Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1343 Army of the Undead


The surface of the earth has basically been swallowed up by desert.

Normally, if Lagon's phylactery is here, it is undoubtedly more likely that the legendary protective barrier is underground.

However, as Ivy said, although it is theoretically more likely to be underground, obviously, they cannot ignore the surface.

Seeing Ivy plunge into the sand, she didn't even look for any secret tunnels and just forced herself into the ground.

Isaac did not hesitate, and said: "The Whipping Legion is already in place. I will teleport them over. Regardless of whether Lagon can be eliminated here today, we must deal with his lairs in the future. Take action, but it can also be used."

When he said this, Claudia Mata nodded naturally: "Your Majesty, just go ahead, I will clean up the undead here first."

Although she was also conceited, she had been an enemy of Balagas for many years. Even though she always ran away from him, she never said that she would surrender to Balagas.

However, she is self-aware. In the Three Dragons Alliance, whether it is her own strength or the forces under her command, she always stands at the bottom.

Today's actions are also ordinary.

Isaac and Ivy Coglan.

This one held back the Storm God, and also drew out Lagon.

The other directly destroyed Lagon.

But her contribution was to contain the ancient brass dragon.

There are many people under Isaac's command who can make such a contribution, and they can all be replaced.

The only thing that cannot be replaced, at most, is that her appearance can make Balagas more alert, which in turn increases the possibility of the original red dragon contacting Saphirekta.

However, precisely because of this plan, which also involved Balagas, Claudia Mata was more powerful. Compared to the benefits of this operation, her contribution was indeed less.

After all, compared to Isaac and Ivy Coglan, the conflict between her and Baragas is more direct and more irreconcilable!

Although all five colored dragons are selfish by nature, no one is a fool.

Claudia Marta can seize anyone's interests without moving, but she never wants to take advantage of Isaac and Ivy Cogland quietly.

This kind of thing is not a good thing.

That's what she had in mind.

On the opposite side, Isaac nodded slightly, and then disappeared directly in a burst of teleportation light.

Claudia Mata was not slow either. Her huge body hesitated for a moment before suddenly diving towards the undead rising below.

With eight professional levels of the ancient green dragon, she could win a battle with the ancient golden dragon.

With Lagon no longer present, how could a mere undead person possibly be able to stop her?

With just one dive, the huge dragon wings swept past, and a large area of ​​undead was instantly blown away and smashed into pieces.

The "breathing energy replacement" was carried out, and the dragon's breath erupted in the form of flames swept across, and even the incorporeal undead were directly burned in the air.

But in the blink of an eye, Isaac's "Tornado Technique" suffered a heavy blow.

At this moment, he encountered a crushing blow from Claudia Marta.

The undead crawling up from the ruins of this ruins didn't even have a chance to assemble.

However, just as it was raging, suddenly...


An unusual surge of death power.

Claudia Mata's heart moved, and her eyes turned to the direction of the bare mine.

Just when he saw it, in the dark shadow of the mine, there was actually a whole team of nearly ten heavily armored dark knights, embodying a powerful and terrifying death aura, appearing.

"Death knight!"

"Grave Knight!"

Claudia Mata glanced over, but her eyes narrowed slightly.

With her knowledge, she could easily discern the nature of these black-armored knights.

The ten knights, including their men and their mounts, are all undead creatures.

But not exactly the same.

If her observation is correct, the two knights walking in the middle are obviously the leaders. These should be "death knights", one of the most terrifying undead creatures!

The other eight knights following these two death knights should be "grave knights", who are also the most elite undead.

This group of undead knights walked out of the mine...

There was some joy in Claudia Mata's slightly contracted eyes.

That's right!

If Lagon's lair is here, how could it not be protected by elite forces?

Such a team of undead knights can match the level of Lagon!

That's not all.

Since these death knights came out of the mines...

"The one most likely to be connected to the Underdark is naturally the mine."

"They did not guard the city ruins, but appeared in the mine. This may be the possibility to prevent someone from entering the dark area from the mine!"

As for why we should prevent others from entering the Underdark...

Claudia Mata certainly knows that the possibility of Lagon's phylactery being here has been greatly increased again!

"However, if Lagon's phylactery is really in the Underdark..."

"Then these death knights are just a team of guards guarding the entrance door!"

"Under the Dark Territory, there must be a more powerful force!"

While he was thinking quickly, Claudelia Mata's body was also raising its height.

Even she was not willing to collide head-on with this group of undead knights.

After all, whether it is a death knight or a grave knight, they all have powerful supernatural abilities in the form of magic.

A single ability, that's all.

But there are ten riders.

With the supernatural ability to ignore legal resistance, the ten knights joined forces, which may pose an actual threat to her.

However, since Claudia Mata is no stranger to these two types of undead knights, she naturally knows how to guard against them and how to deal with them.

"The Death Knight's 'Abyss' Fury' is a super long-distance supernatural ability, but with only two Death Knights, even if they attack at the same time, the 'Abyss' Fury' will not pose a fatal threat."

"The Death Knight's 'Destruction Shock Wave' is a short-range spell ability with an effective spell range of only thirty feet. It couldn't be easier to solve."

Considering the weaknesses and shortcomings of the 'Death Knights' and 'Grave Knights', Claudia Marta quickly came up with an idea on how to deal with these undead knights.

"Protection from fire damage!"

While the figure quickly rose up, Claudelia Mata first added an elemental protection spell to herself.

Although it was possible to possess the various elemental attributes of the Grave Knight's annihilation shock wave, the thirty-foot damage range did not pose much of a threat to her.

Mainly aimed at the Death Knight's Abyssal Fury.

The damage power of the Fury of the Abyss is composed of half the fire energy and half the evil energy of purgatory.

The evil energy of purgatory cannot be weakened by any elemental resistance, but the fire energy can be directly offset.

Offsetting half of the damage, this was because she didn't have time to block the "Rage of the Abyss" with spells. Only half of the purgatory evil energy was able to withstand the shock waves of two death knights each, and it was also unable to deal with it. She suffered serious injuries.

The Grave Knight can use "Destruction Shock Wave" three times a day.

Death knights can only cast "Abyssal Fury" once a day.

On this ground, from the perspective of long-range attacks, this is the actual threat of these guys.

As for the Death Knight's "Nightmare" horse, which is born with the ability to fly, as long as the Death Knight's life energy level reaches level 12 or above, the phantom horse in the form of a ghost horse will also have the ability to fly...

In the sky battlefield, whether it's a nightmare horse or a phantom pony, can this be compared with the giant dragon?

However, Claudia Marta is always cautious.

Even though she looked down upon the flying abilities of the Nightmare Horse and Phantom Horse, she still did not directly attack these undead knights when their figures were flying into the sky.

"Higher Wind Wings!"

With the activation of a magic scroll, her flight maneuverability was instantly improved by two levels!


With the addition of another status spell, her flying speed, which was already completely superior to that of the Nightmare Horse, was increased exponentially!

"Advanced invisibility!"

Immediately afterwards, her huge body disappeared directly from the sight of the undead knights.

"Extremely effective spit!"

The poisonous dragon's breath then began to condense, and at the same time, the extremely powerful super breath skill was activated.

But it's not over yet.

Undead are immune to poison damage, so...

"Spitting energy instead!"

The super breath spell was also cast again.

The poisonous dragon's breath was quickly transformed into the flame dragon's breath.

It is equivalent to the power of "Extremely Effective - Delayed Explosion Fireball", but it is much larger than the coverage range of "Delayed Explosion Flame".

When Claudia Mata circled in the sky, changed directions, and then suddenly swooped down towards these undead knights.

Before the dragon's breath was breathed out, the terrifying dragon power had already enveloped all the knights.

For a moment, not to mention the phantom colt, even the two nightmare horses were crushed in an instant and became frightened.

The undead are immune to psychic effects, but the Nightmare Horse and Phantom Pony are not undead!

Even if they, especially the Nightmare War Horse, have "iron will", no matter how strong their willpower is, how can they fight against Claudia Marta? They still have to be better than the ordinary ancient green dragon. Intimidation?

And when these war horses were frightened by the dragon's power, these undead knights even directly lost their normal flying ability...


A cone-shaped breath of flames suddenly swept down from the side in a wide area.

To transform the dragon's breath, Claudia Mata had just cast the spell after performing the "Advanced Invisibility Technique".

Plus the effect of that distance.

These undead knights, even if some of them have the "Dark Guard" advancement, are difficult to make a judgment and use "Fire Resistance".

The dragon's breath swept across again and again, but the mount was also powerfully shocked. In just an instant, the sea of ​​fire almost submerged all the undead knights in it.

But just at this time.


Several loud shouts roared simultaneously in the sea of ​​fire.

One after another flame shock waves followed the black armored knight suddenly jumping up and bombarding in the direction of the dragon's breath.

Tomb Knight!

The Grave Knight has the ability of "destruction and rebirth". When it is created, it can choose one of the four elemental attributes of "acid, cold, electricity, and fire" as its own "destruction attribute" .

This attribute will directly determine the energy attributes of the Grave Knight's "Destruction Shock Wave" and "Guide Annihilation", and at the same time, it will also give the Grave Knight immunity to the corresponding energy.

Considering that the undead are naturally immune to cold and lightning damage, the casters who created the Tomb Knights naturally tended to choose strong acid and fire attributes for them, especially the fire attribute.

These Tomb Knights that emerged at this time had the ability to destroy with the attribute of fire, and in turn also had the ability to be immune to fire.

Claudia Mata's flame breath can cause a devastating blow even to death knights, but it has no effect on them at all.

However, the flame breath cannot harm them.

But their "Fire Shock Wave", before the "Protective Fire Damage" added by Claudia Marta early on, even if it was a combined attack, it still failed to cause any more damage.

Compared with the dual attribute damage of the death knight's "Abyss Fury", the "annihilation shock wave" of these death knights not only has insufficient range, but also has a huge difference in damage power.

However, with an extremely effective breath, nearly half of the undead knights and all the horses were destroyed, but Claudia Marta did not directly kill them and completely crushed these undead knights.

The high-level invisibility state had been broken up by the flame shock wave. She flapped her wings, and with the flexibility of her high-mobility state, her huge body was lifted into the sky again.

Then, after circling again.

"Spitting energy instead!"

This time, the condensed dragon's breath was converted into strong acid properties.

Moreover, this time, whether she was concentrating dragon breath or casting spells, she never entered the invisible state again.

Death knights are also undead. Undead are born with no physical constitution, and are born with the weakness of insufficient life energy. This is also the reason why they cannot withstand the sweep of her extremely effective breath.

In the absence of death knights, and therefore no super-long-distance bombardment, there was no need for her to be invisible to the few remaining tomb knights.

However, just in response to her actions...

These grave knights, who were immune to psychic effects and were not frightened by the dragon's power, roared again.

From the mines and from under the desert, a large number of undead poured out one after another and got up.

And they...

Seeing these grave knights, they were quickly retreating into the darkness of the mine.

But Claudia Marta's eyes lit up.

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