Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1360 Promote


After gaining a general understanding of Cesk's situation, Isaac did not stay in the Five-Color Temple for long.

He only asked Mrs. Miranda to slightly adjust the focus of the recent investigation and directly use "advanced teleportation", and he quickly left the Five Color Temple.

However, he did not go directly to Cesk.

Reappearing, he suddenly appeared in the sea outside the Sergante Gulf.

Another teleportation light flashed, and the figure arrived at the dark seabed.

This is completely different from the last time I came here.

Last time, whether it was the crashed city of Sacros in front or the remnants of the undersea colonial base here, there was a strong aura of magic enchantment.

But at this time, not to mention the city of Sacros, this was because the intelligent sacred weapon Mies was already in his hands, and it completely lost its energy, so it fell into complete darkness.

This remnant of the undersea colonial base has no magic effects at the same time, and it has also fallen into complete darkness.

But Isaac didn't have any surprises.

Stepping silently into the dark ruins, after touching some places a little.

"That's true!"

Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

He was already aware of it.

Just like the Skull Port that has been reduced to ruins, the magical energy in this ruin has been completely drained.

Presumably, if he hadn't taken away the Mith energy core, or if the City of Shadows hadn't been attacking this area at that time, Gisverik would probably not have missed Mith.

And now...

Once again, he confirmed his hunch.

Outside the City of Shadows, he has another important target that he must be wary of!

The Magical Dragon Transformation Ceremony must be completed as soon as possible, as much as possible, before both sides are ready!

Therefore, taking action against Solomon must also be done as soon as possible!

After all, there is absolutely no premise for the conflict between Solomon and him to be reconciled. Moreover, he also believes that Solomon at this time must have been locked on him and already understands that he is A direct impediment to his eventual promotion.

With such a confrontation, Solomon would never miss any opportunity!

He was almost certain that if Solomon was not dealt with first, Solomon would definitely take action when he started the ceremony.

Although he prepared two rituals, there was no need to fail the first time!

Therefore, the best thing is to get rid of Solomon as quickly as possible, and do it in one step before the City of Ghosts and Gisverik can react, and complete the transformation in the first ceremony. This is the most perfect!

In the midst of his thoughts, once again, Isaac's figure disappeared silently.


Cesk has always been a sparsely populated country.

Especially in the past ten years, the scarcity of this population has become more serious than ever.

The reason why...

More than ten years ago, Sesk was the main battlefield of the nomadic invasion.

The Tukan people entered from Tolei, and after a battle with the red-robed mages, Sazastan took the initiative to ally with them and created a series of portals for them.

In this way, the Tukans first defeated Leatherman, then penetrated Sesk, then crossed the strait, and reached the territory of Imbutu and Hantu. Finally, they fought with the heroic king of Cormyr. The coalition forces launched a decisive battle.

The invasion of this nomadic people almost penetrated half of the continent, from the Eastern Region to the Dragon Lake area, allowing Cormyr and Sambia, the city-states of Dragon Lake, Amn and the Silver Moon Alliance, and even the The Zhentarim ignored the confrontation between the camps and joined the coalition forces together. This was the final defeat of them.

And nearly half of this series of battles took place in Sesk.

The vast majority of city-states in Sesk, which was originally sparsely populated, were destroyed in the war.

Even after the war, Sesk quickly began to revive due to the golden trade route, but in the end, the large-scale population reduction made it impossible to recover quickly.

To this day, even for a trading city like Fente, which is located directly on the golden trade route, the population base is far from being restored to the level before the invasion.


"When did Governor Hicks hire so many orcs?"

Fente City, the inner city, outside a strong stone castle.

Looking up at the castle, the groups of armored and elite tusked orcs were just a few dwarfs coming in carriages, and their eyes shrank.

Fent City is a southern city, and its stance has always been in favor of them and Aglalon. Therefore, the influence of the orcs in Fent City has always been small.

Governor Hicks has no tradition of using orc armies.

but now……

"Look at the equipment and the order. I'm afraid these orcs are related to the Zhentarim."

"The Governor can no longer resist the pressure of the cult. Do we have to hire them?"

"I'm afraid that's it."

"Go and see him first and see what he says."

The three dwarfs exchanged words with each other.

Soon, the carriage arrived in front of the castle.

After a brief announcement, the castle gate opened and the carriage drove directly in.

A waiter came over and took them to the castle hall.

Governor Hicks was already waiting.

The three dwarfs just walked in.

The governor, who couldn't hide his tiredness, came over happily.

"Elder Mitchell, my old friend, you are finally here."

Elder Mitchell is the core elder of the dwarf clan in the Dragon Jaw Mountains. He is in charge of the various exchanges between the dwarf clan and Fente. He is an old acquaintance of Governor Hicks.

"Has the situation changed again?"

"Are those orcs outside coming from Feishant?"

After greeting Governor Hicks, Elder Mitchell asked straight to the point.

Feishant, this is where the orcs' base camp is located in Sesk, and it is also the core stronghold of the Zhentarim here.

Once upon a time, the last battle with the Tukan tribe ended here.

After that, the orc army mobilized by the Zhentarim Lodge never returned to the Moon Sea, but stayed in Feishant.

"Two days ago, the man who claimed to be the 'God of Liches' and the 'King of the Tomb' personally attacked and killed Archbishop Fielding of the Inbutu Punishment Church, and the church's sacred weapon 'The Staff of Punishment' has also been lost. It’s in his hands!”

"After that, this evil church became rampant, and I had to temporarily hire these orc mercenaries to strengthen the castle's defense."

"I have sent another urgent message to the Dragon Jaw Mountains about this matter. Old friend, please help me persuade the Great Elder. I am afraid that this matter can only be completely solved if he personally persuades Queen Xinbu."

These words from Governor Hicks.

The three dwarfs looked solemn at the same time.

The archbishop in charge of the "Rod of Punishment" of the Punishment Church fell into Cesk without even being able to escape!

Such an incident...

"Do you have any detailed information?"

While Elder Mitchell was solemn, he was not in a hurry.

It is certain that such an incident should be reported to the Great Elder.

But now, since Governor Hicks has come into contact with the Zhentarim, he must find out more about the situation.

The Zhentarim are not a peaceful organization, nor are they without aggression.

He must determine whether there is any plan or even a trap behind this matter?

"Come with me."

Governor Hicks did not hesitate, and then took these three people to meet some intelligence personnel and check some of the evidence he had collected.

After quickly determining the seriousness and urgency of the incident, Elder Mitchell did not dare to hesitate any longer.

The elder of the dwarf clan, who was a powerful illusionist in his own right, immediately used a "SMS" to directly contact the great elder who was in charge of the Dragon Jaw Mountains in front of Governor Hicks.

Following his brief and concise report.

Governor Hicks's eagerness finally subsided, and he remembered that he had to entertain his old friends well.

However, under the current situation, Elder Mitchell was no longer interested in having fun. After some greetings with Governor Hicks, he did not even stay in the Governor's Castle. The three dwarfs just went out to investigate the information.

In front of Governor Hicks, they couldn't say more directly.

However, when it comes to the Zhentarim, they always need more practical investigation, even... Just after leaving the Governor's Castle, not in front of Governor Hicks, Mitchell immediately made another "SMS" pass After going to the Great Elder, I learned that the Zhenta Forest Society was also involved in something. I reported it to the Great Elder and made an agreement with the Great Elder that the two parties should be in regular contact to avoid accidents and not being aware of it.

And it was these dwarfs who quickly disappeared into the city after leaving the castle.

the other side.

In the outer city, there is a hotel guarded by orc mercenaries and very busy with caravans.

Second floor.

Overlooking this group of motorcades, Isaac was thoughtful.

It has been two days since we arrived at Fente.

After two days of observation, he unexpectedly discovered that this trade route, known as the "Golden Road", was as busy as the "Trade Road" in the Western Continent.

In fact, because the "Golden Road" transports materials from foreign lands that are not produced locally, the value of the goods for a caravan of the same size is much higher than that of the "Trade Road".

In the same way, when returning to a foreign land, the goods brought from here will naturally become rare goods there, and their value will naturally be higher than here.

"If the endless wilderness is not too long and hinders magic, this trade route is still very valuable to develop."


The thought in his heart, and another hint of regret, flashed in Isaac's heart.

It's a pity that the nomads in the endless wilderness are not easy targets to provoke.

To pass this "golden road", you not only have to pay tribute to the nomads, but you will even be robbed by "unknown origins" from time to time.

If this "Golden Road" didn't really live up to its name, and if you successfully made a round trip and returned home loaded with gold, I'm afraid not many people would be able to develop such a trade route.


"Tukan Tribe!"

While thinking about it, Isaac thought of something else.

Ever since his first meeting with Halaster, he had issued an order to investigate.

It is said that before the era of the ancient kingdom, when the Imasca Empire ruled the entire Eastern Region, the Endless Wilderness did not seem to be a completely magical dead place. At that time, the Imasca people should have ruled These nomads.

Although this kind of rule came to a complete end with the advent of those god-kings, at the same time, during this war, the endless wilderness was completely reduced to a place of magical death, so...

"The place of magical death, which may also have prevented the ancient empire from completely erasing the Imasca civilization."

"Perhaps, in the hands of those nomads, it is not that there are no relics to master!"

"In this case..."

Isaac unconsciously had a plan in mind.

Although the "Golden Road" is unstable, the profit margin is sufficient. If at the same time, there is a chance to come into contact with the secrets of Guimaska, this will be of significance for development.

But there is no rush. We might as well let the merchants and chambers of commerce under the Dragon Worship Cult try this kind of thing first.

In recent years, it is definitely impossible for him to personally control such development. At most, he will invest a certain amount of guard force.

That's the consideration.

There were a few more knocks on the door outside.

The spy arranged by Miranda has arrived.

"Sir, the envoys from the dwarfs in the Dragon Jaw Mountains have arrived, and an elder is personally leading the team."

It seems that the affairs of the Governor's Castle cannot be hidden from them at all.

This is actually normal.

In the reconstruction after the catastrophe, Governor Hicks's own military strength was very insufficient, so he hired the orc mercenaries from Feishant.

All orc mercenaries are hired, so there is no need to mention others.

Among these spies, some of them accepted Governor Hicks' employment and worked for him seriously.

With Isaac's arrival, the information he had here was continuously passed on to Governor Hicks through hired spies, and this information could withstand scrutiny and verification. …

Naturally, these spies have become Governor Hicks's capable men.

They have direct contact with Elder Mitchell.

"Proceed as planned."


The secret agent only made some brief reports here, and then left quickly.

Behind him, Isaac was still overlooking the situation below, but his eyes flickered a little inadvertently.

The dwarf clan in the Dragon Jaw Mountains, if it were at other times, would undoubtedly have quite good strength. Even if Solomon could deal with them, it would not be a complete crushing. After all, with the information he had, Among them, there are two brass dragons in the Dragon Jaw Mountains, living together with these dwarfs.

Rumor has it that the two brass dragons even hold a "joke-telling contest" every year to have fun with the dwarf clan, which shows the close relationship between them.

But unfortunately, it is now the period of dragon madness.

According to the order of the Golden Dragon Council, the metal dragon must pass magical sleep to survive this dragon madness.

Therefore, the two brass dragons at this time will definitely not go to war.

Not only that, as dragon madness continues, they will even become a hidden danger to those dwarfs.

In this case, as the story of Archbishop Fielding of the Church of Punishment who fell to the "Lich God" spread, as long as they did not want to abandon the southern cities, they would naturally have no choice but to continue to Aglalon and Xinbu. Asked for help.

In this way, if he further promotes his conspiracy...


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