Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1287 Beacon

The Kraken Siren's limit is the strength of a level 25 professional, which is roughly equivalent to the average level of the Ancient Dragon.

However, this is only the overall level.

The ancient dragons all possess powerful magical abilities, while Kraken basically relies entirely on its own physical strength. In this direction of pure violence, Kraken is naturally more brutal.

Moreover, Thesmyth is no ordinary Kraken.

The magical symbiosis with the Myser Energy Core and the long-term absorption of the power of the Myser Energy Core not only pushed him to the racial limit of the Kraken Siren, but also gave him numerous abilities.

Originally, the Kraken Siren had no natural spell resistance, but Thesmeath's spell resistance was quite good.

This is also true. The arcane masters gathered here are all high-level arcane masters. Moreover, most of their spellcasting focuses on creation, which can avoid the influence of spell resistance.

In addition, Sesmeath's regeneration ability has also been greatly strengthened.

Even the hellfire of Magadon could not suppress his regeneration and self-healing.

Although the bite of this shadow shark is fatal, for him with strong regeneration ability, it can only arouse him to complete rage!

Most importantly, he was also endowed with powerful magical abilities!

The Kraken Siren's natural spell-like abilities are quite limited. They should only be able to "control the weather", "control animals", and "resist energy damage". At most, they only have the special ability to transmit nightmares.

But Thesmeis was different.

During the more than a thousand years of symbiosis with the Miser Energy Core, he has already mastered the limited ability to control the infinite magical energy of the Miser Energy Core through his spiritual communication with Mice.

Although this control ability is inevitably subject to many restrictions due to Meese's lack of cooperation, Siren's high enough intelligence allows Sesmeath to still use this control ability to absorb the Mysel nuclear magic energy. At the same time, he has given himself numerous spell-like abilities.

However, what he used in this explosion at this time was not a spell-like ability.

With a violent will, Sesmeath directly released the original magical energy of the Mithron core.

Even though Meese intervened immediately, this interference could not be completely stopped.

Just like the magic of "cursed fire", as this original magical energy spreads, within a certain area, the effects produced by the spells, including the spells being cast, are destroyed instantly. All magic is formed, and it dissipates directly.

The "walking shadows" of night shadows in the deep sea are no exception.

Seeing the violent sea monster, he unexpectedly pulled out the deep sea night shadow. The ten tentacles almost easily crushed the deep sea night shadow's struggle and dragged the giant shark to his mouth.

Although the Yinhun mages had unexpected events, they naturally would not sit idly by.

On one side is a swarm of swarms, driving the shadow sea monster to charge forward and contain the sea monster.

One side, once again, has the Kraken's location as the center of the spell.

"Manipulate the water level!"

"Uzumaki Jutsu!"

There are arcanists who are restricting and interfering.

"Ice Claws!"

"Vajra Fist!"

An arcanist formed a hand of energy and joined forces to imprison and collide with the sea monster.

"Rainbow Bow!"

"Deep Sea Explosion!"

There is also the Arcanist, who has once again launched a powerful attack spell that is not affected by the deep sea environment.

For a time, the magic fluctuations were surging.

"Damn guy!"

Sesames was furious and cursed secretly in her heart.

Although he knew that both sides had bad intentions towards him, before he came out, the two sides were fighting fiercely. As soon as he came out, the fierce battle of spells stopped immediately, and all the ghost mages pointed at him...

He naturally knew that this was the person of unknown origin, who deliberately allowed the Yinhun Mage to attack him, and probably had the intention of using him to consume the Yinhun Mage.

But for this, he could only live with it!

Fortunately, those shadow mages should not dare to act at will. As long as he can get out of the magic range of most people, he can initially get rid of them.

As for who will win after this and will continue to follow him...

"As long as you can track it, I'll wait for you to find it!"

Various restraints and attacks could not stop the violent Kraken Kraken.

The two main tentacles separated, sweeping away the shadow sea monsters like cleaning reptiles.

The eight tentacles still crushed the Night Shadow giant shark's fierce struggle.

Regardless of the containment and attack of those spells, dragging the giant shark to her mouth, Sesmis's terrifying giant mouth, one bite, may even swallow the entire head of the giant shark.

The size difference is huge!

The size of this ancient sea monster is an entire order of magnitude larger than the Ancient Golden Dragon and the Ancient Red Dragon.

The Night Shadow Giant Shark is at best a giant size.

There is a huge difference in body shape between the two.

The comparison is like a kobold and a halfling standing in front of the fire giant and frost giant.

With such a gap, it is naturally impossible to fight with pure strength.

But just this mouthful of Thesmeis...

"The finger of death!"

Summon creatures and are not afraid of death.

Being imprisoned does not prevent the use of spell-like abilities.

Although the night shadow in the deep sea could not break free from the sea monster's tight grasp, the suction cups and wrist stings of the eight tentacles had penetrated deeply into its body.

However, even as the sea monster swallowed it in one mouthful, the power of death was still in the eyes of this night shadow.

However, with Sesmeath's powerful physique, it was impossible for the "finger of death" to cause immediate death to him.

This spell's damage to the sea monster is equivalent to a "fireball spell" that explodes in the sea monster's mouth and is not subject to any reduction.

Although this kind of damage is still not light, it is not much different from the "deep sea explosion" suffered by the sea monster.

However, this is still not worth mentioning for Sesmys' vitality that is too powerful and is constantly regenerating.

After enduring this blow, he still swallowed it in one bite. Ye Ying's rotten flesh and blood, filled with the essence of death and shadow, finally allowed the sea monster's tyranny to be vented and satisfied.

Suiye no longer stays.

Let's give this battlefield to the two sides and let them fight to the death first!

"Move freely!"

It was the "Ice Claws" and "Diamond Fist" that were colliding towards each other. The spell-like abilities for all restraints and confinements on the Siren's body were added almost in the blink of an eye.

For a moment, neither the vortex nor the hand of energy could contain him anymore.

In a blink of an eye, he escaped from the whirlpool.

"Ink cloud spits out!"

Once again, the highly acidic ink cloud spread out in the sea water.

And that's it at this time.

Isaac's eyes suddenly turned.

Even if the Siren suddenly revealed the ability to "move freely", it didn't make him observe any more.

With his eyes, he stared at Brenas from a distance.

"Shadow Beacon!"

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