Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1353 Mausoleum


Five-color dragons are naturally more suspicious than any other creature.

Therefore, when cooperating with the five-color dragons, it is necessary to have mutual trust between each other. It is necessary to involve them from the beginning, especially when it comes to matters such as the treasure house, and everyone must see it with their own eyes. , and then only can everyone have a bottom line.

As a five-color dragon himself, Isaac understands this very well.

Therefore, seeing that he had found Lagun's secret lair, he was not in a hurry to break the surrounding magic protection.

After a summons was sent, he just waved his hand to signal the loyal servants to disperse their alert, and he admired the artistic sense of the surrounding buildings with great interest.

The efreets are indeed a creative race. Although their architectural style is very different from that of elves, dwarves, giants, etc., their beautiful artistry is not inferior to that of elves in the slightest.

Even though this place is already a deserted ruin, even if it seems to Salamander that it is close to Manona's mausoleum area, the surrounding buildings are still full of obvious artistic sense.

While admiring it with great interest, Isaac's voice also sounded: "Tell me what you know about that Manon Pasha."

Naturally, he was asking the three salamanders.

Even though Manon Pasha has disappeared for seven or eight thousand years, since these salamanders live here, they don't know anything about them.

Especially before, they also mentioned that the tomb of Manon Pasha is very likely to be here, and it is even possible that his true body is buried here.

Although Isaac was not able to make arbitrary judgments on this point, there was indeed some information in it that could correspond to his understanding.

According to the information he knew, the Manon Pasha was plotted by the elves when he and the Caliphate of Karim were not only defeated, but also weak.

However, it seems that the elven high mages cannot directly destroy them completely. Therefore, as far as Isaac knows, the seals of Manon Pasha and Karim Caliph should be the immortal souls of the two people, which were sealed by the elves. The high magic was stripped out and sealed together in an unknown place.

According to this statement, there should still be some remaining bodies of these two people.

Therefore, it is not impossible that a fire giant buried Manon Pasha's body in the royal city he built with his own hands!

Isaac's question at this time was just to see if he could find any key information from Salamander's understanding.

"Manon Pasha..."

The three salamanders all recalled for a moment. After all, even though they lived in the ruins of the ancient Kingdom of Manonna, the disappearance of Manon Pasha was really too long ago.

After a while, a salamander said: "Legend has it that Manon Pasha was once one of the deputies of the Great Sultan, but because he disappeared for too long, this deputy position has long been replaced by another." Replaced by an efreet noble.

However, his rank is too high, and now we are not qualified to know whether he still has any influence in the Fire Elemental Plane and the City of Brass.

On the other hand, the reason why there is a legend in the mausoleum area here that his body is buried here is because the mausoleum area is not only protected by powerful magic, but there are also rumors that there is a powerful efreet. Through a series of Using the 'Prayer Technique', he transformed himself into an immortal construct, guarding the depths of the mausoleum area forever..."

Although the efreet's "Prayer Technique" can only be used three times in a lifetime, and can only be used once a day at most, it is said that it cannot pray for itself, but this does not prevent others from using it on him.

The fire djinn under Mannon have even become a legion.

At this scale, we need to cooperate with each other to avoid the restriction of not being able to pray for ourselves, and then achieve a series of superimposed prayers. This couldn't be simpler.

The wish spell is the most incredible spell, even more incredible than the legendary spell.

When a series of prayer spells are superimposed and coordinated...

Isaac pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

If Lagon cannot completely capture the mausoleum area, the biggest obstacle may lie here.

A series of superimposed prayer spells, and the miracles that this could bring were equally difficult for him to predict.

Just like in the Lost City of Earth, the "Frost Seal" used a series of superimposed prayer spells to abduct Hellast into space.

Although Hellast was in a state of madness and out of control at that time, the miracle that he had achieved by directly breaking through the "Earthline Maze Barrier" was to be realized with legendary magic. It's just too difficult.

As for the magical effects in the mausoleum area, it is very likely that more "wishes" were invested in than at the time of "Frost Seal".

This makes it difficult for Lagon to break through for a while, which is not something incomprehensible.

Thinking about it again, there is also the efreet who is willing to transform himself into a construct to guard here forever...

It’s no wonder that these salamanders, or rather the fire djinn who enslaved these salamanders, would suspect that Manon Pasha’s remains were buried here.

Even Isaac has not ruled out this possibility.

And if there really are such remains...

In his heart, Isaac began to think again.

Judging from the seals of the high elf mages, Manon Pasha and the Karim Caliph are probably both immortal, or at least close to this level of nature.

In other words, even if they are not at the level of the Abyss Lord, they should be equivalent to the level of the Balor Fire Lord.

At this level, if the remains really still exist, it is possible that they still have vitality.

Even if he is really dead, this is still a body, even for him, it is a body with research value!

For this reason alone, it is necessary to explore this tomb area.

Not to mention, these tombs of fire giants must also mean various treasures.

Even if it is related to Manon Pasha, it is not impossible that the treasure may involve sacred objects or the like...

"First take down Lagon's side to see if there are any relevant clues. Then we will see whether to prioritize the mausoleum area or deal with the magma lake side first."

With this thought in his mind, Isaac asked some more about things related to Manon Pasha and the mausoleum area.

Under his control, the Salamanders knew everything they knew and talked about everything.

It was on his side that he was quickly understanding these connections.

It didn't take long for a message to arrive: "We're here!"

Naturally, it was Aiweikelan and the others.

I had been to Mannon City yesterday, and this time I could reach it accurately with just one "Advanced Teleportation Technique".

The reason why it was slower was simply because they had been "chasing" Saphirekta, so naturally they had to be more realistic, which meant they needed more time.

Isaac responded immediately, and sent two loyal servants, and also asked a salamander to accompany him.

After a while.

Four people, including Moisis, quickly arrived here.


Isaac looked at Saphirekta.

Although Saphirekta had transformed into a human form at this time, and his whole body was covered in black robes, his true knowledge could clearly see through this change.

At this time, Saphirekta's blue dragon body, which was maintained by various magics, was torn apart by a large number of injuries, and there were even signs of being bombarded by magic.

It seems that although this chase was staged for others to watch, these three were actually fighting.

"Those guys didn't contact me directly, but my spies heard the news. They convened a temporary meeting, and everyone said that they should be led by 'Frost Seal' to intervene."

A sneer appeared in Saphirekta's eyes.

Without Lagon's leadership, the members of the Magic Talisman Parliament would be unable to suppress conflicts and unify each other's opinions.

It seems that those congressmen have expressed their hope that "Frost Seal" will take the lead in standing up.

However, how could he not see that he wanted to throw out the "Frost Seal" to settle the conflict between the Entangling Talisman, King Red, and Ivy Coglan?

As for why you didn't contact him...

He has had a long-term conflict with "Darkness" and "Mithril".

There is also a lot of contradiction with "Frost Seal", also because of Lagon.

How could these guys help him when he was in trouble?

"Are you going to abandon the 'Frost Seal'?"

Isaac could naturally hear his underlying meaning, and his heart moved again, and he said thoughtfully: "Do you think it is possible that Frost Seal will contact you because of this?"

When "Frost Seal" is about to be isolated and then abandoned, there is no doubt that there is a prerequisite for an alliance between him and Saphirekta.

Saphirekta's heart was also moved, he pondered for a moment, and nodded slowly: "It is not impossible. As long as I can escape the pursuit this time, then having contact with him is the prerequisite for existence.

Is Your Majesty planning to take him down and perform the surgery first? "


Isaac shook his head: "Our goal is to first go to Baragas. Let's leave the 'Frost Seal' to Kelben and Halast. They have been waiting for this for a long time." A chance.

If the 'Frost Seal' comes into contact with you, then take this as an opportunity to use them to resolve the conflict between us and the entangled talisman, and then you will return to the Magic Talisman Council.

But all this still has to wait for Balagas.

I have made arrangements, and Balagas will soon know what happened here. "

Selling the "Frost Seal" to Halast and Kelben would not only resolve the most critical conflict, but also allow him to return to Parliament smoothly.

This is a good way to get the best of both worlds.

Saphirekta thought about it for a moment and then nodded: "If necessary, I can give up my current body to dispel their hesitation and lure him and Balagas to take the bait."

Although this body has been maintained in the blue dragon form through long-term magic addition, rather than the skeleton form.

But the importance of this incident, and the rewards King Red shared with him, made it worth his choice.

Of course, there are deeper factors behind his willingness to make such a sacrifice.

He was not worried whether his phylactery would be exposed.

After all...at this time, his life box has already been controlled by the Dragon Queen!

Therefore, no matter how much he sacrifices himself, it is still the sacrifice of a body. The Dragon Queen will not prevent his resurrection at this time.

Likewise, others could not predict the location of his life box.

The life box is controlled by the Dragon Queen, which forces him to accept the Dragon Queen's control.

But at the same time, this also means that as long as he accepts this reality, he does not need to care about any threats from others!

Isaac was also thinking about this.

Saphirekta took the initiative to say this, but he nodded happily and said: "No matter whether you have to make this sacrifice in the end, after this matter calms down, we will help you lead the Talisman Council."

After a few people discussed it for a while, they quickly turned to the situation in front of them.

This secret lair of Lagon naturally has enough secrecy.

If Isaac had not traced the signs of his existence through the "Eternal Wheel", he would have had a direct understanding of the situation inside.

Just from the observation from the outside, this means that the surrounding magic protection effects have been destroyed, and it is also impossible to see the secret room hidden behind at least several layers of mechanisms.

However, since they have already noticed it, it is impossible to stop them.

Isaac personally took action, even if those mechanisms can be opened from the inside out, but to him, it was just a "destruction ball".

There was no need to waste any time, and everyone quickly reached the interior of the secret room.

After only glancing at the situation inside, Saphirekta nodded again: "It's Lagon's secret lair, with his usual style."

He and Lagon have worked closely together for hundreds of years.

Ragon learned dragon magic from him, and he became a Master of Talisman by drawing closer to Ragon.

After years of close cooperation, Saphirekta had direct contact with Lagon's copywriting, but there were also many of them.

The interior style of this secret room is roughly consistent with his previous contacts.

As he spoke, he walked towards the center of the secret room.

Stopping in front of a magic circle engraved on the ground, he waved his hand again, and a strong magical aura quickly began to circulate on the ground.

After a blink of an eye, a physical magic instrument first appeared on the magic circle.

Immediately afterwards, another ball of true knowledge floated out above the instrument platform.

After hundreds of years of cooperation, the Blue Dragon Lich has clearly mastered some of Lagon's keys.

After calling out the monitoring platform and casting the spell again, some scenes with a blazing red background soon began to appear in the crystal ball of true knowledge.

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