Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1293 Suspicion

"Brother, Brenas."

"What is the situation that requires you to rush me so urgently?"

The information carrying capacity of short message technology is limited. Although Yada Tanshur arrived at a very fast speed, he knew the specific things but did not know why.

Therefore, when he arrived here, he immediately raised questions.

Yada Tanshur is the champion warrior of the Lady of the Night. She directly commands the armed forces of the "Dome of Night". She is Revalan's deputy and Revalan's staunchest supporter.

The reason why he did not directly participate in the Sambia strategy this time was because Operation Cormyr was thwarted and Operation Efraska was not fully successful. Therefore, he wanted to block Revalan from Haji in the City of Ghosts. Professor Horner's slander, and at the same time, the temple's newly expanded army must be organized so that it can reinforce and respond to Revalan's actions at any time.

But even so, he is still far more familiar with the situation in Sambia than the Supreme City Lord.

This is also the reason why he can teleport quickly and keeps coming by "shadow leap". The Supreme City Lord clearly has far more magical abilities than him, but he still hasn't arrived yet.

Questions about him.

"Talking as we walk, catch up with the sea monster first."

Revalan did not stop here to explain slowly.

The mysterious mage's unexpected speed again completely disrupted his plan.

Even though he and Brenas had a brief discussion, they immediately made changes, causing the ghosts to spread out over a larger area, to be more cautious, and to track more secretly. This controlled the damage to a certain extent, but correspondingly... They directly traced the whereabouts of Sesmis, but this was basically intercepted by that person!

Now, even with Brenas' prophecy, they could only barely grasp the general direction of Thesmeath's escape.

This is naturally not the time to stop and slowly explain.

With a slight nod to Yada Tanshur, the three figures "shadow jumped" out without hiding or pausing in the middle. While marching hand in hand, Revalan introduced this place. Case.

A mysterious mage suspected to be related to Sacross City!

Incredible stealth ability!

Incomparably powerful magical abilities!

And it also has a teleportation ability that can be used almost at will, which is better than "Shadow Leap"!

In addition, the target is directly aimed at the Miser energy core, and there is no way to reconcile with them...


During Revalan's quick introduction, Yada Tanshur's eyes inadvertently wrinkled slightly.

Brenas specializes in the prophecy system and has his guidance, but neither Revalan nor him need to consider the issue of tracking.

Therefore, apart from keeping up with Brenas, Yada Tanshur doesn't need to think about anything else.

His mind was basically focused on thinking about the information Revalan revealed.

Why did the image of this mysterious mage give him a feeling of... deja vu? ! !

Especially this "incredible invisibility ability", combined with the incomparable power, even Revalan admits that he has inferior spellcasting ability...

"that one?"

With a thought in his heart, Yada Tanshur associated this image with someone whom he had been in contact with and had an extremely deep impression on.

Although that person did not reveal his true identity at that time, to this day, he is quite sure of his identity.

Is it possible that it is really that person?

With his eyes locked deeply, Yada Tanshur considered the possibility.

According to Revalan, this person's purpose is to use the secret energy core!

A magical sacred weapon like the Myser Energy Core is naturally attractive enough to any spell caster.

If that person has understanding, he will be tempted, but this is not unexpected.

So, at least based on the premise, this is possible.


"The present moment!"

In his heart, Yada Tanshur had some hesitation and hesitation.

In their conquest of the Great Desert, they also followed the tradition of the Magic Dynasty era and also conquered the Blue Dragon Clan entrenched in the Great Desert.

Although this conquest was not fully successful in the end, it was able to seize the phylacteries of several blue dragon lichs from the hands of the Dragon Witch Cult, thereby completing the conquest of these giant dragons.

Although these blue dragon lichs have not long returned to the material world, the City of Shadows also knows that Dragon Madness has already arrived!

As one of the leaders of the five-color dragons, you can even omit "one". He already has the potential of being the "Dragon King". At this time, he should be leading the five-color dragons and actively deal with the dragon madness!

Moreover, Sambia is the headquarters of the Dragon Witch Sect. There seems to be something wrong with this person sneaking into Sambia at this time!

For a moment, even Yada Tanshur's character showed hesitation, which was clearly revealed.

In the final analysis, even he, even in the city of ghosts, would never want to be an enemy of that person easily.

Even though the Efraska incident was a blow from that person in the back, it was just because that person held back in the end and allowed him to escape unscathed. Yada Tanshur was forced to do so. Suppressing those negative impulses, even Professor Haji Horner, the father's spokesman, also put aside this idea of ​​revenge.

That person is in the Southern Continent, and they are in the Northern Continent. However, this distance makes them not suitable for enemies.

At least, until they complete their conquest around the great desert, it is not appropriate to be enemies now!

But at this time, if this person is really taking action against Miser...

"Revalan will never give in when it comes to the floating city!"

"And this also involves the lady's big plan!"

"Even if it's really him, this battle is inevitable!"

"However, this may also be an opportunity. Father will take action personally this time. If we can get rid of him directly, there will be no further trouble!"

Thoughts flashed through her mind like this, and Yada Tanshur's eyes narrowed slightly again.

Although he has made up his mind to fight, considering this person's power level and considering that this is not a shadow shield environment that bans Felin Demon Kui...

"Even if my father takes action personally, and even if the three of us attack together, I'm afraid we may not be able to completely retain him."

"In that case... Just pretend that you don't know his identity, and just think that he is a remnant of Sacross City!"

"In this way, even if we fail to retain him in the end, at least the conflict will not intensify openly. At most, we will be more careful about his secret calculations in the future!"

In this way...

In his heart, Yada Tanshur also suppressed the expression of doubts about this.

Don't worry, let's see if we can keep this person first!

At this time, the three of them remained invisible, constantly "shadow leaping" and marching.

Neither Revalan nor Brainers noticed his abnormal reaction.

Yada Tanshur also put aside all these hesitations.

And they are the ones who are following fast.


Suddenly, Brenas' expression changed as he had been using his prophecy to guide the way.

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