Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1356 Mutation


The wish spell is undoubtedly the most powerful spell for mages and warlocks.

Whatever you want to do, just say it.

If the difficulty is too great and one prayer spell cannot be completed, then perform continuous prayers.

As long as there are enough reserves of "Prayer Technique", it is completely possible to pull the abyss lord from the abyss level to the material world alive.

However, such a spell... Isaac has never cast it before!

Every time the "Prayer Technique" is used, the professional accumulation required is too much.

But in the past, in order to pursue legendary spellcasting, he was too compact in terms of career accumulation.

He was able to perform free prostitution through ritual casting, but he was absolutely unwilling to invest even a trace of professional accumulation, so naturally he could not "luxury" cast a wish spell.

However, although he has never actually performed a "wishing spell", he naturally has no shortage of research on this most special spell.

In his opinion, "Prayer Technique" and "Miracle Technique" are actually quite consistent. Neither of them are normal magic spells. They both come from the mouth. The only difference is that, One is opening his mouth to the gods, and the other... at least in his opinion, this should be opening his mouth to the "magical essence"!

However, even if they are both spoken out loud, there is this difference, which also determines the difference between the two.

The object of prayer for "wishing" is the "essence of magic".

The absolute fairness of the "magic essence" determines the strength of a single "wishing spell", which has strict limits.

The "miracle technique" is different.

"Miracle technique" is to make a wish to the gods. If the gods are willing, this can be invested in his personal sponsorship!

As long as He is willing, the intensity of this sponsorship can even have no upper limit!

That's why.

In a large-scale war, a "wishing spell" may not bring about earth-shaking changes, but a "miracle spell" may not.

If the gods are willing to support at all costs, even if they can say a wish, everyone will be resurrected with full health, and the desperate situation will be turned around!

Therefore, when it comes to the upper limit, "Prayer" really cannot be compared with "Miracle".

However, this does not mean that "Prayer" is inferior to "Miracle".

Generally speaking, making wishes to the gods, many wishes, are subject to the limitations of the power and domain of the gods themselves.

You can't ask the Storm God to help you save disaster.

Nor can you let the gods of nature help you destroy the forest.

But "Prayer" is different. All your wishes and "Magic Essence" will be realized. As long as you have enough "Prayers" and "Magic Essence" can achieve all the strength, this All are achievable.

Undoubtedly, this "spectacle" in front of us is an intuitive manifestation of the extraordinary characteristics of the "Wish Technique".

Looking ahead.

Claudia Mata only got close, and the multiple attacks of the storm, as well as the continuous "sneak attacks", destroyed a lava elemental elder.

The combination of Saphirekta's two illusion spells also deprived another elemental elder of his life.

But when these two giant elemental creatures both fell down...


Ivey Kelan's eyes shrank slightly.

Isaac said before that these two elemental creatures did not have simple regeneration abilities, so she was making targeted observations.

At this moment, they all fell down.

Seeing that the statue destroyed by Claudia Mata continued to absorb the magma energy from the ground, and seemed to be rapidly regenerating and recovering.

The other one that was directly obliterated by the "Phantom Killer" seemed to be melting, and its huge body was constantly integrating into the ground...

"Something's not normal."

"These two elemental creatures, and this space..."

After shrinking her gaze, she suddenly looked at Isaac next to her: "You mean, their regeneration ability comes from their oneness with this space? They themselves are from this space. Part of it?"

Although I think that my magical attainments are inferior to King Red, this is only compared to King Red. Ivico LS Gran has never relied solely on brute force.

In fact, her caster level has already been raised to level 29, and she is only one step away from the threshold of 30+.

In addition, at this moment, there are some hints from Isaac.

The situation on these two lava elements was not hidden from her observation and analysis.

"It can't be wrong."

“But it’s never just them.”

Isaac nodded slightly, but the solemnity in his expression was actually dissipating.

Avike LS Gran understands what he means.

It's not just the meaning of these two elemental elders, it naturally means that they are integrated with this cemetery space. When there are more elemental creatures, those fire giant demon statues are indispensable. Even if she doubts If you are right, according to Isaac's words, if the core of this cemetery space lies in the body of Manon Pasha, then it is not impossible that the body of this fire giant Pasha , what abilities can be exerted!

This can explain why Lagon could not win here for a long time.

As for why Isaac is no longer solemn...

As long as the real root cause can be determined, it is nothing more than making targeted preparations.

These people are different from Lagon.

Although Lagon's magical abilities are powerful, he is still just a lich.

On their side, not only did Isaac have spell abilities that were superior to Lagon, but all of them were dragons!

For them, even if the environment of this space is naturally suitable for fire elemental creatures, it is not impossible to overturn this place as long as they have accurate preparations.

As soon as the thought flashed, Ivey Kelan also nodded slightly, and there was a slight strange color on his face: "The fire giant has reached a scale. This is indeed extraordinary, but it is also a bit weird... "

There was a slight pause in his voice, and he looked towards the flame arch again. He saw some giant-like majestic and powerful flame creatures flying in the huge cemetery.

Her eyes flashed, and she continued: "Normally, the giant spirit's 'wishing technique' cannot be used directly on creatures that are also giant spirits.

The transformation of these efreets may even involve the transformation of the pasha's body. How is this carried out in batches? "

Ivey Kelan's understanding of the Djinn is definitely deeper than Isaac's.

Isaac never even came into direct contact with the efreet.

And she not only holds many treasures related to the djinn in her hands, but even now, in her secret lair, she still enslaves several fire djinn and wind djinn.

When it comes to understanding the giant spirits, she has a much deeper understanding than Isaac.

In her control, the giant spirit's wishing technique is far from being incapable of being used directly on itself, but rather incapable of being used on all giant spirit creatures.

In this case, there is something obviously wrong with these efreet golems and the body of Manon Pasha that is hidden but seems to be possible to be revived.

"It's nothing more than using some means to avoid it."

"For example, if that holy weapon really exists here, perhaps they can first bind their essence to this holy weapon, and then use the 'Prayer Technique' to extend the effect of the holy weapon to pray. willing……"

There was only one thought in Isaac's mind, and he casually mentioned a possibility.

In the field of magic research, it has never been easy to hit the bottom.

If one path doesn't work, then change your mind and continue researching.

He has rich experience in how to circumvent restrictions and how to bypass prohibitions.

Moreover, although the "Prayer" ability of the efreet itself has limitations, it is not impossible for an intelligent creature like the elf to advance professionally.

Whether it is a mage, a warlock, or even a priest, with their long lives, it is also possible for these spellcasters to gain and improve their professions to achieve transformation.

Just like, in the legend, the great sultan of the City of Brass was not only a fire djinn noble whose life energy level exceeded the advanced limit, but also had extraordinary spell-casting ability, and was even an unquestionable elf aristocrat. The legendary spellcaster.

It's not even just the normal route.

In the form of spell-like abilities, if it can realize the destiny of the race, just like the connection between Slaad White Chan and the field of destruction, and if he once used the "Dragon of Conferred Gods" to conduct research on related fields, this is also the case. Therefore, it is possible to realize it.

In such an abnormal way, if there is any fire spirit that can advance to the destiny, because of its connection with the "Fire Domain" and the "Order Domain", it also has the ability to complete the corresponding legendary spell design through research. , and then realize the possibility of this key change.

As long as this key change is completed, the "wishes" used by the hordes of fire djinn armies will naturally be able to overcome many restrictions.

Avike LS Gran nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, she and Isaac had already reached the Flame Arch.

Through this arch, you can see the huge space in front of you, which is as big as a dungeon. The entire space rises on a slight slope, and there are cracks everywhere on the ground. Incomparably high-temperature flames are constantly erupting from it. There is another majestic palace that also gives off a sense of twilight, located in the center of this space.

At a glance, there are groups of fire elements surrounding the palace, guarding the palace in an orderly manner like an army.

There are also giant, even super giant, fire elemental creatures, which are like burning flames, hanging above the palace...

"The energy of volcanoes and lava alone is not enough to support the integration and resurrection of so many fire elemental creatures."

"This should be directly connected to the infinite energy of the fire elemental plane in some way."

While observing everything in the cemetery, Ivey Kegelan was pondering.

Those ordinary fire element armies are nothing more than fire djinn dominating the fire element, which is normal.

However, those giant fire elements floating above the distant palace are a bit unusual.

Ordinary fire elements, even if they are advanced into fire element elders, which are super large, there is a gap that is clearly visible to the naked eye compared to these giant fire elements, or even super giant fire elements.

There are only one or two elemental creatures of this level. This is definitely not a volcano or a lava area, but it can be supported.

Combined with Isaac's previous words, she also had certain conjectures.

Mostly through the suspected powerful holy weapon, but it is not impossible that it is related to the body of Manon Pasha. This cemetery space must be endlessly absorbing the flame energy from the fire elemental plane. , this is what is needed to support the binding, resurrection, and advancement of these elemental creatures!

With her judgment, Isaac nodded slightly. He was just in front, staring at the approaching fire creatures that looked like efreets but had different inner beings, Sapphirekta and Crouch. Liamata also had some thoughts.

However, there is not much time for them to think about it slowly.

Seeing these, the special demon statue that should have been transformed by the fire giant spirit was already flying closer.

Claudia Mata stepped down and trampled down the continuously resurrecting lava element. Without looking back, she said in a deep voice: "How? Do you want to try these again?"

She knew it, and her purpose this time was not to take over this side directly.

Judging from current observations, this is not something that can be taken down casually.

Let’s test the waters first and see what is so mysterious about these guys that can make Lagon helpless?

"Just give them a try."

"You guys also take action together."

Isaac nodded slightly, but said the last sentence to the three six-armed snake demons.

When Saphirekta is not prepared to reveal his true form, even though these two giant dragons still have the power to control these special golems, they will not crush the battle in an instant.

The three of Moisis responded and flew up from behind him.

Claudia Mata would not hesitate any more, and kicked down again, once again stamping out the vitality restored by the lava element. With a flutter of her giant wings, she immediately flew into the sky.

With this obvious hostility, the fire giant demon statue coming from the opposite side immediately started shouting angrily.

The strong energy of the fire element surged instantly on them, and blazing flame shields immediately enveloped them all.

Immediately after, they were obviously entities. At this moment, their bodies seemed to be squirming. From behind, one after another, seemed to be composed of flames, but also seemed to be pure incorporeal bodies. Behind each fire giant demon statue , all stretched out seven energy tentacles.

Not afraid of the power of the green dragon and the six-armed snake demon, with a loud shout, these fire giant demon statues faced them head-on.


"Half-element energy body!"

"After the soul essence is bound here, it will further appear in a form similar to the elemental spirit, and then the transformation into the 'Constructed Golem' will be realized!"

"Therefore, no matter how it is killed, as long as there is sufficient energy supply, the binding of its soul essence can continuously reconstruct the elemental essence, and then complete the continuous rebirth of the 'golem form'!"

The fierce battle ahead had just begun.

The aura that kept flashing in Isaac's eyes already had a lot of analysis.

It was just the blades of the six-armed snake demons that killed a fire giant demon statue in a sudden attack.

Suddenly, a look of surprise appeared on his face without warning.

A message!

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