Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1357 Gisverik


"Let's talk in detail when we meet."

After a brief change in expression, Isaac's reply voice also sounded.

Right next to him, Ivy Coglan was not unaware of this. His heart wrinkled at first, but he was not in a hurry to speak. When Isaac's voice stopped, the link from magic was broken. After opening it, her eyes returned from the battlefield in front: "How is it?"

Not asked directly.

Although he is naturally curious about things that can move Isaac, if this matter and their joint cooperation are not the same thing, Ivy Kelan will not be rash. It means to intervene.

In particular, it can move Isaac, which in itself shows that this matter is extraordinary.

If she really needed to step in and help...it would naturally be Isaac's turn to take the initiative!

Therefore, although she was asking, she never asked directly. With this ambiguous tone, whether Isaac was perfunctory or he really told her, it all depends on his choice!

"It has nothing to do with us, it's a matter over there in Waterdeep City. Someone summoned me, and Skull Port was completely destroyed!"

Isaac had no intention of hiding anything.

The previous summons came from Kui Lu.

Skull Harbor, which was regarded as the dark side of Waterdeep City, was destroyed without any warning, just by someone.

It is naturally impossible to suppress the news of such a big event.

There was no need for him to hide it from Ivico Gran and Saphirekta who was right in front.

"Skullport destroyed?"

Even at this moment, the two blue dragons were actually prepared in their hearts, but when Isaac said these words, their expressions suddenly changed.

It has been able to exist under Waterdeep City for so many years, but not only has it not been destroyed, but it has continued to expand.

It can be right next to Earthline Maze City, but it has never been annexed.

From this alone, we can see the power of Skull Port.

Based on the information that Ivycolan and Saphirekta can grasp, the "skulls" in Skull Port are not only powerful casters, but also have immortal nature. No one can really kill those "skulls" in Skull Harbor!

But at this time, according to the meaning of Isaac's words, this "completely destroyed", I am afraid that not only these "immortal skulls", but maybe even the "mantle" within the Skull Harbor The mysterious magical effects must have been completely destroyed. Furthermore, it is hard to say whether that dark space still exists now, right?

"Who can do it?"

For a moment, even Saphirekta didn't care about the battle ahead and looked back.

The destruction of Skull Port was probably no worse than yesterday's battle over Calim Port!


"But...it is said that there was only one person who took action!"

Isaac's words.

Once again, the expressions of the two blue dragons changed.

A single shot! !

Not to mention Saphirekta, even Ivy Coglan knew this well. Even if she really tried her best, she would never be sure to destroy the Skull Port in one go!

After all, there is more than just the "mantle effect" there, and it's not just the thirteen "immortal skulls". There are also quite a few evil ones there, including ancient beholder elders like Eknanza. Of the strong.

One who can directly destroy the entire Skull Port with the power of a single person...

For a moment, even Aiweikelan felt some tremors in his heart.

"Let's end things here first."

"I'll go meet Hellast later to see if this old ghost knows about this matter. By the way..."

Isaac glanced at Saphirekta and said, "When it comes to hating the 'Frost Mark', no one can compare to him. During this trip, I also contacted him and Kelben. How to maximize the value of 'Frost Seal'!"

"That's it."

"This matter cannot be taken care of casually. Let's wait until we have full understanding and preparation in the future to solve it."

Ivic, LS Gran and Saphirekta both nodded.

At this time, the six-armed snake demon joined forces with the green dragon to quickly kill the fire giant demon statue.

On the far side of the castle, those super giant fire elements are also flying here.

And at the same time, the lava ground was also trembling, as if some huge thing was about to tear the ground apart and emerge.

It is obvious that these flame creatures are all intelligent.

And...if their judgment is correct, there must be someone behind these flame creatures who is directing the overall situation!

It won't be easy to win here.

In particular, it is even more impossible to capture this place without causing an earth-shaking sensation.

Therefore, both blue dragons showed their intention to stop temporarily.

Bad timing!

Regarding this...Issac also means the same thing.

When it comes to Skull Port, he actually has some reservations.

Although he did not know the identity of the person who made the move, and Kui Lu had no control over it, there was a reason why Kui Lu would inform him immediately.

According to Kui Lu's report, the person who took action is suspected to have some relationship with Erevis, the first chosen one of the God of Thieves!

The relationship between Mephistopheles and Magadon, at this time, Erevis and the others seemed to have had contact with the Black Staff Tower through the identity of Jack Philit, a former senior Harper member.

Precisely because of this, Kelben and Kui Lu were able to understand that the man who destroyed the Skull Port was related to the target pursued by Erevis and the others!

When it comes to Erevis, this involves Sambia.

At the moment, Isaac has not revealed that he has any intention of being interested in Sambia.

"Since Kui Lu doesn't know this person's identity, he doesn't come from the City of Shadows."

"It seems that it is probably related to the three slaadi!"

Thinking about the interest of the three slaadi in the Mysel Energy Core, and thinking that they also stole the secrets related to the Lady of the Night and involving multiple planes.

While Isaac agreed with Ivycolan's meaning, he was slightly wrinkled in his heart.

The secret energy core is now in his hands.

Moreover, from his understanding, the "mantle effect" of the Skull Port and the thirteen "immortal skulls" should actually have the same origin as the "Mither Energy Core", both of which come from Magic Dynasty.

This person will take action at Skull Port. It is hard to say whether he is still pursuing the "Miser Energy Core".

Naturally, Isaac would not wait until others had prepared everything before coming to kill him.

It is his habit to be prepared in advance and even solve troubles in advance.

It's necessary to go to Waterdeep City, go to Skull Port, and get in touch with that bald guy!

"Forget it, the matter of Karinsey will end here for the time being."

"The rest will be left to Saphirekta."

"As soon as Solomon's side is dealt with, the transformation ceremony will begin immediately."

With this quick flash of thought in his heart, Isaac's eyes stared at the battlefield ahead again.

Claudia Marta and the others were already retreating while fighting.

Although those fire giant demon statues are powerful, they are not much of a threat to their level.

But those fire elements with the speed of the wind, and in just a blink of an eye, they were already on the battlefield, that was different.

Jingju are all legendary creatures. Most importantly, Jingju have legendary damage reduction and powerful spell resistance!

In this way, even if the fire damage contained in these giant fire element attacks has no impact on Claudia Marta and the others, the attacks of their natural weapons can directly penetrate the green. The damage reduction of the dragon and the six-armed snake demon, on the contrary, even if the six-armed snake demon used "Abyss Infusion" to temporarily upgrade the level of the evil sword to the legendary level, it was still unable to penetrate it. Damage reduction for these giant fire elements!

"Without any magical abilities!"

"But relying only on the legendary damage reduction of at least '+7' level and the powerful spell resistance, there is no doubt that it has legendary level combat power!"

Of course, although these legendary fire elements are powerful, Claudelia Mata and Mousis are not unable to withstand them.

Similarly, Elagon's magical power will not be blocked by them for a long time.

The real threat still lies in...


Seeing the tremor of the lava earth, there was a giant magma giant like a troll, tearing open the earth and crawling out from the depths of the lava.

After Isaac's eyes stared and observed for a moment, he finally sent the sound of "retreat" to Claudia Mata and the others.

It's a construct!

And it’s really a legendary build that looks like a troll!


Isaac only briefly observed the magma giant statue, and he could already see that this was also a fire giant demon statue, and it was also intelligent!

Come to think of it...

"It's probably the transformation carried out by the fire giant nobles!"

The troll's "magic immunity" is not an easy ability to deal with.

Not to mention, in this space, this magma colossus must have the ability to regenerate, or even resurrect.

This magma giant should be the real main reason for Lagon's obstruction, or at least one of the main reasons.

No longer taking his time to test, if he really starts a battle with this magma giant, the sensation caused by it will be difficult to cover up.

On one side, a message was sent out to ask Claudia Mata and the others to retreat.

On the other hand, Isaac also raised his hand.

"Burning Cloud Technique!"

"Energy Control-Evil Energy Replacement!"

"Shape Control!"

Before the magma colossus even approached, a white-hot smoke cloud filled with the evil energy of purgatory immediately enveloped the battlefield.

With just this obstruction, the green dragon and the six-armed snake demon, which were not hindered by the smoke at all, immediately broke away from the battle and quickly flew back to the Flame Arch.

"let's go!"

Isaac waved his hand again, and another "Rainbow Wall" was formed on the inside of the flame arch, blocking the pursuit of these elements and the golem.

The group then retreated back to where they came from.

And just as they left.

The cemetery quickly became calm again.

The fire elements returned to the palace.

The golems also hid their figures.

The two lava element elders were quickly regenerated and resurrected, and once again guarded both sides of the flame arch.

As the tears in the earth gradually healed, it was no longer possible to tell that someone had "visited" before.

At this time, Isaac and the others had already withdrawn from this ancient ruins.

"The Skull Port thing has something to do with me, so I want to leave for a while."

"I'll leave it to you, Karinsey."

"If you can lure out the Lord of the Symbols, or Balagas takes the bait, you can send me another message!"

Isaac and Claudia Mata also talked about the current situation.

Claudia Mata, however, had no objection. Her target was only on Balagas. Since the design of Balagas had not been suspended, everything was fine.

However, according to Isaac, the mysterious man who destroyed Skull Harbor actually accomplished it all by himself...

"Your Majesty, just go ahead and leave it to us."

"On the contrary, if there is any information about that person, please give it to us simultaneously."

As her territory was also in the North, she was inevitably curious and taboo about this mysterious person.

In this regard, Ivico, LS Gran and Saphirekta also nodded in agreement.

Isaac would never say no.

After a few people had some exchanges.

Soon, except for the loyal servants who hid in Mannon City again, everyone in the group teleported away directly.

When he goes to Waterdeep City again, Isaac will definitely not bring the six-armed snake demons with him.

Accurate teleportation at a fixed point, and in a moment, he arrived at the castle.

And with little Anasia's excited babbling sounds, she put the little baby on her shoulders.

Kui Lu arrived quickly.

Skull Harbor is adjacent to the "Dark Maiden Corridor".

When Skull Harbor was destroyed, she immediately returned to the temple.

"What's the situation now?"

"The entire Skull Harbor collapsed. Laila and I investigated together, and found that the magical energy in the mantle barrier has completely disappeared. Laila's judgment is that the person forcibly extracted it The magical energy, so not only were the 'skulls' destroyed, but the stability of the Skull Port itself was also destroyed, and this was when earthquakes and collapses occurred."

In terms of magical attainments, Kui Lu was inferior to Laila, so she directly quoted Laila's judgment.

"Extract energy?"

Isaac's eyes jumped.

Not to mention how vast the magical energy of the mantle barrier is, just those thirteen "skulls" are integrated with the mantle barrier. We must break their resistance and drain out the energy of the mantle... …

This is a feat that even Hellast was unable to accomplish back then!

Looking at Kui Lu's gaze, he frowned slightly: "Hasn't Erevis found out the origin of this person?"

"The specific identity, whether it's Erevis or Kelben, we don't know anything about."

"However, Erevis has judged that this person is the real person behind the three slaadi."

"In addition, Kelben suspects that this person seems to be from a mysterious race."

"The Githwerik come from the same origin as the Githyanki and Githzerai, yet are mysterious and rare!"

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