Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1284 Bad Luck

A sudden turn of events.

Although such an accident happened, the arcanists were not unprepared.


When the tiefling's roar was disappearing, and on the other side of the floating city ruins, the ink like a black cloud spread out suddenly.

But at the same time, in the direct vision of the arcanists, the ruins of the floating city did not change at all, not even the figure of the sea monster appeared...


Rui Valan's expression suddenly darkened.

There are so many of them, they were all fooled by that man!

The man's spellcasting during the "time stop" seemed to be constantly bombarded by various high-level spells, and he wanted to take down all of them in one fell swoop, but his real purpose was actually the sea monster!

This illusion "curtain" stuck outside their "vision of true knowledge", especially at this moment, most of their attention is still focused on searching for the trace of this person, and they are not aware of it at all.

Once Sesmis really escapes!

In particular, in the current situation, they are completely under the control of others. Even if it is him, there is only a little possibility. Only when this person performs high-intensity spellcasting, can he detect a little clue...

Rui Valan knew in his heart, if the sea monster really escaped, whether that person would be able to take it down in the end, he couldn't be absolutely sure, but what he was sure of was that they would have no hope, at least... at the moment there was no hope. any hope!

"Shoot all, break the curtain, and keep the siren!"

Rui Valan chose to let his subordinates do their best, while he himself was fully alert.

Since that person has already made a move and is actively assisting the sea monster in escaping, it is impossible that there is no further follow-up.

And he should be the only one who can respond to this backhand.

Even at this moment, Rui Valan still hasn't given up. To win the Miser Energy Core, it is naturally a last-ditch effort!

In response, the arcanists started to act one after another.

The shadow monster was originally created, and this directly drove the shadow monster to rush towards the ruins.

Those who hadn't cast spells before, some people targeted the "curtain" and carried out dispelling and lifting, while others pointed at the location of the ink cloud and carried out spell sweeping.

And Rui Valan, on the other hand, summoned Braines alone.

On the one hand, in the midst of this turmoil of spells, he observed all the signs around him with a high degree of concentration.

On the one hand, the eldest prince of the City of Ghosts...

"Communicate father, we need his help!"

His face was gloomy.

If possible, Rui Valan never wanted to ask his father.

As the high priest of the lady, as the leader of the religious circles in the city of ghosts, he naturally has his own ego.

Moreover, because of some conflicts with his father's ideas, although Rui Valan has no intention of opposing his father's supremacy, he has been making his own efforts, trying to guide the entire city of ghosts to religion instead of religion. Still focusing on the arcane!

Therefore, for the Sembia strategy this time, and the restoration plan for the floating city that is going on now, whenever possible, he wants to rely more on himself, so that he can be completely independent of his father's influence.

But precisely because of this...he couldn't fail so easily, let alone admit defeat!

He already knew it in his heart, even if Yada Tanshul could arrive in time, he still had some difficulty dealing with it.

For the sake of Sacross City, he could only bow his head to his father.

At least, in his own opinion, this is bowing his head!

For his decision, Breners was naturally the best.

As the most beloved youngest son of the supreme city lord, his relationship with his father is much better than that with Rui Valan.

To his father, he is adored and close.

But for Rivaran...

Even though it was his brother, sometimes Breners still felt a sense of fear about him.


Nodding happily, Breners immediately communicated with the City of Shadows.

And this at the same time.

Standing on the ruins of the floating city and the outline of the city.

Seeing that the front half of the body is like a man-eating giant fish with extremely ferocious fangs, and the back half of the body is full of ten tentacles dancing wildly. At this time, above the head, there is still blazing magical energy, forming a sun-like light source. The ancient sea-monster that continuously radiated golden brilliance to the surroundings, after spewing out the ink cloud, with the cover of the ink cloud, didn't know if the darkness also blinded his own vision, but he bumped headlong into the buoy. The coral forest next to the ruins of the empty city, before he could sweep away the coral forest, was being directly hit by a shadow monster by coincidence...


Rui Valan didn't make a move, but Isaac was also not in a hurry to make a move.

With his gaze, he was just observing this ancient sea monster with great interest.

The sun-like light source should be Mies!

The smart holy artifact is dragging the Kraken back again.

In addition, this is indeed the Miser Energy Core!

And judging from this pure and incomparable source of magic...

"It should be enough to meet the needs of the 'Magic Dragon Transformation Ceremony'!"

Isaac first identified the most important point.

This is the observation of the sea monster itself.

Although Mies was holding it back, the unexpected "clumsiness" of this giant monster at this time was definitely not the fault of Mies.

"The power of bad luck!"

"Also, this prominent sense of existence that cannot be tolerated by the darkness..."

"Is Erevis' voter ability!"

With this suspicion in his heart, Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

The power of the chosen comes from the endowment of the gods, and to a large extent, it is a direct manifestation of the essence of the gods, which is naturally extraordinary.

The iconic silver fire of the Goddess of Magic Chosen, and there are many absolute immunity against specific spells!

Eilistraee Chosen, that moonlight walk that even the enchantment of the Leyline Lost City cannot be completely blocked!

The first voter of the Winter Goddess even used the divine essence to conduct research on "false tenth-level spells" and successfully mastered them!

The number one chosen of the god of thieves has unexpected abilities, which is not really a surprise!

But even so, this kind of "power of bad luck" still made Isaac pay more attention to it.

"Does the God of Thieves still hold priesthood powers related to 'bad luck' or 'fate'?"

Take this doubt to heart.

Below, Sesmesh was already violently tearing up the shadow sea monster.

The sea monster created by the shadow matter is not a real sea monster after all, especially in terms of vitality, there is a huge gap with the sea monster.

And Sesmis, this is the overlord of the deep sea who can even crush the ancient dragon in hand-to-hand combat!

It's just that the shadow sea monster created with the "Advanced Shadow Curse" has the ability to strengthen the "Shadow Instructor" and has the advantage of "Shadow Magic", but how can it stop Sesmeth!

The huge body just rolled over in the coral forest, and the shadow sea monster was still like a paper man, and it was torn into many pieces by this infinitely powerful deep sea monster.

Once again, another cloud of ink spewed out, and before more shadow sea monsters swarmed up, stumbling, Sesmeth was ejected suddenly.

But he staggered.

The ghost mages are also locked on him at this moment.

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