Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1286 Special

Ye Ying is born with a large number of spell-like abilities.

Even the weakest Flying Wing Night Shadow still possesses powerful spells such as "Finger of Death" and "Transportation to Another World".

This Deep Sea Night Shadow is even more powerful than the Flying Wing Night Shadow and the Fuxing Night Shadow, and is even comparable to the Giant Insect Night Shadow. Even though it has accepted the summons, it has not advanced at all, but at this time, this pounce, One bite, and then the "ice cone" is released...


Sesames was first shocked and angry, followed by a sudden and furious roar!

The Yeying giant shark's bite actually tore large pieces of flesh and blood from his head.

The spread of ice energy directly affected one of his eyes. Although it was not enough to cause him to lose vision, at least at this time, Sesmeath had already felt the impact.

No longer paying attention to the shadow sea monsters, the ten tentacles suddenly retracted. The huge body of the Kraken sea monster suddenly showed incredible flexibility. It turned sideways in an instant, and not only all the tentacles were swept towards the night. The giant shadow shark, with its ferocious and terrifying fangs and huge mouth that was even bigger than the giant shark, also swooped forward, trying to swallow the giant shark alive with a violent momentum.

"Melt into the shadow!"



"And this 'ice cone'..."

Isaac has always been paying attention to all this.

This sudden attack by the Night Shadow Giant Shark made him couldn't help but twitch his eyes.

He was not surprised at all that Ye Ying, the leader, had these abilities.

There are great similarities between Yeying and Yeying in many abilities, especially spell-like abilities.

From his old friend Blackwoods, he is naturally not unfamiliar with the abilities of this deep sea night shadow.

However, the ability is certainly no surprise.

It's also not surprising that he was able to seize the opportunity and pounce on Thesmeis.

After all, Night Shadow itself is made of shadow matter and negative energy. Under this "shadow shield", the advantage of sneaking is too great.

And at the same time, Sesmeis was also affected by various influences, especially being plagued by bad luck and being repulsed by the darkness. She was in a bad state, which was normal.


"Spellcaster level 25!"

What really surprised him was the caster level of Deep Sea Night Shadow's "Ice Cone"!

This is actually several levels beyond the legendary level. Even those ghost mages, with their professional abilities increased, only two or three people can match it!

Such a caster level directly penetrated Sesmeath's spell resistance, and the sea monster's face was severely blurred.

This deep sea night shadow is more powerful than he expected!

I am afraid that there is already a possibility of competing with the Wolf Snake Demon and the Balor Fire Demon!

Of course, the Wolf Snake Demon and the Balor Demon are definitely not interested in the underwater environment.

If the Night Shadows of the Deep Sea enter the main material world, those who will compete with them will probably be the Kraken Siren, or at most the Sea Elf Kingdom.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the current matter.

Isaac stared at that side with interest, but he just wanted to know if there was any chance of the deep-sea night shadow escaping under Sesmeath's counterattack. If so... this one was already furious. What abilities will the rising sea monster reveal?

It was in response to his idea.

Under the multiple attacks of the Kraken that covered the sky and the sun.


Suddenly, the darkness around the Night Shadow Shark seemed to suddenly deepen.

In just a moment, this giant shark, which was already extremely dark, was swallowed up by the darkness, and its figure disappeared into the dark shadows.

The size of the Kraken is too huge.

The strength derived from its size far exceeds that of the Night Shadow Giant Shark.

Even if his attack was successful,...

Slight pain but not itching!

There was no chance to continue the combo. Before the Kraken's too strong rebound, the Night Shadow Giant Shark couldn't make up for the second bite.

Only retreat!

As the coldest hunter in the deep sea, the Nightshade Shark knows how to choose.

At this time, even though the "Acceleration Technique" was still in the state, he had just completed the attack and bite. Facing the Kraken's rebound, he still had no time to burst out with speed again.

However, it is not unprepared.

Originally a body composed of shadows and negative energy, this night shadow seemed to suddenly become virtual, blending directly into the darkness and shadows, seemingly disappearing into the material world.

The sea monster's overwhelming attack swept over, and there was no longer any living thing in sight, except...

The figure of the Night Shadow Giant Shark had just disappeared.

In place of their original positions, there were actually a few more incorporeal Terror-bound spirits.

The attack of the sea monster is coming, and these incorporeal undead souls are supposed to be immune to any spiritual influence, but they also instinctively show a sense of fear.

However, with the enslavement and command of the Night Shadow Giant Shark, no matter how fearful they were, in the end, they still screamed to the ground, pounced on the Kraken's head, and faced the Kraken's giant mouth.

Right now.


Isaac's eyes, which had been observing, suddenly became focused.

A round of golden ripples is swaying!

The Night Shadow Giant Shark suddenly disappeared, and Sesmeath let out a soundless roar.

From the top of his head, which seemed to be the location of the Miser energy core, a golden ripple spread out in all directions.

As the ripples passed by, those fear-bound spirits seemed to have been struck by a devastating soul blow, and instantly dissipated around them.

Although it had already escaped into the shadows, the figure of the Night Shadow Shark actually seemed to be ejected, falling directly into the "embrace" of Sesmeath's ten tentacles.

The tentacles gathered together smoothly, and even the Night Shadow Giant Shark was unable to resist the terrifying power. Sesmeath actually pulled this huge giant thing, like a toy, directly to her mouth.

"Primal magical energy!"

"It's the power of the Miser Energy Core!"

Isaac's eyes finally flickered.

Fusion and symbiosis, this sea monster can indeed control the power of the Myser Energy Core to a certain extent!

Even Mi Si can't stop such a drive.

Just like this, the sea monster can't stop Mies either and keeps asking for help!

"In the past, Mith instilled energy into Magadon alone. Now this sea monster can also directly use this raw magical energy. It seems that this secret energy core really has extraordinary special characteristics!"

Although what Isaac hopes to obtain more is a normal Myser energy core, so that he can complete the entire magic ritual without any accidents.

But... this does not prevent him from being interested in this intelligent magical artifact.

Excluding the factor of "Magic Dragon Transformation Ritual", he still has a strong interest in the special characteristics of this secret energy core, especially research interest.

"After the ceremony is completed, let's see how to study the essence of his existence!"

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