Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1294 Misleading


"what's the situation?"

Brenas' change coincided with this, and Revalan and Yada both became police officers.

It's just... there is always darkness and silence around him.

The two of them then looked at Brenas.

I saw that their younger brother was making predictions and calculations at the same time, and his expression became increasingly gloomy.

After a while.

In the end, Brenas's movements stopped, and his expression was extremely ugly. He raised his eyes to his two brothers and said in a harsh voice: "We are pursuing the wrong direction. I was misled and lost track of Sesmeath. grasp."

As soon as these words came out, Revalana's expression turned gloomy. However, he still suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice: "What is the specific situation? Are you sure you can follow up again?"

He thought about the possibility of being sniped by the mysterious mage, so he called Yada for this purpose.

But he didn't expect that before the sniper attack happened on their heads, they had already lost track of the Kraken!

At this moment, if it weren’t for the usual city still there, if it wasn’t for Yada Tanshur who was there, and even more, if it wasn’t for my father who was about to arrive...

Revalan finally suppressed the flames of anger.

"It should be double misleading."

"Sessmis itself has the state of 'Misleading Detection', but this spell state broke through for me."

"What caused me to make a mistake in judgment was the second level of misdirection."

"It must be that person's arrangement. His level in the field of prophecy is probably even better than mine!"

Brenas frowned deeply.

Although the "Early Warning Technique" state greatly enhanced his sixth sense, this sensitivity was more focused on danger.

The person on the opposite side must have noticed his state, so while "misleading", he did not conduct any ambush, which made him rush too far.

At this time, we need to go back and reposition ourselves, especially to break through this misleading interference first...

Brenas was at a loss for a moment.

Revalan and the other two naturally understood what he meant.

While secretly cursing "trash", Revalan could only do his best to remedy and save things.

The thoughts in his heart flashed, and Revalan suddenly said: "Perform the magic ritual. I will immediately gather ritual assistants to help you cast spells in the ritual. Before your father arrives, you must break through this misunderstanding and turn the sea monster into a magic ritual." Find it out completely!

You don't have to participate in the subsequent battle. "

Brenas is the number of castings of 2 legendary spells, which is only one level short of three times a day.

In other words...at least for now, he still only passes the law twice a day.

In addition, he had already used it once in the previous battle with Sesmeath...

Today, Brenas only has one legendary spell left!

Because of this, Revalan understood, at least, tried to understand what he meant as much as possible.

When the enemy is that unfathomable mysterious mage, Brenas will have scruples and reservations. This is normal.

Therefore, simply, Revalan directly allowed him not to participate in the war, but the premise was that Brenas must locate Thesmys's location as quickly as possible!

He was afraid that if the time here dragged on for a long time, Sesmeath would not be able to stop that person, and he would quickly capture it for that person, and even the secret energy core would be taken away by that person.

Revalandu said this, and there was no way Brenas could avoid it.

Quickly, he began to conceive and perfect the ceremony.

Revalan called on the ghosts.

And on their side, preparations are in full swing.

the other side.


"The great king of sharks, the sleeping king of the sea, as a follower, I call you to wake up from your eternal sleep!"

On one side, he was escaping extremely fast.

On the other side, Sesmeath's unparalleled spiritual will spread out ripples of telepathy.

And when his call continued to spread in the deep sea...

"You bastard, take action quickly and stop him!"

"Erevis, stop him immediately and never let him call again."

"Urgent news calls back the Bystander. He has a big conspiracy!"

Mis's mental fluctuations were surging rapidly.

Through his spiritual connection with Sesmeath, he had already sensed the Siren's conspiracy.

Meese passed on the warning about the mental fluctuations, and Erevis and Magadon were following behind.

And at the same time as this transmission, the magic energy infusion was accurately delivered again.

Immediately, the extremely intense and violent purgatory flames erupted on Magadon's body again, even in the deep sea environment.

With this explosion, at this time, it can be seen that all the injuries on this tiefling have almost recovered.

At this time, being infused with magic energy again, the tiefling roared and took the initiative to kill Sesmeath.

"What's going on?"

Irevis was responding and consulting while already activating the shadow beacon.

He naturally knew what could make Meese so impatient to send such an urgent signal...

This is definitely not unusual!

Naturally, he would not handle this kind of thing alone. After all, this was the bystander's territory!


"He is trying to awaken the former lover of the Ocean Goddess!"

"He is also the ruler of the Sahuagin people, the ancestor of all sharks, and the companion of the 'Great White Shark' who traveled to Seros in his early years."

As soon as Meese's words came out...

Even Erevis and the others have actually never heard of the name Ilhovas until now, but this does not hinder their understanding of the meaning behind the name at all.

This is actually the former lover of the goddess of the sea!

And at the same time, the "Great White Shark", who is also a god, is actually closely related to this person!

These two points alone illustrate how extraordinary this person is.

Sesmees suddenly wants to wake this...

No need to think too much, Irevis and the others already know that this is for people like them!


Regardless of whether they can be stopped or not, they are not the main target!

In response to Mice's explanation, with a wave of shadow power, Erevis' figure disappeared from its original position.

The next moment, one on the left and the other on the right, he and the tiefling were already fighting against the Kraken Siren hand in hand.

And this at the same time.

"What happened again?"

Shadow beacon reacts suddenly and violently.

After completing all the "guiding" and leading the arcanists to the fork in the road, Isaac's heart suddenly wrinkled.

"The Mithron core is the most important."

"It seems that we need to let these ghosts go first and see what happened over there first?"

His eyes only wrinkled, and Isaac's figure flashed before disappearing into the darkness.

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