Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1344 Lair


Although I don't think Lagon will let these undead knights guard his life box.

However, placing this entire team of undead knights here is not without some purpose.

Not surprisingly, these Tomb Knights retreated hastily...

"Either this could lead to a trap that has been laid out for a long time!"

"Otherwise, it's probably a defensive facility similar to a mausoleum."


The ancient green dragon's deep eyes were shining brightly.

She wasn't sure whether Lagon had destroyed the mines' tunnels deep into the Underdark.

But if it is really destroyed...from the perspective of prediction, this probably means that Lagon is going to bury the secret underground.

As for why the undead knight was placed here after the tunnel was destroyed?

"Nothing more than two points."

"First, he wants to prevent this ruins from being occupied by others, and eventually the destroyed tunnel will be dug out again."

"Secondly, the presence of these undead knights' tombs can serve as a basis for suspicion. Even if someone conquers this place, after some exploration, they will subconsciously believe that these undead knights' tombs are the ultimate evil force here. And you will unconsciously ignore the idea of ​​digging deep into the ground.”

"For this reason, if nothing else happens, if Lagon really destroys the deep tunnels here, then the tombs of these undead knights will probably be hidden above the ruins of these tunnels!"

However, even with this judgment, Claudia Mata did not just pursue him.

Allowing these grave knights to quickly retreat into the mine, Claudia Mata just unleashed her brutality on the heads of the undead army below.

Another breath of dragon breath.

Another sweeping sweep.

In this battlefield with a vast space, no matter how large the undead army is, it is still just a group of cannon fodder under the powerful green dragon and its clawed wings.

And it was she who, in a short time, cleared the undead army that poured out into pieces.

Suddenly, an arc of lightning exploded in the sky.

With extremely strong magic fluctuations, the void seemed to be shattered, and a huge dark purple light door opened in mid-air in a short time.

Almost immediately, endless evil aura spread out from the giant purple door.

A roaring roar.

A ferocious laugh.

From the light gate, groups of demons flew out.

Of course it's the Flo Demon!

And it’s a large-scale army of vlo demons!

This plane magic gate was created by Isaac through ritual casting and legendary spells.

Its stability is unknown, but it is much more powerful than ordinary magic gates.

A normal magic door can stably transport hundreds of humanoid creatures in one day, which is already a pretty good quality.

At this moment, the gate created by Isaac, directly connected to the plane gate here from the demiplane of Hell Gate Castle, transported nearly a thousand Flo Demons in a matter of seconds.

That's not all.

Follow behind the vromor army.

That mountain giant ape has a body shape, but it also combines countless insect characteristics. It is a massacre demon full of chaos and will to destroy!

That team of three people were all six-armed snake demons who were cold and killing!

Among the seven giants of Hell Gate Castle, these four are the most powerful, and they seem to have come together!

The last one to show up was Isaac.

Nowadays, he no longer needs to specifically transform into the form of the Balor Fire Demon to control these demons as the "King of Demonic Flames".

After revealing his true form as the green dragon, he still had control over all these tanar'ri demons.

Especially, this time, as he dominated the group of six-armed snake demon queens, he brought all twelve high tanaris into the Hell Gate Castle.

Among them, there are two who are not inferior to Greensack at all, and the other one is completely beyond the Seven Giants. Even the powerful Tanar'ri who is qualified to challenge the rank of demon lord has succumbed to him. under his command.

Naturally, Mouisses and others, who had already surrendered to him, were now more obedient than ever before.

Even with such a violent temper as the slaying demon Pan Luono, when his figure flew out of the magic door, he lowered his head slightly.


Isaac flew out of the plane door.

Below, Claudia Mata also stopped, destroying the undead, and flew towards him.

They had participated together last time, in the war against the ancient tribe, and she was not surprised at all by the swarm of these demonic armies.

Hearing Isaac's question, the ancient green dragon chuckled: "There is no news from Ivy yet, but the ruins on the surface have exposed many problems.

Just before that, from the mine..."

Claudia Marta gave a concise summary of the appearance of the undead knights, the fact that she destroyed half of them in a blink of an eye, and finally intentionally let go of the undead knights.

Combined with their previous speculations about Lagon's phylactery, she made some predictions about the situation under the mine.

Whether this prediction is accurate or inaccurate can be used as a basis to judge whether Lagon's phylactery is hidden here.

In this regard, Isaac thought about it for a moment, but nodded slightly and agreed.

At the moment, he did not waste any time and directly issued orders to the demons.

Quickly, the Flo Demon army in the sky was divided into two teams.

A team, led by the Demon Killer, began to violently destroy the buried ruins.

The other team, led by the three giants of the six-armed snake demons, rushed directly into the mine.

Maybe there is a trap under the mine, or it is the lair of the undead knight, with various tomb defense mechanisms.

However, these Tanar'ri demons have their life essence bound to the demiplane of Hell Gate Castle. Fundamentally speaking, they are not afraid of death.

Not to mention, the three of Muvasis are all strong men in the legendary level.

The demonic power headed by them means that Lagon's lair is not under the Underdark, and in this mine, without Lagon's personal control, it is difficult to say that it can stop them.

Not to mention, there are him and Claudia Marta behind here!

After sending all the demon army out.

Just a little time.

Here on the surface, the Killer Demon is still violently uncovering the buried ruins.

Then the vlo demons pounced on them. Regardless of whether there was a background or not, whether they were incorporeal or not, these demons tore apart all living creatures they could detect in an instant.

And at the same time...

Isaac didn't pay attention to them.

The Green Dragon King's heart moved, and his eyes turned to the mine.

There is a fierce battle!

It seems that Mouisses is taking action, and the opponent...

"The Death Knight's 'Abyss' Fury'!"

"It seems they have found their target!"

Although Claudia Marta had previously destroyed the two death knights with extremely effective flame dragon breath, this was Lagon's hometown, and there was obviously Lagon's secret arrangement, so naturally she wouldn't say , except for those two death knights, there will definitely be no other undead commanders.

This death knight who was supposed to be fighting against Mouvasis was better than the previous two, so it was entirely possible that he had been sitting in the mausoleum's lair.

However, although the Death Knight is powerful, the environment of the underground mausoleum or underground tunnel is not convenient for evading the bombardment of his "Abyss Fury".

But... this is ineffective against Mouisses!

"There should be no magic barrier prohibiting teleportation!"

Through the evil and explosive power of "Abyss Fury", Isaac, who maintained a highly sensitive state, did not miss the teleportation wave that was passing through almost at the same time.

It's Mousis's "Spell-like Ability Instant-Advanced Teleportation"!

Can complete this transmission...

It seems that the message Lagon wants to convey is that this is the lair of the death knights, not the stronghold of a certain archmage!

That being the case...

"let's go!"

Since there is no transmission prohibition, it doesn't matter whether there are other traps.

Isaac looked at Claudia Mata and nodded. Randomly, the two green dragons transformed into humanoid forms and fell into the tunnel deep in the mine.

Given their size, the mines that these humans enter and exit are naturally smaller.

After deformation, it is easier to move.

However, their movements were fast enough, but the killing speed of the six-armed snake demons was even faster.

Possessing the ability of "Abyss Infusion", he can temporarily upgrade all weapons to legendary level quality.

Regardless of whether they are death knights or tomb knights, these are certainly the most powerful generals among undead creatures, but before the three six-armed snake demon dark guards tear apart and attack like a violent storm, this is even the most powerful general among the undead creatures. Heavily armored, he couldn't resist it at all.

The Death Knight's most powerful "Call of the Undead" has certainly attracted many undead servants over the years, and many of them are high-level undead and have been manipulated into their direct followers.

But... no matter how undead followers or undead servants, how can this compete with an elite army of bloody battles like Flo Demon?

When the two Isaacs quickly caught up with Moisis and the others.

It seems that under this mine, it has been transformed into a mausoleum area and the lair of the undead, but it has been forcefully penetrated by the demons.

In the absence of powerful magical power, or even the sacred advancement of paladin, someone who can stop the Flo Demon army not only possesses powerful power, but can also perform "advanced teleportation" at will. The demon elite army is too rare in the material world.

Not to mention, there are three legendary six-armed snake demons, killing them at the front!

After all, after the addition of the six-armed snake demon king and the pressure of the entire team of six-armed snake demon dark guards, the former three giants of six-armed snake demons in Hell Gate Castle are also under a lot of pressure!

"Your Majesty, the enemy has been completely wiped out. This is the cursed armor of those Tomb Knights."

"In addition, their treasure house has been found."

Mousis and the others immediately noticed the arrival of Isaac and the others, and quickly reported them.

Among the former Seven Giants of Tanar'ri, the Soul Seal Demon was also good at creating undead, and had several Tomb Knights under his command.

Mouisses and the others knew that the Tomb Knights also had abilities similar to those of lichs. If their cursed armors were not completely destroyed, instead of just being destroyed, then these undead knights could survive in a few days. Within the space between, using the armor as a sustenance, he completed his resurrection.

Therefore, after annihilating these undead knights, they all ordered Flo Demon to directly remove these cursed armors and hand them over to Isaac at this time.

In the end, whether these grave knights died completely because their armor was dissociated, or were purified by the holy power, or whether they were directly controlled and enslaved by Isaac, this was not among their considerations.


Isaac waved his hand and put away these cursed armors one by one. He praised them a little, but then said: "Let's go and have a look together to see if there is anything mysterious in this treasure house."

"Your Majesty, please."

The six-armed snake demons immediately led the way.

Some of the Flor Demons followed closely behind, while others continued to clean the tomb.

After a while.

In a secret palace with three dark sarcophagi, which should obviously be the resting place of the three death knights.

He briefly observed the secret palace, especially at the thick base of the three dark sarcophagi, and then paused for a few more glances.

Only then did Isaac look towards the secret door of the treasure house mentioned by the six-armed snake demon.

This is a secret door with almost no gaps and is completely integrated with the stone wall of the secret palace.

Perhaps the mausoleum was built after the destruction of Hewes. There were no murals or carvings on the stone walls, which were dark and bare.

However, whether they are death knights or tomb knights, although these undead commanders no longer have emotions, they are obviously wise.

Although this secret door is not sealed by magic, it is a trap door.

Mousis and the others had obviously found the location of the mechanism before. As Isaac completed his observation, he nodded slightly.

Mousis took action himself and pressed hard somewhere on the stone wall.

With a harsh sound, a section of the wall sank, revealing a dark portal.

From behind the secret door, thick poisonous green smoke was sprayed out at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, it filled the entire secret palace.

The undead are born with the ability to be immune to poisons. These poisonous smokes are completely ineffective against death knights, but they are perfect for use as a protective mechanism for the treasure house.

However, in the face of such a trap, Isaac and Claudia Mata, as well as all the tanar'ri demons, were also completely unconcerned.

Whether it is a green dragon or a tanar'ri, they also have the ability to be immune to toxins.

Still not a magic trap!

Paying attention to this, Isaac waved away the poisonous mist and walked directly into the treasure house.

The gaze of the "true knowledge" was not in a hurry to look at the treasure house collection, but first glanced around.

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