Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1359 The desperate situation in the Eastern Region


"In the front are Ivycolan and Claudia Mata, in the back are Kelben and Hellast, plus the secret hand of Saferekta, to grasp the entanglement talisman, this It won’t be a problem anymore.”

"Hairast and Kelben are facing each other head-on, the Lord of Symbols is betraying him behind his back, and Saphirek Tower is also waiting. If the 'Frost Seal' is to survive under the designs of these three aspects, , the possibility of escaping this disaster is not high."

"Then we'll see if Balagas will take the bait!"

After negotiating with Halaster and Kelben, the purpose of Isaac's trip to Waterdeep City was over.

However, he did not leave directly in the end. He stayed at the castle manor on Deepwater Mountain for one more night. It was not until the second day that he finally said goodbye to Kui Lu and her daughter.

Whether it is the matter of "Frost Seal" or the matter of Baragas, although these are all planned, it is impossible to win them immediately.

Isaac's departure was naturally not directed at them.

After an "alien teleportation", he directly arrived at the Five Color Temple through the transit demiplane.

"His Majesty!"

Mrs. Millland was already waiting for her.

Isaac's figure suddenly appeared without any warning. She was not surprised at all and just paid her respects.

It was as if Isaac had already summoned her last night.

"How's it going?"

Isaac nodded slightly, indicating for her to stand up and speak.

"We still don't have any information about those slaads, but I have sent an order to launch a comprehensive investigation focusing on them in the near future."

Mrs. Miranda shook her head slightly, and first reported the status of the order she had just received yesterday.

After a short pause, seeing that Isaac had no instructions, he continued: "There seems to be some turmoil over Tuolei in recent days.

In the Naser Mountains, the undead army of Sazastan seemed to have a fierce battle with the blood orc army that came from the underground and had demonic phenomena.

Because it is the core of the Red Robe Mage Association, and it is difficult for our spies to come in and out at will, we cannot determine the true inside story of this turmoil.

However, judging from the information currently available, this ongoing turmoil is suspected to be related to the legendary Abyss Lord..."

She did not directly say the name of the Abyss Lord. After all, she did not have the ability to block the remote sensing of the Abyss Lord's real name.

However, Isaac naturally understood who she was referring to.

"Altaba showed up after all!"

This is not unexpected.

Sazastan tried to enslave this man, and almost succeeded. After this man escaped from trouble, he would take corresponding revenge, and even replace Sazastan and the Red Robe Mages to rule the Torre Kingdom. This is normal. .

However, the timing was a little unlucky.

Isaac frowned slightly in his mind.

Originally, he had the intention of continuing to use Sazastan.

After all, the current Witch King never welcomes the return of the former Witch King!

For Sazastan, the best former Witch King is the one who is completely dead and only exists in documents!

Therefore, this person has always been one of Isaac's potential allies to deal with the former Witch King!

But now, as he was preparing to take action, Sazastan was actually restrained by Altaba again!

With this frown in his heart, Isaac asked: "Is it possible to tell the winning or losing situation between them now?"

"It's not easy to judge accurately."

"However, from what can be learned, it seems that the blood orcs have the upper hand."

"Although the Red Robe Mage Association is powerful, they not only have fierce internal conflicts, but also the possibility of another civil war. Most importantly, there is now an army of salamanders from the fire elemental plane, who are also fighting against them. As an enemy..."

Mrs. Miranda has been keeping an eye on that person in recent years, but she has always had a deep understanding of the situation in the Tole Kingdom.

The red-robed mages are notoriously bad.

Not only within the Mages Association, civil strife will break out at every turn due to competition for resources and power.

Most importantly, their reputation has reached the level of notoriety to the outside world.

Isaac also knew about what Miranda said about their war with the Salamander Army.

The Kingdom of Torre has a tradition of believing in Kasus, the "God of the Fire Element." Therefore, it has always been a habit to make contracts with creatures from the Fire Element Plane.

It is said that the origin of this war was because the red-robed mages first finished using these flame creatures, and then turned against them. Not only did they not want to pay the agreed price to allow them to settle in the Torre Kingdom, they even wanted to take these flame creatures away. Creatures from the fire elemental plane were enslaved together.

Then the war broke out.

It is suspected that some of the great nobles of the City of Brass are involved, and there is an endless supply of new members to this salamander army.

The war between the red-robed mage and them has been going on for a long time!

"Drop the chain at the critical moment!"

"It's a shame I ever looked up to him!"

Shaking his head slightly, Isaac snorted.

For a moment, he felt a little disappointed with Sazastan.

However, he was not without backup preparations.

After thinking for a moment, Isaac asked again: "Aglaron, are there any recent actions?"

Both Simbu and Minnis are back.

The return of Xinbu's violent temper naturally means that it can be exploited!

And if it can really be used...

Isaac said that only instinct is needed to make all spell casters, even Minnis and Sazastan, retreat. There is no doubt that power is the magic that ranks first among the "Seven Sisters". Queen, I have been looking forward to this for a long time!

"Our intelligence network is not yet able to penetrate deeply into Youmulin. However, we have heard that Youmulin is suspected of being invaded by a strange spirit world that the queen calls 'Nilsha'. For this reason, she has also Generous reward posted.”

"In addition, there is news that a governor of Cesk immediately sent a letter of help to her after hearing that the queen had returned."

Miranda conducted the report in an orderly manner.

She knew the target of Isaac's attention, so this report pointed to that person concisely and accurately.

"Nirsa, a strange creature from the spiritual world?"

Isaac was slightly moved.

A strange name that he didn't even understand.

However, Xinbu can issue generous rewards to attract adventurers to solve it, which shows that this strange race is definitely extraordinary.

Of course, even so, he didn't pay more attention to this aspect.

With Xinbu here, no matter how powerful these strange monsters in the spiritual world are, they still cannot be reconciled in the end.

But that other piece of news made him pay more attention to it.

A governor of Sesk, asked Himbu for help!

Sesk is located to the north of Aglalon and west of Torre. Going further west is the Kingdom of Imbutu. Its northernmost edge is adjacent to the Great Valley, which symbolizes the origin of the Narfeo Empire. Lesir Forest and Rollins Forest are intertwined in the territory of Sesk and the Great Valley.

Of course, these are not the main points that Isaac pays special attention to. Since the demise of the Narfeo Empire, Cesk has never been considered a powerful country in the Eastern Region. It can only be regarded as a union of some city-states. Not to mention the supreme ruler, Sesk does not even have a capital. The local governors who rule their respective city-states are the nominal rulers of this country.

In addition, the relationship with the Narfeo Empire also has the influence of the Torre Kingdom. In addition, around the time of the Troubles, due to the invasion of the nomadic army in the Endless Wilderness, the Zhentarim would send out many orc troops to support the resistance. Having stayed here, in Sesk, the orcs were also legal residents and could farm and settle in towns.

Orcs can do this, imagine the chaos in this country.

In fact, the territory of Sesk is a chaotic place full of thieves.

Belief in the God of Thieves is quite common in Sesk. Tefram, which is ruled by the "Shadow Masters Guild", was the most powerful local city-state in Sesk. Now it is outside Sesk. , but the relationship between the two is still very close.

The Red Robe Mage Association also enslaves a group of orcs from Sesk from time to time to conduct magic experiments.

The Zhentarim also regard the orcs here as the best source of mercenaries, so they have already penetrated here.

Under the influence of these evil forces, and without a true supreme ruler, the chaos in Cesk can be imagined.

Of course, these are not the point. Isaac has no idea of ​​saving Cesc.

What really attracted his attention, and what made Mrs. Miranda always pay attention to that place...

The former Witch King Solomon!

The chaos in Cesk is the best environment for this person to develop his faith!

"Although Sazastan is missing, it would be even better if we can use this 'letter for help' to drag Xinbu into the water!"

The Storm Queen single-handedly defeated Red Robe to give up the fight against Aglalon, and finally signed a peace treaty.

Without any moisture, Sazhastan is inferior to her, and even fears her!

The Goddess of Magic asked her to go to Baator Hell to rescue Minnis, and she also rescued Sealast. This just illustrates her status among the chosen people of the Goddess of Magic!

In fact, with Xinbu's strength and uncontrollable bad temper, when she gets angry, not to mention Sazastan, even the old ghost Minnis will stay away.

It is said that the old ghost Minnis always plays a lot of tricks.

But since establishing a relationship with Xinbu, it has become a bit of a self-cultivation.

It's hard to say whether there is a bit of "fear" behind this.

If she were to fight, Solomon might not be able to defeat her. At least, if he fought head-on, he would probably not be able to defeat her!

Unless it's to take advantage of her usual irritability and recklessness...


Just thinking about these, Isaac's heart suddenly moved again.

Could there be any factors from Sazastan behind this request for help?

Although the red-robed mage will be in civil strife.

Although there are still constraints from the salamander army and the blood orc army.

Most importantly, Sazastan must also be prepared for possible attacks from Eltaba at any time.

However, this does not mean that the red-robed chief will neglect to guard against Solomon.

"If that's the case...this would be interesting!"

"The successive difficulties that Sazastan is currently facing may be behind some of Solomon's tricks."

"He will never fail to respond."

"This request for help from Xinbu, and even Yinbutu's punishment church's targeted attack on Solomon's cult beliefs, I'm afraid there is no shadow of him behind it."

"Are they all using others to attack each other and contain the other party?!"

The methods of the two Witch Kings of the Red Robe Mage Association actually have a tacit understanding of each other!

"However, this is just right."

"With his design, it saves me a lot of trouble."

"I just need to push the boat along and see if I can use Xinbu to really lure Solomon out!"

Thinking quickly in his mind, Isaac quickly came up with a plan: "Give me the information about this local governor, and also give me the contact information of the local spy."


Mrs. Miranda has been prepared for a long time. Although her ability may not be as good as that of the Kingdom Security Bureau, she is meticulous enough.

After just a little sorting, a series of information was quickly presented.

"Governor Fenter Hicks!"

"Golden Trade Route and Tyflam!"

"The dwarf clan of the Dragon Jaw Mountains!"

"Amac City of Aglalon!"

As he read through it, a series of information quickly became clear to Isaac.

He had some preconceptions.

I thought that since a country like Cesk was in chaos, it should be poor.

But a golden road that ends in Tefram and has an endless supply of energy to continuously transport exotic materials from another continent blocked by nomads to the east of the endless wilderness. This is a golden road for Sai. Sk brings abundance.

Perhaps this is another reason why the Zhentarim want to get involved here.

Of course, the Zhentarim can get involved, the Church of the God of Thieves has directly controlled Tyflam, and the red-robed mage has been influencing this side, so what's wrong with Agolalon?

The southernmost part of Sesk, the Dragon Jaw Mountains on the boundary with Aglaron, is a mountain range ruled by the dwarf clan.

Having good relations with the dwarf clan, Aglalon is also radiating influence to Cesk through the important port city of Aimaike.

It is this radiation that leads to several cities in the southern region of Sesk, all of which are relatively close to Aglalon.

Through these connections, this is an important factor in their ability to resist Tefram's control.

Fente City, located on the golden trade route, is the most core of these cities.

The person who asked Xinbu for help was none other than Governor Fante Hicks!

"The orcs in the eastern and central regions reject magic and are not naturally the target of Solomon's preaching."

"In the northern region, the druids who rule the giant valley will not allow the Death Mage's faith to spread there."

"Tevram in the west is under the direct rule of the Supreme Priest, the God of Thieves. Those shadow masters will not allow Solomon to directly preach there."

"Perhaps due to the push of these shadow masters, places like Fente City have become his first choice!"

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