Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1292 Arrival

Revalan had a good idea.

With the various shadow teleportation abilities inherent in the ghost creatures, combined with the professional abilities of the shadow mentor, this is enough for them to complete the tracking of Sesmis under the deep sea.

Furthermore, as long as the Supreme City Lord arrives, there is still a possibility, or even a certainty, of turning everything around!


"Brother, something's not right!"

It only took a moment to track. As the accidents happened one after another in front of him, Brenas, who had the "early warning skill" status and had escaped from the signs of crisis twice, quickly took the initiative to find Revalan. .

Revalan actually sensed that something was wrong.

They were also tracking Sesmys, but that one was actually aware of his existence, but didn't pay much attention to him. Instead, he stared at his subordinates and killed them. This...

This is to scare them so much that they will not dare to pursue him any further!

In the previous negotiation with him, what this man said was fulfilled!

But...how on earth did this person do it?

With the coldness in his heart, even to his younger brother, Revalan had a sullen face: "What did you find?"

"He's faster than us!"

Revalan's eyes suddenly narrowed after Brenas' words.

He was also curious, why could this man come to snipe them from the front repeatedly?

You know, they are chasing with "Shadow Leap", and this speed is not that bad even compared with Sesmeath.

In the dark environment of the deep sea, and furthermore, no matter who comes, long-distance teleportation is impossible, their continuous "shadow leaps" are not only extremely fast, but also extremely secretive.

But this man was not only faster than them, he could even repeatedly catch their scattered tracks...

Such a method has exceeded Revalan's budget.

Although he is prepared to sacrifice, this sacrifice does not mean that he is prepared to sacrifice all his close friends!

I really want all these high-level arcane masters and even high-level priests to be sacrificed here...

The priest profession has not yet mastered the ninth level spell. Without the "miracle technique" and the inability to study legendary magic, he cannot complete the resurrection of so many people!

"Speak clearly and in detail!"

Revalan put away the gloom in his expression.

Brenas nodded naturally: "I have a suspicion that this person is carrying out continuous 'teleportation', and his transmission frequency is better than our 'shadow leap', so it can be faster, plus Even if we are dispersed and have secrets, since we need to track Sesames’s traces, this means that we have a general position that he can take advantage of, and this is why we have those repeated sniping attacks!”

Continuous and high-frequency "transmission"!

With the "Early Warning Technique" in his body, Brenas's judgment was exactly the observation and speculation he made after escaping the crisis!

This judgment...

Revalan's eyes flickered slightly.

Generally speaking, it is impossible to prepare so many "teleportation spells" with only the preparation of spell slots.

Even if magic resources are invested, no one should be able to prepare so many "teleportation scrolls" or similar resources.

Therefore, Brenas’s judgment...

"In all likelihood, it should be a magic-like ability that can be used at will!"

And those with such abilities...

"Creatures from the outer planes?"

The first thought in Revalan's mind was that he was suspicious of extraplanar creatures like "Baatezu" and "Tanar'ri". These were typical creatures with the ability to teleport at will.

However, with the natural energy levels of these creatures, if they want to have the spellcasting ability of this mysterious mage...

In his heart, Revalan secretly shook his head again.

From his rough observations, the mysterious mage's caster level is probably over level 30, and he is undoubtedly a spellcasting profession, not a spell-like ability.

If it were really Tanar'ri or Baatezu, it would be almost impossible to have such a mage level!

Consider again the possible relationship between that person and the "creator"...

"It's not impossible that it was obtained through some special transformation techniques or special magic rituals!"

As far as Revalan knows, when the Magic Dynasty was still there, there were many arcane masters who specialized in these studies.

This time he was planning to conquer Sembia. According to the lady's revelation, when he was searching for the lost holy book, he came into contact with an old friend from the Magic Dynasty. It was in this research field that he had an unimaginable depth of research.

Considering that this mysterious mage is also very likely to be related to the Magic Dynasty, he may even be an old friend who already existed during the Magic Dynasty. If it is said that he also obtained this ability through this method, Revalan is This possibility is by no means ruled out.

These thoughts flashed through his mind, but Revalan did not inquire further.

He believed that since he could not see more direct phenomena, the same was true for Brenas.

When asked, his brother would only give some speculations and judgments, rather than affirmations and determinations!


Revalan changed the meaning of the words: "How long will it take for father to arrive?"

The Supreme City Lord is the only way to solve this problem, or at least the most possible way!

"He must have arrived in Sambia."

"As long as he comes a little closer, with the contact of the 'shadow beacon', he will be teleported directly to him quickly."

The "Shadow Beacon" is on Brenas. It is natural that this ghost prince has always maintained contact with the Supreme City Lord.

The Supreme City Lord came a little slowly.

However, this is normal.

Ever since the City of Shadows was attacked by the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic and almost fell into the desert, the Supreme City Lord had become less and less interested in leaving the Floating City.

Reinforcements can come this time because he is his son. Naturally, everything in the City of Shadows must be arranged first to ensure that it will not be attacked again before we can truly travel!

Furthermore... if you slow down a little, it will naturally be normal.

Revalan, on the other hand, found it difficult to urge him, let alone did he dare to do so.

However, he can urge others...

"Submit Yada again and ask him to move at full speed immediately. I want to join forces with him and fight with that man first."

Revalan ordered his younger brother.

Brenas did not delay, and immediately started the communication.

In just a few minutes, in the dark deep sea environment, a shadow wave suddenly appeared...

Carrying a huge sword on his back, Yada Tanshur, who looked more majestic and stronger, suddenly appeared beside the two of them.

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