny" in the dark. However, it will be difficult for anyone to encounter it without being affected. .

And once you are exposed to this negative impact that is almost impossible to be immune to...

The miraculous assassination ability of the Chosen One of the God of Thieves is precisely the ability to harvest everything.

This ability can be called the natural enemy of the caster because of its strong influence on the mind and will, which in turn affects the caster's spellcasting concentration.

Even at this time, even if the target is a Kraken Kraken like Thesmeis, it still has an impact.

At least, it interrupted Sesmeath's further attack on Magadon in the spirit form.

However, this influence has certainly occurred, but... that's all!

Erevis's assassination ability is certainly miraculous, but his body size even exceeds that of a super giant, and he also possesses incredible regeneration ability. At this moment, even if he was directly burned by hellfire, he was not suppressed from regeneration. The ancient sea monster that began to recover rapidly, or the mutated sea monster...

"Shadow Leap!"

He had a battle with this Kraken, and Erevis knew it well. Unless he could find a way to completely destroy the Kraken's regeneration ability, no matter how hard he "grinded" it, he would never be able to grind this mutated Kraken to death. .

No wasted effort.

He also knew that his employer was going to let the Kraken go in an attempt to disperse the ghosts.

From what can be observed so far, the employer's magic ability is indeed superior to these ghosts. Even Revalan seems to have a clear gap with it.

Once the sea monster escapes from here, if these ghosts want to pursue them, it will be difficult to maintain the array, let alone maintain cooperation.

Even if they can barely maintain it, with the level displayed by the employer, this is enough to create an environment that can break their cooperation.

And once the cooperation is no longer...

Divide and defeat, this is by no means a problem for employers!

Therefore, creating conditions for the Kraken to escape, and even actively assisting him, was definitely the employer's plan.

It's not good for the ghosts to chase him, and it's even worse if they don't chase him.

If you don't chase, this means that you have lost hope of chasing Mies!

Outside, the illusion that the employer had laid out in advance was just to make the ghosts lose their foresight. Even at this moment, it was difficult for them to make an accurate first move to intercept Sesmeath's movements.

The first chosen one of the God of Thieves, Erevis is extremely sensitive to illusions. However, before he heard Magadon's roar and broke into this place, he was not aware of the illusion. the existence of boundaries.

He is like this, and I think the people from the Yinhun community are also the same.

The loss of the first move, plus, since the employer has the first move, there will be no follow-up!

Therefore, based on Erevis's own opinion, the possibility of Sesmeath escaping is undoubtedly quite high.

In this regard, he also held a cautious welcome attitude.

At this time, the employer and the ghosts have become almost mortal enemies, and the fact that they have not been able to obtain Mice undoubtedly ruined the plans of the ghosts, and in turn, may hinder their invasion of Sambi. Erevis naturally welcomes Asia's strategy.

The reason for being cautious...he had to ensure that Sesmeath couldn't escape in the end!

The employer summoned him and Felit in advance and asked them to follow Sesmeath, which was certainly the same consideration!

The certainty in his heart was that Thesmis' huge body was flying out. In addition to the two main tentacles, the other eight tentacles were also sweeping over the sky like a demon dancing wildly.

Having completed the response to Magadon, Erevis has no intention of stopping the sea monster.

The figure suddenly dispersed in the darkness, and when he appeared again, he had teleported directly behind Sesmeath.

Shadow Leap!

However, it is different from the "Shadow Leap" of the ghost creature.

The "Shadow Leap" of the ghost creature has almost no daily usage limit. As long as it is under dark conditions, it can be used again every 12 seconds.

The "Shadow Leap" of the Chosen of the God of Thieves has a certain teleportation length limit every day. As long as it has not been exhausted, it can continue to Shadow Leap.

It is difficult to say which one is more powerful and practical, but there is no doubt that, at least in the hands of a thief-assassin like Irevis, continuous shadow leap can greatly improve his assassination ability.

Moreover, just as the ghost creatures also have the ability of "shadow teleportation", the chosen ones of the God of Thieves will not only have the ability of "shadow leap".

Looking at Sesmis' huge figure, he rushed out of the nest in just a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, there was another extremely dark ink cloud that suddenly spread in the sea water.

"Hunting Mark!"

Using the blood stains that the long sword scratched on the Siren's body in the previous brief confrontation as the material, a mysterious power turned it into a mark in the blink of an eye, and was in the hands of Erevis.

Immediately afterwards, once again, the figure of the first chosen one of the God of Thieves disappeared into the darkness.

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