Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1352 Situation

"Save them alive."

Isaac's voice came.

Although Salamander is powerful, he is born to be defeated by his "Dragon Shadow Guard".

Of course, salamanders are not the only ones affected by this.

His "Dragon Shadow Guard" not only has the power of dragon veins, but also has powerful legendary damage reduction and powerful spell resistance, plus several dragon breath abilities, and the elements derived from them. Resistance, they are all elite assassins, and they have all received enhancements given by attributes...

There are too many people who have been defeated by the "Dragon Shadow Guard".

There are too few who can restrain them.

Although the Salamanders are quite powerful, not only are they powerful warriors with iron will, but also have the forging ability that even surpasses the fire dwarves, so they all have high-quality equipment, but in this fight, they have to fight with him. Compared with the "Dragon Shadow Guard", the gap is too big.

If Isaac didn't pass the order, I'm afraid that in the blink of an eye, all the Salamanders over there who dared to take action would be killed for them.

As the voice passed, the pace did not speed up. Accompanied by Salien and Amasiri, when Isaac walked over there slowly and quickly, the fighting suddenly stopped.

He was surrounded by five dragon-winged loyal servants.

The body of a three-headed snake and the head of a lizard are not only strong and agile, but the body is as hot as lava. Not only is it extremely red, there is even flame, which flows from their mouths and noses as they breathe. , from those eyes, they are constantly erupting, as if they have a powerful and angry aura.

Naturally it is a salamander!

These three salamanders all hold spears in both hands, and are also equipped with refined mail armor.

Under the influence of their naturally high-temperature bodies, whether it was spears or mails, they seemed to be blazing red, as if they had added fire damage attributes.

This is also the innate ability of the Salamander clan.

Their high-temperature bodies can not only cause fire damage to enemies they come into contact with, but even their weapons and armor, as long as they can withstand the high temperature of the fire, can also cause the same damage to enemies during attack and contact. of fire damage.

And because the Salamanders are all natural blacksmiths comparable to the dwarves, or even better than the dwarves, forging weapons and armor that can withstand the impact of their high-temperature bodies, this is naturally no problem for them.

But at this moment, surrounded by five demonic dragon shadow guards, the three heads were leaning on each other, obviously angry, but at the same time, they could not hide the fear of the salamander...

"These guys are really outrageous!"

Even though it was not the first time they had met, Salien couldn't help but shrink slightly when he took one look at her.

These three salamanders are not only injured at this moment, but also have magma-like blood flowing in many places. On the refined mail armor, there are also several lacerations and injuries. Among them, the same There is also blood flowing out.

With her eyes, she could see at a glance that these refined mail armors had been torn to pieces with claws.

Able to do this...

These kobolds not only have natural weapons that can even penetrate their defenses, but their power is far beyond the limits of their size.

Only in this way can one achieve the level of tearing and refining mail armor by hand.

And with this natural weapon...

Obviously, their damage reduction is also incredible.

It is conceivable why these three salamanders were furious yet still fearful.

"Everything comes from His Majesty's magical power!"

"If your Majesty can truly accept me and give me the same or even more powerful power...then even the queen of Eltaba, I won't be able to compete with her head-on!"

However, thinking of that person, Salien's heart secretly wrinkled again.

"Alissa, and the demon elf are all attached to His Majesty, but Your Majesty has never accepted me. Could it be..."

Naturally, she would not think that her charm would be inferior to those two demons.

If you must find a reason...

Salien, however, remembered some of the doubts she had before.

Alisa, this was Kenil Walker's lover.

Thalia, this also has the identity of Mrs. Frosin.

Could it be that Your Majesty has this hobby?

If that's the case... doesn't this mean that the queen of Eltaba is more attractive than her?

"Dominate the monster!"

It is the six-armed snake demon who is secretly suspicious and secretly troubled.

In Isaac's eyes, there was an extremely strong power of mind control, which suddenly surged.

His eyes only fell on one salamander.

Suddenly, even though Salamander was born with the specialty of "Iron Will", he still had no possibility of resistance before the ninth-level spell he performed with a spell-like ability.

With just one glance, the salamander was instantly dominated.

After another two glances, the other two salamanders also surrendered.

Isaac's voice then rang out: "What's unusual about this place? Is there any unusual person?"

He spoke "Fire Language", the common language of the fire elemental plane.

Although it is a small language and is almost useless in the material plane, it is still within his control.

With a sufficiently high intelligence, although he doesn't know much about the languages ​​of other material planes, he has basically mastered the common languages ​​of the outer plane and the inner plane.

In response to his question.

The dominated Salamander began to answer in a grunting manner through the "Fire Tribe Language".

In such a high-temperature place, those who can live here are naturally fire-attribute creatures.

As for Salamander, a creature that is already equivalent to a mid-level devil and has the tradition of forming swarms, it is natural that it is very familiar with this place.

This is exactly why Isaac enslaved them. He did not come here for the salamander's forging skills.

From the voices of the three salamanders, Isaac quickly knew the general situation here.

In the surrounding area and further down, there are several gathering places of salamanders.

However, just like here, these gathering places are just small groups of a few people.

The reason for this is an order from further down, a tribe of efreeti who built a castle in the magma lake.

Most of the salamanders here are under the rule of these fire giants.

The other half is not free either.

Still in the Lake of Fire, it is said that there is a plane crack that is connected to the fire elemental plane.

However, this crack is not under the control of the efreeti tribe.

There should be a powerful lava dragon entrenched there!

The other half of the salamanders are enslaved by this lava dragon.

The lava dragon is undoubtedly the most powerful among the elemental dragons, and it doesn't even need "one".

Some elemental dragons only have two levels of advancement possibilities after reaching adulthood.

As for the lava dragon, not only is it more powerful than all other elemental dragons when it reaches adulthood, it also has the possibility of advancement to four levels.

In Isaac, through the absorption of the spiritual light given by the dragon father, he automatically mastered the dragon knowledge.

The life energy level of the lava dragon when it reaches adulthood is only at level 16, and can only be compared to a level 13 professional.

But if the lava dragon evolves to the final level, it can reach a life energy level of more than 40, the ultimate state, and even reach a strength of 51 life energy levels.

This life energy level even surpasses that of the ancient dragon.

Even in terms of actual strength, there is no difference between it and the real ancient dragon, or even directly compared to the ancient red dragon!

In the description of these three salamanders.

The lava dragon occupying the cracks in the plane is suspected to have reached a giant size.

Based on Isaac's knowledge of dragons, the giant lava dragon corresponds to the third level of advancement. The life energy level must exceed level 30, and can reach a maximum of level 39!

In this way, with only this life energy level, without any professional advancement, this lava dragon must have the power of a true legendary level!

With his dominance, it's no wonder that the fire djinn tribe can't control the plane cracks!


Is it just a crack in the plane?

Also, how far away is Lagon's lair over there?

If there are only these forces here, I am afraid that even if the two sides join forces, after many years, it will be difficult to escape Lagon's methods, right?

"Either there is some hidden power or a special method!"

"Either, or it cannot be ruled out, Lagon has secretly controlled certain people!"

As he pondered in his heart, Isaac had doubts again, fearing that there was a possibility that the two situations could coexist.

On the one hand, since Lagon built his secret lair here, it cannot be ruled out that someone here will contact him without leaving any trace.

On the other hand, the interference and fluctuation of that holy weapon to the prophecy spell means that Lagon should not be able to completely capture this place. Otherwise, for such a holy weapon, he would have captured it long ago, and even more so. Moved away.

And even Elagon’s ability couldn’t take down that holy weapon…

"It should be that the 'portal type' is the most likely. Moreover, the one here is just a secondary door thrown over. The true body must still be under the control of someone on the fire element plane!"

"Looking at it this way, the lava dragon is either a gatekeeper sent here, or it may be secretly controlled by Lagon, and then cuts off someone's direct connection with this place!"

These two possibilities...

Isaac still prefers the latter.

Perhaps Lagon was expecting to use this lava dragon to lead that "someone" from the fire elemental plane to this side.

In this material world, as long as Lagon is fully prepared, even if the power of the abyss lord level comes in person, it will be equally undesirable.

If that "someone" comes over, it is really possible that he will directly trap him.

Only by considering it this way can it be in line with Shang Lagon's plan and match Shang Lagon's power!

However, it is obviously impossible for these Salamander warriors to understand things at this level.

He didn't even ask, and just turned to the next question.

Lagon's lair!

Although Lagon's lair is protected by magic and hidden somewhere in the ruins, it is impossible to get direct and accurate information about these three salamanders.

However, Isaac's earlier detection was based on his observation of the situation in the area around the lair.

After just a brief description, these salamanders all reacted.

"That should be in the mausoleum area."

"The Salamanders enslaved by the lava dragon have at least a small tribe of twenty or thirty people entrenched there."

"In addition, there are some uncertain legends. It is said that Manon Pasha's body was buried there after he died with Kalin, the great caliph of the wind djinn, thousands of years ago."

The mausoleum area!

Slave of the lava dragon!

In addition, there are actually rumors related to the fire giant Pasha Mannon!

All of this combined...

"Could this be Lagon's purpose?"

"Then the body of the fire giant Pasha is his primary target?"

"The unknown holy artifact comes from the tomb of Manon Pasha?"

In Isaac's mind, a series of questions, even if they were contradictory to his previous speculations, still quickly came to his mind.

"Lead the way, let's go directly to this mausoleum area!"

the issuance of this order.

The three Salamanders immediately turned around and began to lead the way.

Although the environment of this underground ruins is like a maze, the salamanders have always lived here and naturally they will not get lost.

Go straight ahead.

As the temperature of the surrounding environment became more and more scorching, gradually, even the two six-armed snake demons began to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Here we are!"

Salamander's voice sounded.

Isaac also matched the situation here with what he discovered yesterday.

"Come with me!"

While observing the surrounding situation with interest, following yesterday's discovery, he was walking at the front of the team this time.

Everyone quickly followed.

While walking through a branch tunnel.

"Sir, the Salamander Tribe should be in that direction. If you continue to go deeper there, you will reach the Tomb Garden."

A salamander took the initiative to report without Isaac asking.

Isaac glanced over there.

The footsteps did not stop, and he did not move towards that direction.

Although there is a need to explore the mausoleum area, Lagon's lair is his current most important search target.

With just a slight nod, he walked into another tunnel.

After a while, familiar buildings appeared in front one by one.

Isaac's true knowing gaze directly approached a building.

Direct observation of surrounding spell effects.

"It's right here!"

After confirming this, he sent a "SMS" directly: "Found it, get ready to come!"

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