Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1361 Arrival


It's really fast.

Solomon's mission was titled "Lord of Liches" and "Lord of the Tombs".

The areas it concerns are "death" and "immortality", "evil" and "magic".

This means that his followers should be mainly lichs and necromancers, as well as those who hope to achieve immortality by transforming into undead creatures.

And this, further, means that they must often perform evil rituals and achieve their evil purposes through filthy sacrifices to a large number of good creatures!

Such beliefs and rituals are naturally unlikely to be accepted by most people.

Fent City's position is biased towards Aglalon, and even if Governor Hicks is not in the good camp, he is generally between neutral and good.

Coupled with the catastrophe more than ten years ago, the people of Fente City are far from reaching saturation.

These cultists would come to perform sacrifices from time to time and cause some damage at every turn. Even the sacred memorial cemetery in Fente City was completely desecrated by these guys...

Governor Hicks naturally cannot sit back and watch the continued expansion of this death church.


A very helpless thing.

He can't beat him, and he can't stop him!

If Fente City was not located on the Golden Road, there would be a large number of caravans coming and going every day, and these caravans could cross the endless wilderness and reach an agreement with the nomads. Naturally, most of them would have The background is not easy to mess with.

Even if you are a cultist, you still have to avoid saying something like this.

If Governor Hicks had relied solely on his own strength, Fente City would have been unable to hold on long ago.

But the caravans will not interfere in these matters at will. At most, Governor Hicks can hire some elite mercenaries and some famous adventurers through these caravans.

Just like the orc mercenaries in his current castle, just like the adventurers who provided him with intelligence information.

But these are not long-term strategies after all. Once the "King of the Tomb" no longer holds back, Governor Hicks will not think that he can stop him with his current strength alone.

It was precisely because of this that he united with several other cities and sent letters of help to the dwarf clan in the Dragon Jaw Mountains, and then to Aglalon.

After all, Elder Mitchell was also invited by him.

Through "The Fall of Archbishop Fielding", it further made the great elders pay more attention to this aspect.

It's just that the dwarfs attach great importance to it...


"It's useless to keep him around. We will capture Fente City within three days!"

Just like at the Governor's Castle, information about the death cult can be detected immediately.

For the Governor's Castle, the cult also has the same method and the same efficiency in gathering intelligence.

The day Elder Mitchell arrived in Font.

Trapped underground beneath the cemetery, the cultists were also receiving orders from above one after another.

Governor Hicks believes that the taboo of cultists mainly comes from the "Golden Road" itself.

Little did they know that due to the constant attacks from Butuna's Punishment Church, the Torre Kingdom's Sazastan never stopped secretly targeting them. This was actually a more decisive influence than the "Golden Road" itself.

And now.

The death of Archbishop Fielding made the disciplinary church inevitably shrink its edge in a short period of time.

The blood orc war launched by Eltaba directly restrained Sazastan.

When these two most critical factors are addressed...

Governor Hicks's "uninformed" little move finally made some people decide that they no longer need to endure it!

Order received that day.

Just that night.

From under the cemetery, from the sewers, and even from some noble families in the inner city.

A large number of undead are rising out of the earth.

The sound of the death knight's hooves resounded amid the burning fire of hell.

The bat figures of the vampires looked as terrifying as demons under the moonlight.

The disembodied ghost was shouting silently.

The giant stitched corpse roared.

There was even a huge skeletal dragon waving its bone wings and rushing into the sky.

Teams of necromancers, headed by a red-robed lich filled with blasphemous aura, appeared in the night sky.

"The action is quite fast!"

In the hotel, from the open window, Isaac was looking at the night sky without hiding anything.

The glow of the silver moon intertwined with the firelight in the city, but the figures of the undead, especially the high-level undead, could not be hidden from his direct observation.

These undead armies obviously have an internal conspiracy.

The city gates in the outer city were completely captured by them without even a fierce battle.

The swaying undead army is now heading towards the inner city.

It was obviously controlled by the Necromancer, but the killings of these undead were leaving the Trade Street side.

Accordingly, the merchant caravans here, especially the mercenary guards, are on high alert and cannot fight against these undead for no reason.

"It should be Conrad, one of the three chief priests of the false god, who has arrived."

"This lich is suspected to be from the Necromancy School of the Red Robe Mage Association. He once tried to fight against Sazastan. After his failure, he was expelled from the Torre Kingdom."

Behind Isaac, the voice of the leader of the Dragon Worship Cult's secret agents rang out.

He already had a rough grasp of several core figures under the pseudo-god.

At this time, even if it was only from a distance, he could guess the identity of the red-robed lich from the two iconic skeletal dragons.

It is one of the three cores under the false god. It is said that he is a powerful lich with legendary level strength!


Isaac looked at the lich for a moment.

The spy leader believed that this man was expelled because of his opposition to Sazastan.

But he did understand that this person who was originally Solomon was the one who opposed Sazastan within the Necromancy School.

But even with Solomon's support, he was not qualified to fight against Sazastan.

He was expelled, not wiped out. This is probably because his life box has never been found, or... it has always been under Solomon's control!

But there was no need to explain anything to the spy leader about this kind of thing.

Seeing this first battle, which had just begun, one of the three chief priests came...

“The disciplinary church was hit hard.”

"It is impossible for Sazastant to completely defeat El Taba in a short time."

"If Xinbu cannot get help in time, all the cities in the south will surely fall in a few days at most!"

On the other hand, he reconfirmed this judgment in his heart.

On the side, Isaac's eyes flickered again.

Although once Xinbu starts fighting, it will cause an uncontrollable situation, and both the enemy and ourselves will be afraid.

But one thing is equally certain.

The sixth child of the Seven Sisters, this person never sits back and watches the fall of those in the same camp without being indifferent!

With this.

Since Fente and other cities are all leaning towards Aglalon, she has returned from Baator Hell, so there is no way she will not react!

Therefore, at least in his opinion, the possibility that Xinbu would intervene was quite high.

But it's not just that.

The battle between Simbu and Solomon is certainly worth looking forward to.

Isaac knew that there was another thing, but it was no worse than this.

"God Conferment Ceremony!"

The current situation was Solomon's best opportunity.

The disciplinary church was frustrated.

Sazastan is trapped.

He is also fighting against the Entangled Talisman, and the power of the Church of Storms is also concentrating on Kalinsai, which must contain him even more.

This situation is undoubtedly the best time for Solomon to take the final step.

It is definitely different from the one who was Lei Loren back then.

When that god's ceremony was launched, it was not only restrained by a war that swept through the entire Lei Loren, but it was also sniped by a series of top powerhouses led by Satan.

In addition, the person who conferred the title of god has never received any direct support from the gods.

It is completely normal to end up in failure.

Solomon was different.

According to the information Isaac possesses, Solomon's pursuit of becoming a god is divided into two stages.

In the first stage, the Witch King tried to "reliance on his own". For this reason, he was trapped in Baator Hell for a long time. Even the key treasure "Heart of Pillars" finally fell into the hands of Sazastan. The road can be said to be completely blocked by Sazastan.

In the second stage, this person surrendered to the God of Storms and received the sponsorship of the God of Storms.

The God of Storms is not only a powerful god, but also legendary. Like the Goddess of Magic, he was also born from the battle of light and darkness between the Silver Moon Goddess and the Dark Night Goddess. He is one of the oldest gods.

Such a god naturally masters a complete and perfect deification ceremony.

With his sponsorship, there should be no contradictory issues in Solomon's two-stage apotheosis ceremony.

This is exactly what Isaac is interested in!

What Solomon sought was the "evil magic priesthood."

Isaac himself was promised this priesthood by the goddess of magic.

In this most direct competition, Isaac will definitely not let him complete the ritual. At the same time, if he can understand any key from his ritual, it will also be extremely important to his own future. role.

Isaac will naturally not lack interest in this!

"The sublimation of ideas into concepts!"

"Evil Magic Priesthood!"

"The core idea of ​​this ritual is blasphemy and sacrifice!"

"Moreover, it should still have multiple components. It should be realized step by step step by step. It may also have multiple parts. Not only this city of Fente, but also several other cities in the surrounding area may also have this ritual. part of..."

In the distance, the undead were already attacking.

Looking over there casually, Isaac pondered in his mind, deducing what he was thinking.

Flames and lightning soon exploded over there.

After all, it is a city rebuilt after a catastrophe.

Although Fente City is limited to its population base and its overall strength is insufficient, the army personally commanded by Governor Hicks has quite good combat effectiveness, especially the will to fight.

In addition, the orc mercenaries hired by him are all related to the Zhentarim. However, they not only have an order that is completely different from the ordinary orcs, but also have refined weapons and armor. They were the ones who fought against Tukan. The main force of people.

In the war in the inner city, even the death knights and vampires were participating in the war, and even the necromancers were constantly casting spells, but for a while, there was still no flames of war, which could be pressed into the inner city. Go deep into the city.

"Although Solomon has some capable assistants left over from the past, his church background is far from enough."

Isaac's calm voice.

Behind him, the spy leader was also looking at the battle situation outside, and his heart moved.

Calling that false god by his name...this lord is indeed not simple!

However, this is normal. The organization has already laid out its plans here, which shows that it also has a plan for the false god.

Now that we have reached a critical moment, the person who comes to take charge of the overall situation will naturally not be a simple person!

"What do you mean, sir, are the death knights and those vampires not up to the level they should be?"

"Although this false god church has mastered the evil transformation ritual, the power level of the person who accepts the transformation is limited, and there is no time for further improvement. Therefore, it has exposed its shortcomings in the background?"

The spy leader has been observing this false god church for a long time, but he has already gained a corresponding grasp of its internal situation.

At this time, he also intended to show his abilities in front of this adult.

Isaac did not look back: "In that case, do you think Governor Hicks can block Conrad's offensive?"

This is a bit of a comparison.

The secret agent leader's heart moved. After a little pondering and more thorough consideration, he replied: "If there is no major change, given the current situation, Governor Hicks will not be able to stop the attack of the false god church.

However, there will be some twists and turns in the process. "

He did not say "Priest Conrad", but "Church of False Gods".

While he was speaking, he noticed that the person in front of him was silent, so he knew that he was waiting for his last words.

Then, the spy leader continued: "Governor Hicks is not a reckless or unintelligent person. He can hire Feishant's orc mercenaries, and he will not ignore other forces in the city.

In my opinion, his people must have been in contact with some caravans and mercenaries, and they even had secret contacts in advance.

In addition, the dwarf clan in the Dragon Jaw Mountains is also supporting him. As long as he gives enough conditions, he may not be able to convince some people.

In addition, there are some people who, even without his help, would not sit back and watch Conrad take over the city of Fente. This is also a big help to him..."

It was in response to the voice of the spy leader.

On the Trade Street side, a commotion suddenly spread.

There is divine power.

Has the same necromancy.

There are also quite a few masked people.

This attack, this commotion.

Even if the undead army deliberately avoided this side, they would not be attacked and could not react.

"However, the False God Church will launch an attack at this time, and it is also a key target like Fente City. The core figure is probably not just Bishop Conrad!"

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