Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1318 The Primordial Dragon

Isaac made no secret of his private goods.

After all, Ivy Coleman and Claudia Marta couldn't even see this.

But...as long as it works!

For a port city like Calimport, the God of Storm, who is in charge of the priesthood of disaster, is the most awe-inspiring.

Moreover, the belief in the God of Storms is extremely special in Kalindsay.

Long before the magic dynasty, in the era when Kalindsay was ruled by elemental genies, it symbolized storms, lightning, and the God of Storms who symbolized all natural disasters. This was already in Kalindsay, with a near-dominant power. influential.

Even though the elemental genies lost their rule over Kalindsay because of the endless civil war, the belief in the God of Storms was deeply rooted in Kalindsay.

In Calimport, there is the most core temple of the God of Storms in the southern continent.

According to legend, the God of Storms even descended here in person, leaving a real miracle here.

If such a holy place is destroyed, or even destroyed, the people of Calimport have not been able to resist with all their strength...

Of course, the God of Storms will definitely miss Ivy Coglan, but... Ivy in the state of dragon madness, this rage is not under his control!

No matter how much he thinks about it, can he still push the entire sect to become an enemy of Ivy?

The demise of the Karin Sennasian dynasty, this is a direct lesson from the past.

For Ivy Ke LS Gran, the move is the original dragon that can launch revenge actions over a span of a hundred years. Even the Church of Storms, in most cases, can only endure.

Compared with Ivy, if Calimport's resistance is not strong enough, this is the most direct anger that will be provoked by the God of Storms.

The wrath of the God of Storms naturally means a natural disaster!




These natural disasters, although there is no way to deal with Ivy Kelan, but the impact is too great for Calimport.

And once Calimport is swept by disaster under the wrath of the God of Storms...

Isaac naturally knew that the influence of the "Lord of Runes" had already been in the dark, corroding all aspects of Kalindsay.

A royal city like Calimport, and also the most prosperous port, is undoubtedly under the secret control of these undead liches.

Once the natural disaster has enveloped the city, and it will remain for a long time...

Isaac would never have suspected that this would undoubtedly hit Entangling Symbols' business activities, especially by sea.

Therefore, it is theoretically speculated that once Ivy Kelan falls into a dragon madness and launches a violent attack on the Temple of Storms.

As long as there is a "Lord of Symbols" hiding in Calimport at this time, there is a great possibility that it will help the Temple of Storms to resist Ivy's attack.

Even this "assistance" may only come from the dark.


Ivy Ke LS Gran, that's because Isaac's spell was first suppressed by the effect of "protecting the dragon madness", and then was affected by the "enhanced dragon madness". Deliberately cooperating, this is, before the effect of Isaac's spell dissipated, and before the suppression of the "protective dragon madness" was not released, he fell into the state of dragon madness.

But Isaac and Claudia Marta, it's just different.

If there is a "Lord of Talismans" who is hiding in the dark.

It is also hidden in the dark, and everything is prepared, waiting for them on the opposite side, which naturally will not miss the action on the other side.

"Multiple in one move!"

"Ivy's rage, the raging of Calimport, will undoubtedly arouse the reactions of the most powerful five-color dragons, including Balagos, once Balagos also comes to indulge, this That's where the opportunity lies!"

"At the same time, with her destruction of the Temple of Storms, even the destruction, half of my promise to Zehir has been fulfilled."

"And the Temple of Storms was hit to such an extent that the face of the God of Storms was directly stepped on the ground. If there is no accident, the power of the Church of Storms will be concentrated here in the near future. This is the time to attack that person!"

"In addition, there is a possibility that the Lord of Symbols will be drawn out, and it is still very possible."

"Also, this is the first cooperation after reaching the covenant, and it also enhances the credibility of each other..."

This is of course a multiplicity of things!

And it was Isaac's thought that flashed.

Suddenly, his and Crowgilia Marta's eyes focused again.

No more communication.

With their gazes, they all turned to the ruins left behind when "Carlin Port" was destroyed in the early years.

A colossal figure flew out from the ruins.

On the body that is as blue as the blue sky, the lightning arcs of Razer are dense like a net, and the dragon power of an unbelievable intensity is radiating far away, even if it is far away, even if they are allies, Isaac and Crowe Gilia Mata's expression was unknowingly frozen.

Powerful, but also huge.

Unbelievably powerful and huge!

Isaac had just fought against the Kraken Siren a month ago.

The Kraken Kraken, which has surpassed the super-giant size, is already incomparably colossal, much larger than the ancient red dragon and the ancient golden dragon.

But at this moment, when this blue dragon figure appeared in the sky...

"Ivy deserves to be a legend destined to enter the history of dragons."

"There is not much difference between her and Balagos!"

In Crowgilia Marta's voice, it was difficult to hide the surprise, and there was even envy.

This is the first time she saw the real body of Ivy Kelan.

But just seeing this, she is completely sure in her heart, even if Ivy Coglan doesn't have any professional advancement, the gap between her and this legendary blue dragon is quite big!

Can be compared with such a legend...

Apart from old antiques like Balagos, I'm afraid this is the only one beside her!


Crowgilia Marta's admiration moved Isaac's heart, as for his understanding of "Flying Flame", this person is definitely the best.

Although under the "Fei Yan" target, she was completely unable to form an influence that matched her own strength, but after many years, she was the only one who was able to escape from the "Fei Yan" pursuit repeatedly .

Working part-time as a druid and being a green dragon herself, she is a perfect fit for the forest environment.

As a rogue, she has extraordinary stealth and reflex abilities.

The combination of the two, as well as the strength of its own vitality, is extremely powerful, so even "Fei Yan" still cannot hold her.

After so many encounters, her understanding of "Fei Yan" is naturally much deeper than most people.

With this movement in his heart, Isaac also asked a question that he wanted to know for a long time: "In what areas is the gap between Ivy and him?"

"All directions!"

"Balagas's life energy level, I'm afraid it has already exceeded level 60, and he must surpass Ivy in all aspects of all attributes."

"As the original dragon, Ivy can only be regarded as a smaller 'Flying Flame'."

"And, there is another key point..."

Crowgilia Mata said solemnly: "Balagas has mastered an incredible breath ability, his flame dragon breath can even penetrate fire immunity.

This ability, combined with his super breath expertise, and also mastered a variety of super breath magic, this is a powerful ability that anyone, even a god, should have a taboo! "

Penetrate Fire Free!

Claudia Marta's introduction caused Isaac's eyes to condense slightly.

A primordial red dragon with a life energy level exceeding level 60, the power of its flaming dragon breath is incomparably terrifying.

When such a flame dragon's breath is strengthened by super-breath specialties such as "extreme breath" and "instant breath", it can also be combined with super-breath spells such as "breath energy mixing" and "deaf breath"... …

This is Isaac, it's hard to say that his magical explosive power will be more powerful than this dragon's breath.

Moreover, as a primordial red dragon with a life energy level over 60, there is no doubt that Balagos has mastered a lot of high-level spell slots.

In this way, even if he masters spells such as "Rainbow Shield", he can directly block all supernatural breath attacks, but it's hard to say, he must be able to stop this man's magic crack!

"The life energy level exceeds level 60, that is to say, Balagos has at least 19 age groups, surpassing the ancient red dragon by at least 7 age groups, and the caster level has reached at least level 31, and at least obtained 3 'Improve Spell Slots' feats, possess level 12 spell slots, and at the same time, have at least 6 legendary spells per day..."

This kind of magic ability, combined with the unmatched physical strength of the original dragon, coupled with the astonishing dragon power, the terrifying dragon breath, the all-round immunity level, and the magic resistance beyond imagination...

This is an almost perfect match!

Balagos was so flamboyant that he ravaged the southern continent for more than ten thousand years. Whether it was the age of the elves or the period of the Karindsay Magic Dynasty, there was nothing he could do about him. It lies in his own strength!

Even Isaac is not sure that he can catch this one, and even this one has the qualifications to pose a real threat to him!

He will form an alliance with Ivy Ke LS Gran and Claudia Marta, which is really true, and it is a taboo, even a taboo consideration for this person.

"Crowgilia Marta's evaluation is correct. Excluding some special abilities and unique talents, Baragas is really an enhanced version of Ivy in all aspects."

"Ivy should be at the level of a 35-level professional. If there is a professional level, the evaluation must be further improved."

"As for Balagos, relying solely on the strength of the giant dragon itself, at least it has the level of '40+'!"

While having such a judgment in his heart, Isaac's eyes were focused enough to pay attention to the situation on the side of the blue dragon.

Seeing that Ivy, who was already in a frenzy, just passed through the secret magic door and flew into the sky of Calimport, immediately, a lightning beam with extremely amazing power, even terrifying, swept across the sky below. In just a blink of an eye, the whole city was ignited with fear...

"Does Balagos have any iconic spells? Or, do you have to have the mastery of the sacred weapon for prevention in advance?"

The three dragons' alliance, the most important target, is to point to Balagos.

Isaac didn't mind the fact that he already had the two private items of "Church of the Storm" and "Lord of Runes", and showed more attention to Balagos' side.

"I don't understand either."

"But I don't hide it from Your Majesty. The reason why I can get away every time I find him is because I never confront him head-on. I just retreat first when I hear the news."

"I really don't have a direct way to understand his unique spells or special sacred artifacts."

"However, there may be one thing to pay attention to."

"It's different from Scarlet and Hellfire, the red dragons who are as old as him. Baragos's energy and activity are far beyond them.

Some spellcasters have researched that Balagos may have mastered the real eternal life and the mystery of returning to youth! "

The ancient green dragon, who has a deep-rooted hatred for Balagos, naturally wouldn't mind leaking certain anomalies about Balagos to the outside world.

In fact, a large part of the rumors related to Balagos that were circulated outside were finally spread out after she processed them.

"eternal life!"

"And return to youth!"

It's not that Isaac has never heard of this rumor, but Claudia Marta said this directly in person, but it also made him think a lot.

Although these two points are not very attractive to him, if this matter is true... it is not without research value!

While pondering, Isaac nodded slightly, but did not speak.

His eyes, he was still keeping a close eye on the location of Ivy Ke LS Grand.

Amidst the blue dragon's irrational roar and rage, in the end, Calimport's counterattack also happened.

There are arrows shooting into the sky here and there, some of them magical ones.

The bombardment with spells is also swaying and flying, and there are even high-level spells among them.

After all, Calimport is where the royal city of Calinsay is located, and it has a profound heritage. Although the caster of it does not obey the royal family's orders because the magic emperor has long since disappeared in the history of Calinsay, but now At this moment, these spellcasters are also willing to cooperate with Wang Cheng's counterattack.

It's just... nothing to do!

Although Ivy, who is in a frenzy, cannot cast spells, but...

Her spell resistance is too strong!

Almost the vast majority, or even nearly all of the magic attacks, often bombarded his body, and they disappeared into the void.

As for those crossbow attacks, this is even more trivial.

Ivy has the real "Legendary Damage Reduction" ability. Before there were bows and arrows with legendary quality, these shots were almost not even qualified to leave marks on his dragon scales.

Not only that.

For those, very few of them are spells that penetrated her magic resistance, penetrated her reduction, and caused damage just now...

"If it is worn!"

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