Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1351 Directly


The ruins of Manonna are not all buried deep underground in the city of Manonna.

Just within the urban area of ​​Mannon City, surrounded by a tall city wall made of red boulders, there is a large area of ​​remaining architectural ruins from the ancient era.

However, although it is surrounded by a city wall and has special guards patrolling it, this ruin does not restrict the entry of outsiders.

More importantly, the city wall and the guards are just to guard against whether any monsters will emerge from inside and cause some commotion.

The reason why...

It's actually very simple.

Over the course of thousands of years, any valuable treasures in this ruins have been emptied out long ago.

There may be unexplored places deep underground, but the environment under the ground is too harsh and harsh.

If you have the ability to enter there and explore, it is useless to restrict access.

For those who cannot enter that depth, there is no need to restrict entry.

There are some interesting rumors. It is said that there was a ruling lord of Mannon City who hoped to transform this ruins into a park, so as to increase the income of the territory through ticket revenue.

But sadly.

Those who want to venture into it are masters of "fare evasion".

As for ordinary citizens, the environment inside the ruins is much hotter than the surrounding urban area, and they have no interest in visiting it.

After all, this great lord who had quite some ideas had no choice but to let it go.

At this time, standing on a red floor tile outside the ruins, Isaac felt that this rumor might be somewhat reliable.

Although the prosperity of Mannon City is almost as prosperous as Calimport, it is said that, ruling such a metropolitan city, the big lord obviously does not care about the income generated from tickets.

However, if Isaac's current analysis is correct...

"These red boulders and these red floor tiles should not only be resistant to high temperatures, but also be able to insulate the transfer of heat. Such materials are by no means ordinary things, and they are used to build such a large scale The city wall and such an area of ​​​​floor tiles have been laid, one can imagine the investment in this project."

In this way, it is reasonable for the great lord to find ways to "recover blood".

As for why this great lord invested so much in building such a city wall...

"Without this city wall, the temperature in Mannon City would be much higher than the surrounding area!"

"If it weren't for such special materials, the lifespan of this city wall would be limited under this temperature!"

Looking at the ruins, the heat rising from the cracks in the ground, Isaac thought thoughtfully.

The reason why the city of Memnon was built on the ruins of Memna is because there is a natural harbor here.

Such geographical factors are inherently determined, and Mannon City cannot easily move here.

Since it cannot migrate, it is natural to make some adjustments to the temperature that is too high.

This city wall can basically be regarded as a response to the call, and there is a reason why it must be built!

And it was Isaac who stopped here, observing the surrounding environment and thinking thoughtfully.

A figure appeared in front of him silently, and he bowed down again.

Naturally, he is one of his loyal servants.

During this time of exploration, he did not display his power as unscrupulously as he did in Calimport.

It's even worse than directly launching a demonic army to carry out a devastating attack on the mummy's tomb.

This time, except for the two six-armed snake demons, who were transformed into human forms and were behind him, it was only his loyal servants who had already ambushed Manon City and acted in cooperation.

Every kobold is a born miner, and they are naturally talented in cave exploration.

The kobolds participating in the operation this time have all been transformed by Isaac, and many of them have several types of energy resistance, one of which is fire resistance.

Although the level of this resistance itself is not that high.

But there is no big problem in surviving in the continuous high temperature environment underground.

Precisely because of this, after just a moment's exploration, they found a cave tunnel leading deep underground among the ruins.

"very good!"

"let's go!"

Isaac then stopped the thoughts in his mind.

Another order was given, and then under the guidance of the loyal servant, he pointed directly at the entrance of the cave.

Along the way, elite dragon-veined kobolds and even dragon-winged kobolds were joining the team.

Mannon City is one of the two core cities of Calinsay. Isaac has naturally made arrangements for such a place.

The elite loyal servants here are not only true elites, but there are even several of them. It is the dragon-winged kobold who has the essence of a half-dragon, and they have all received the invincibility of the "Green Dragon King". "Legion" transformation, the damage reduction level of that body is even beyond the level of the ancient dragon, including strength!

Under the guidance and support of these loyal servants, the group quickly entered the underground ruins and quickly pointed to the depths of the ground.

Following this, it was obvious that the temperature of the surrounding environment was rising sharply.

However, after only a few minutes of walking down, the surrounding environment temperature has already begun to steam people. If you are close to the volcano, every time you take a breath, the burning temperature will rush directly into everyone. inside the body.

However, Isaac has the "Energy Resistance of the Flame Dragon", and now it is given with the updated "Triple Parallel Array". This kind of flame resistance has already reached an incredible level, and it is only a scorching breath. Naturally, there is no impact at all.

All the kobolds have been transformed by the "Fire Dragon Breath". Naturally, they have good resistance to fire damage, and they can also perfectly adapt to such temperatures.

Needless to say, the two-headed, six-armed snake demon that has returned to its true form needs to be mentioned. Although Tanar'ri's immunity attributes are only immunity to electricity and poison, it is also resistant to damage from other elements, although its fire resistance may not even be strong. There are kobolds who have been transformed by dragon breath, but there is no problem in adapting to the temperature of the surrounding environment.

Although the environment here is harsh, it is not just more severe than the Hell Gate Castle and Greensack Flame Castle.

Walking here, it is not actually dark. The overall background is among the reddish underground ruins.

Observing the surroundings, I could still vaguely see some outlines of red buildings.

Goodbye to those kobolds and some fire monsters that were driven away from the front from time to time.

Salien's slightly cold eyes suddenly wrinkled, and then turned to Isaac: "Your Majesty, this ruins should be related to the elemental plane of fire and the fire giant."

After the six-armed snake demon queen appeared, the former three giants of the six-armed snake demon in Hell Gate Castle also had a lot of sense of urgency, and their attitude was much more positive.

"What did you see?"

Isaac glanced at her.

Salien then continued: "Before entering this world, Greensack's Kingdom of Fire had some overlap with the Fire Elemental Plane, and he also had contacts with some of the nobles of the Fire Djinn. It's quite close, so we have been to the fire elemental plane before.

This ruins has the characteristics of the efreet, both in its architectural style and in the materials used.

Moreover, to have such a scale in the material world, the former owner of this place must be a big shot with a very high status even among the fire giant nobles!

In addition, judging from the environment here, I have a suspicion that there should be some areas deep in the ground that overlap or intersect with the fire elemental plane..."

At its peak, Salien's power, under the command of Eltaba, was only second to the level of the Wolf Snake Demon Governor and the Balor Fire Demon General, and even surpassed that of the six-armed snake demon queen. Those dark guards are at least better than the vast majority. In other words, even under the command of the Abyss Lord, she is still qualified to become the leader of a powerful demon army.

That is to say, after entering this world, Minnis and Kelben led a group of spellcasters to pass the ceremony and sealed it in the Hell Gate Castle with the "Mirror of Silinxi".

Otherwise, if they follow Greensack, the disaster they will cause will inevitably be even greater.

The seal for hundreds or thousands of years, to a certain extent, restricted her further improvement.

But this does not affect her previous experience.

At her level, the levels she comes into contact with are naturally not limited to the bottomless abyss and the material plane. She also has a deep understanding of the inner elemental planes, especially the fire elemental plane.

This relic at this time gave her the feeling that she had come into contact with some special places in the Kingdom of Fire.

At the same time, the ruins themselves gave her the feeling of being in the territory of some fire djinn nobles in the elemental plane of fire.

Not all efreets live in the City of Brass.

In fact, the vast majority of efreets are scattered throughout the fire elemental plane, including mixed elemental planes with similar environments, and some outer planes.

There are also quite a few fire giant nobles among them.

Tribes, cities, and even kingdoms subordinate to the Great Sultan, the territories of the fire djinn nobles, are also spread throughout the entire fire elemental plane.

During the Kingdom of Fire, Salien had followed Greensack and visited several powerful fire djinn nobles.

Although the currently visible scale of this ruins is naturally far inferior to those of the fire giant nobles, it is still in the material world!

To be able to build a "colony" of such a scale in the material world that could already be called a city, this efreet noble would probably have a higher status than those she had visited before. , and more powerful!

in this way.

Even though this place has been reduced to ruins, there is no doubt that it still deserves attention and attention.

"Have you ever come into contact with the fire djinn nobles in the fire elemental plane?"

"Have you ever visited the City of Brass?"

Isaac became interested.

"I have indeed visited a few."

"However, the environment of the Fire Elemental Plane is not suitable for us after all, so in the end, except for Greensack who should have been to the City of Brass, none of us have ever been there."

Salien nodded first, then shook his head, and briefly talked about the situation on the fire elemental plane.

The harshness of the fire elemental plane is much harsher than here.

The ground there is as hot as magma, and it is still flowing slowly.

No creature immune to fire, at least, no creature with strong fire resistance, would be able to withstand such an environment.

In addition, the fire elemental plane actually has a slight "order" tendency, so whether it is an efreet, a salamander, or even a fire dwarf, those who have more contact with it actually still have "fire immunity" The baatezu devil with abilities.

Naturally, Salien and the others didn't like that environment.

Only the Balor Balrog, who also has the ability to be immune to fire, can move freely in the fire elemental plane, and then be able to make friends with some fire djinn nobles, and thus come into contact with the City of Brass.

Isaac was a little disappointed, but he still asked again: "What do you know about the great sultan in the City of Brass and the six pashas under his command?"

"Not much is known."

"I only heard that the great sultan, who forbids all things, had a conflict in his city of brass."

"There are also rumors that among the Barthes Devils, there are quite a few hell nobles who have close contacts with him. Therefore, the Barthes Devils are the most common visitors in the City of Brass."

"In addition, it is said that in the fire elemental plane, especially in his city of brass, he has extraordinary power that even the gods find difficult to resist. Even the legendary fire elemental princes dare not bring their majesty to him. territory..."

"At one time, he should have enslaved the Salamander clan and the Fire Dwarf clan..."

Salien kept thinking about it and explaining it.

With the loyal servants opening the way, the group went deeper and deeper.

It was Isaac who asked some more questions about matters related to the efreeti nobles, especially the great sultan and the pashas.

Suddenly, everyone's hearts moved, and in unison, their eyes stared forward again.

There was a fierce battle.

It was also accompanied by several angry roars.

The energy of the fire element is exploding again.

"Looks like a salamander!"

Salien said with a move in his heart.

Although the place of battle was not within her direct field of vision, the furious roar sounded quite familiar to her now that she was thinking hard and recalling all the situations in the fire elemental plane.

Salamanders are also a race native to the elemental plane of fire.

Although they have been enslaved by the fire giants for a long time, the salamanders are also a very powerful race.

Even civilian salamanders have the strength of a sixth-level professional without any advancement, and noble salamanders even reach the level of a ninth-level professional.

Moreover, although they are named "Salamanders", they are not lizard monsters.

The snake-like body is just like a snake head, replaced by a dragon-like lizard head. The salamander family is a race that is quite powerful in both strength and wisdom.

The efreets enslave the salamanders, and the salamanders enslave the fire dwarves. Their status in the fire elemental plane is actually similar to that of the middle-level demons among the baatezu demons!

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