Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1319 Full

In the state of dragon madness, there is a complete loss of sanity, so it is impossible to perform any spells, including the use of spell-type abilities.

However, this does not affect the existing spell status on the dragon itself, including the special effects conferred by various magic equipment.

Although Ivey Kelan persuaded him, he was willing to take the initiative to accept the influence of "Dragon Madness" to launch a violent attack on Calim Port and the Temple of Storms.

However, this blue dragon, who is famous for his cunning, naturally cannot accept all this without precautions.

She has a "Trigger Technique" on her body, and there is even a small possibility that it is still a "Legendary Trigger Technique". Once she encounters some kind of accident, she can instantly restore the "Protective Dragon Madness" state, and there is also Possibly, there will be an instant transfer to some "safe house".

She also wears many magic gems on her body, the Ioin Stone that is constantly orbiting above her head, which gives her a series of powerful abilities, including "regeneration" and "freedom of movement."

But it's not just that.

Looking over there, even though there was a small amount of magic, it actually penetrated her spell resistance and really hit her.

But immediately, an extremely special magic effect was reflected from her body, so that the magic damage was directly weakened to an almost immune level...

"Holy weapon!"

Ivey Kelan once cleaned the treasure house of the "Sean Dynasty". Over the course of a thousand years, she has plundered countless other secret treasures. Her collection is probably inferior to that of Isaac today.

If Isaac's judgment is correct, a powerful holy weapon is definitely integrated into her body at this time!

It’s the “Legendary Trigger Technique”, a large number of Aoun Stones, and the integration of this powerful holy weapon…

Although she took the initiative to accept the "Dragon Madness", Ivey Keglan's sufficient preparation and precautions were enough to ensure her safety.

Moreover, her precautions are not just for Calim Port...

"Although there should be only one sacred weapon integrated into it, based on her caution, most of the sacred weapons she carries with her this time are the sacred weapons stored in the stomach, and there may be legendary equipment, but there should be more than a few. "

"Once a special situation occurs, her sanity will recover from the dragon's madness. With sufficient preparation, she is sure to deal with all situations!"

With this judgment, Isaac suppressed some of his greedy thoughts.

Naturally, he has an instinctive desire to possess the collection of Ivycolan. This is the nature of the dragon clan.

However, he is not yet blinded by this nature.

Seeing that there was a counterattack by the people below, they became more and more violent. On one side, they were madly spitting out the lightning dragon breath, and on the other side, the body as huge as a mountain launched a direct dive towards the Ivyco LS Ge. Lan, in almost the blink of an eye, completely crushed everything below, whether it was the spontaneously organized rebel team or the extremely strong defensive buildings.

Immediately afterwards, as if attracted by instinct, the original blue dragon pointed fiercely at the palace located in the eastern city of Calimport...

"It's almost time."

Isaac's eyes met with Claudia Mata's, and they both nodded. Immediately, their figures disappeared directly from the spot.

Sharptooth and Calinsay's palace have always had a fate!

As early as when the plan was discussed, they had already predicted this phenomenon.

However, when they acted now, they did not think that the Lord of Talisman would jump out because the palace was attacked by Ivy.

In fact, not to mention that the masters of talismans don't care about the "Pasha" in the palace at all. Even if they care, it is unlikely that this will jump out. After all...

It was the two Isaacs who were disappearing.

Where the palace is located, an extremely powerful and mysterious legendary barrier was suddenly activated.

There is no other effect, it only targets the giant dragon, and the extremely strong "repulsive" effect spreads out instantly.

At the same time, some treasure seemed to be activated in the palace. An extremely strong "oath binding" effect also caused magic ripples to spread rapidly in the space.

The combination of the two…


Even at this moment, Ivey Kelan was already in a violent rage, his soul was completely filled with the desire for destruction, and his huge body was lingering in the sky.

She has an oath with the Calinsey royal family.

The royal family "worked" for her in the form of "tithe tax".

She "rewarded" by not launching a war against the royal family.

At this time, what was being activated in the palace was the original oath signed by Ivicolan and the Karinsey royal family.

This is also the most important reason why they were sure at the beginning of the plan discussion that she would not launch an attack on the palace in the end!

Instead of launching an attack on the palace, her violent desire must be completely vented...

"It's Ivy Kelan!"

"She was actually affected by Dragon Madness again!"

Seeing the blue dragon in the sky, it tried to attack the palace several times, but was lingering and unable to get off.

In a noble castle in Calimport, a man wearing dark robes, a pale face, and a pair of deep and charming eyes showed a slight frown.

This is the second time he has seen "Sharp Teeth" fall into dragon madness and launch an attack on Calim Port.

That time hundreds of years ago, "Sharp Teeth" was unstoppable. In the end, after destroying a large area of ​​the city and even several temples, it walked away.

Today, his teacher is no longer here. It is the traitor who controls the "Tangle Talisman". I am afraid that no one will come forward...

"This barrier in the palace is useful to him."

"The oath was originally able to restrict her attacks."

"If we can attack her from within the palace..."

This thought only flashed for a moment, but was immediately stopped by the man in black robe.

Maybe the current attack has the possibility to repel the "Sharp Teeth", but if we want to completely retain this blue dragon, I'm afraid there is no hope.

And being unable to completely retain it, doesn't this mean that the Blue Dragon will take revenge in the future?

Not to mention that he is the only one now, even when his teacher is still there and the "Entangle Talisman" is still in their hands, they also don't want to deal with the blue dragon that directly led to the collapse of the "Sien Dynasty". Any direct provocation.

"It's a pity that everything broke out too hastily."

"It's too late to lure her to Lagon and the dracolich now!"

A faint look of regret flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe.

His figure is also turning around.

Not wanting to conflict with the blue dragon, and not wanting to be noticed by Lagon, he was preparing to continue retreating to the underground lair.

However, the figure has turned around, and there is a ray of light in the corner of the eye...


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