Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1355 Immortality


"You guys go back and wait."


Isaac dismissed the loyal servants.

At this depth, if you go further, it will become a lava cave.

Walking on it is like walking directly on the sea of ​​fire.

Even if this intense high temperature is not as terrifying as the fire elemental plane, it has already exceeded the upper limit of the fire resistance of the loyal servants and can already cause harm to them.

There was no rush to take over the mausoleum area now. Isaac had no intention of applying protective spells to them, so he simply drove them away.

On the other hand, the three heads and six arms of the three-headed and six-armed snake demons like Ivycoglan and the others, although the high temperature also exceeded the upper limit of their natural fire resistance, have also added the "resistance" Fire damage" status.

With a full 30 points of fire resistance, it is enough to withstand the high temperature damage of this lava cave.

A duration of three to four hours is enough to complete this first exploration operation.

Needless to say, Isaac, with the updated fire resistance granted by the "Triple Parallel Array", he will not suffer any fire damage even if he jumps directly into the magma.

With three salamanders leading the way, the group of seven of them walked through the fire. In just a short time, when the front of the lava tunnel gradually opened up, another giant flame arch soon came into their sight...


It was almost the same reaction, and all of them looked slightly suspicious.

On the left and right of the flame arch, there were two giants that looked like lava. Even in their eyes, they were guarded by giant mixed elements with powerful aura.

It is perfectly normal to have such a guard in this mausoleum area.


"Is it possible that Lagon hasn't really taken any action against this side?"

Saphirekta frowned slightly.

Based on his familiarity with Lagon, this shouldn't be the case.

But if Lagon takes action, even though such a mixed elemental creature is powerful, it is impossible for him to be able to guard the entrance safely.

"not necessarily."

"There seems to be something wrong here."

Ivey Kelan shook his head, with the same slightly wrinkled eyes, and the same doubts, but they were different from Saphirekta's doubts.

Saphirekta was wondering whether Lagon was there or not.

She had a vague feeling that there seemed to be something wrong with the space in front of her, but for a moment, she couldn't find out what the source of the wrongness was.

During this hesitation in her heart, she turned her gaze to Isaac.

As for other aspects, it's hard to say, but if she only looked at the magic field, she knew that there was indeed a certain gap between her and this person.

She was a little confused about the situation at this time, but this was not necessarily the case for this person.

She looked over, and several other people inevitably turned their eyes over as well.

Isaac shook his head: "Don't look at me, I haven't really been in contact yet, but I can't make a definite judgment.

However, Ivy's feeling was correct. There must be something wrong with the space where the mausoleum area is located.

The only doubts I can make are two points.

Firstly, this must be the influence of the ‘Prayer Technique’. The combination of a large number of ‘Prayer Techniques’ has an immeasurable impact!

Secondly, there must be a powerful holy weapon here!

Perhaps, the influence of these 'wishing spells' is still centered on this sacred instrument.

This is what can be done. Even if Lagon takes action, it is difficult to forcibly break the stability here.

Furthermore, if the existence of these two lava elements is related to this sacred weapon, Lagon cannot really destroy them, so it is normal..."

It is said that there is no definite judgment, but after these words came out, Ivy Cogland and others seemed to have a pensive look on their faces.

The prayer spell is linked to the sacred weapon!

The holy weapon is once again linked to mixed elements!

With the nature of a powerful holy weapon being almost impossible to destroy, these two powerful mixed elements are naturally almost immortal and can be reborn no matter how they are destroyed!

Not only that, if Isaac’s intention is further developed...

"Are you suspecting that the constructed golems transformed by the efreeti are most likely bound to this sacred weapon? That's why even Lagon can't really break through here?"

Ivey Kelan's expression changed.

"Yes or no, give it a try and you'll know."

"But even if that's the case, it won't be everything here."

"There must be more anomalies deep in this cemetery."

Isaac did not signal the Salamander to stop.

While he was controlling the three salamanders and pointing directly at the flame arch, he was also feeling slightly strange in his heart.

Normally speaking, with Lagon's power, even the lava element and the efreet golem both have immortal nature, but they should not be able to stop Lagon.


"There should be something inside that can limit Lagon's magical power. At least, it's a method that can weaken this magical power!"

"This is normal."

"Although this mausoleum area has most likely existed during the period of the Kingdom of Manonna, since those fire giants want to bury Manon Pasha's body here, they naturally have to consider that the Pasha's soul has been sealed Do the high elf mages have any further means?"

"When...it's either a dead magic effect area, or, it's a frenzied magic effect area!"

Isaac was making calculations rapidly in his mind.

To limit Lagon's magical power, this method is naturally the most effective.

Once Lagun's magical power is restricted, with the lava environment here, with the constructed golems and various fire elements here...

If Lagon forced his way in regardless, I'm afraid it would be really dangerous!

"Then give them a try!"

Saphirekta and Claudia Mata also nodded.

Seeing the two elder-level advanced lava elements on the other side of the flame arch, they were already alert to the approach, and suddenly there was an unparalleled power of fire, and they suddenly started to burn.

One left and one right, they both walked out of the team.

Even though Saphirekta is not suitable to reveal his true identity now, it is not that difficult for him to capture this lava elemental elder.

Needless to say, Claudia Mata does not need to remain in human form like Saphirekta.

"Chain lightning!"

The Blue Dragon Lich waved his staff and cast the lightning spell he was best at.

"Spitting energy instead!"

Claudia Mata took one step forward, and the huge dragon's true form suddenly appeared.

At the same time as the spell was cast, the poisonous dragon's breath that was rapidly condensed was replaced by strong lightning energy.

Elemental special effects, all of which are immune to poisonous damage.

The lava element is also immune to fire damage.

It is said that attacking with ice energy is the most targeted weakness attack.

But here, it is already close to the high temperature environment of the fire elemental plane, but it is naturally strongly repelled by ice energy.

Whether it's a spell or dragon's breath, if you really use ice energy to attack, it's very likely that the release will fail.

Therefore, whether it was Saphirekta or Claudia Mata, they all launched lightning energy attacks in this move.

Their obvious hostility...


Both lava element elders roared.

It has the mission of guarding the mausoleum and not allowing any creature to approach. When it detects an attack from the opposite side, how can this mixed elemental creature, which is naturally prone to rage, not go berserk?

With a roar, in the two giant hands of the lava element, each was a ball of blazing red magma, which quickly condensed out.

It was the lightning beam and lightning dragon breath coming from the opposite side.

The roaring lava element, with incomparable power, threw the two magma balls towards Claudia Mata like meteors.

In this tunnel environment and the size of the dragon, it was difficult for Claudelia Mata to dodge.

At the same time, when they were approaching the entrance of the cemetery, the surrounding space was suddenly filled with obstacles to teleportation, and it was impossible for her to avoid it through magic such as "any door".


There is no discoloration.

This magma ball attack.

The fire damage posed no threat at all to her who had already added "resistance to fire damage".

As for the powerful throwing force of the lava element elder, for ordinary people, it is a strike comparable to a trebuchet, but for her, it is an ancient green dragon with eight professional levels...


Amidst the silent snort in his heart, the explosion of lightning energy in front of him suddenly swept over the two elemental elders. With a wave of his huge claws, Claudia Mata's huge body struck directly and arrogantly. Rushed up.

The flame power suddenly exploded on her body, but it was unable to stop her from flying out.

In just a blink of an eye, as the front opened up, she was able to spread her wings and bumped into an elemental elder in the air.

Multiple attacks!

Hit hard!

Intuitive dodge!

Sneak attack!

In just a split second, Claudia Mata's powerful close combat ability was fully demonstrated.

A completely different fighting style from Ivy Coglan's LS. Even though she was being hit head-on at the moment, with the dragon's natural huge size and multiple attacks, she was still able to survive the violent storm of attacks. , constantly activating the rogue's professional abilities.

The spell ability is not as good as that of the Ancient Golden Dragon.

The power and strength of the dragon's breath are also quite different from those of the ancient golden dragon.

But Claudia Mata has a combat power that is not inferior to the ancient golden dragon, and this is precisely where it lies.

Although the elder of the lava element is not bad, compared with her...

There was only one encounter. In this constant "sneak attack", this elemental elder, who had been attacked by two waves of lightning, even faced the powerful "intuitive dodge" ability of Claudelia Mata. It didn't even cause much actual damage, but she was completely stunned by her blast combo.

She was fierce on her side, and Saphirekta was not slow at all.


The ancient blue dragon's natural magic-like ability was aimed at Elder Xiang. In the lava environment in front of him, as he stepped out step by step, infinite ice power was flooding down. The lava was extinguishing, the ground was freezing, and the glaciers were The surge is constantly pressing and approaching, and the changes are earth-shaking.

Although elemental characteristics are immune to shock, they cannot ignore other psychic effects, let alone illusions.

Saphirekta's spellcasting and the lava elemental elder didn't even have time to notice that his companion was already under the green dragon's attack and might fall down at any moment.

"Phantom Killer!"

But there was no pause. Just after using illusion to trap the lava element elders and oppressing their hearts, Saferekta cast another illusion spell and quickly started to cast it.

Although it is completely different from Claudia Marta's powerful attack, the Phantom Killer can also have a fatal impact through psychic influence.

Combining and comparing these two different attacks, we can observe and speculate whether these two lava element elders really have the essence of immortality!

In the same way, it can be inferred that the fire giant demon statues have not yet appeared.

"They are absorbing the heat energy of the magma and recovering from their injuries."

"In this space, they have the ability to regenerate."

Following Saphirekta slowly and unhurriedly, Ivicoglan's eyes were observing all the changes in the elemental elder.

It is obvious that when these two lava elements step on the ground, their bodies, which are the red lava on the ground, are interacting with energy.

As the magma-like liquid continued to surge up their bodies, the damage caused by the lightning energy, and the injuries that were constantly being torn apart and blasted to pieces in Claudelia Mata's violent attacks, were... It is also continuing to recover.

"It's not a simple regeneration."

Isaac's eyes were slightly solemn. At this moment, he was not paying attention to these rebirths. He was staring at the elemental elder who was being attacked by the "Phantom Killer".

A somewhat similar sense of familiarity, but at the same time, there is also a considerable sense of difference.

Just like...

With a thought in his heart, he thought of the "Demiplane of Hell Gate Castle"!

Is it the binding of the essence of life?

With this thought in his heart, his eyes wavered slightly.

He personally bound a kind of Tanar'ri's life essence and transferred it to the demiplane space. Naturally, he was very familiar with such a phenomenon.

At this moment, vaguely, these two elemental elders gave him a similar feeling.

Of course, they are just similar.

This is absolutely different from the "Mirror of Silinxi", which is bound through mystery.

Even if the life essence of these two elemental elders is really bound here as he judged, this is definitely not a mystery, or even a legendary magic enchantment.

"It's a prayer technique!"

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