Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1364 The prelude is over

While observing and thinking at the same time, Isaac's eyes also had some inspiration from time to time.

Although in his judgment, this "blood magic pattern" should only be a "coincident product" to make up for Solomon's insufficient accumulation, but it can be formed as part of the "God Conferring Ceremony", which in itself is already extraordinary and transcendent.

Such magic lines, even for him, also have research significance.

It's a pity that this kind of magic pattern can't be copied at will, and it can be reproduced.

Even for this vampire, it was Solomon himself who could complete the corresponding anchoring.

In this magic pattern, if it has Solomon's "mark" and also corresponds to the "personal key" of this vampire, it is useless to copy it directly.

Only by deciphering the "personal key" first, like copying a magic book, is there any significance for research.

Moreover, if this is the case, the final research results are still limited, and will inevitably stop in front of Solomon.

In order to really explore the "Blood Realm", or directly explore the "Blood Realm", apart from cracking the "personal key" of the vampire, the more critical point is to be able to understand Solomon's identity in it. Anchoring and root-cause analysis.


"This kind of research will inevitably alarm Solomon, but it's not good to do it directly now!"

"Let's wait and see if Simbu will finally come, and then see when Solomon will actually show up. After the Lich is dealt with, before he completes his resurrection, we will conduct research."

Of course, it would be even better if the lich and the phylactery could be eliminated together so that it would not even have a chance of being revived.

However, considering that Lagon's phylactery is so difficult to find, it can be seen that this one's deception is average, and may even be worse.

This is Isaac, and I dare not say it, it will be successful in one fell swoop, and it will be completely solved.

With such a flash of thought, he returned to the topic.

"Field of Blood!"

Although he has never had any special research on the "Blood Domain", let alone related powers.


"Once the research is successful, it can be used as a source of legendary spells!"

"It can also be combined with the research of 'fake tenth-level spells', or even the real 'tenth-level spells'!"

With only a little thought in his mind, Isaac roughly deduced the school of magic that can be combined with the "Blood Field" and the related legendary spell seeds.

For example, the school of necromancy corresponding to "life changes"!

Whether it's the "seed of killing" or the "seed of manipulating the dead", these two kinds of legendary seeds can be combined with the "field of blood"!

And that's not all.

Although he is not very interested in exploring the "power of blood", if his judgment is correct, this "magic pattern of blood" may not be rooted in Solomon's own background, but it should be related to the God of Storms. In other words, if Solomon's ceremony ended in failure, it would be fine for the magic pattern, or even directly for the "power of blood". possible.

For many people, even for the vast majority of people, this acquisition is more valuable than the research material for legendary spells.

In this thought, Isaac's eyes were fixed on the bat wings of the vampire nobleman.

"Whether it is necessary to explore the 'Power of Blood' is not a decision for the time being, but even if it is only for the study of spells, there is no doubt that the bat wings must be taken!"

"Whether it is used to make legendary spells and spell-casting instruments for tenth-level spells, or to make real sacred objects, with these magic pattern inscriptions, this pair of bat wings is the best material for nature."

This first goal was then determined for Isaac.

The figure flashed without a trace again, and once again, he appeared in the city again.

Since this is not the time to explore the "Blood Magic Pattern", he is a little conservative.

Of course, I don't think that the so-called three major priests can see through his invisibility, but if Solomon arrives, if it is within a certain distance, it will be difficult to say.

Simbro also came here. With the nature of the Goddess of Magic chosen, her sensitivity to magic effects is much greater than that of Solomon.

I hope that these two will fight first, and he will naturally not show his traces now.

At this time, there are still some places of resistance in the city of Fendt.

Such as those noble castles, such as those church churches.

Although this evil ritual can transform the essence of living beings through the radiation erosion of the soul by the "blood magic pattern".

But this is not absolutely irresistible.

After all, it is a wide-area ceremony, with enough professional level and enough willpower, it doesn't even need any means, and it can be survived.

And resources such as the "anti-evil magic circle", such as holy water, can also enhance resistance, and even directly resist it.

These resources, those noble families, especially Governor Hicks, were naturally prepared.

Similarly, those temples and churches in the city are protected by the holy power of the gods and can resist this evil power.

At this time, the people in the city were mainly concentrated around the church.

The protection of the Holy Light can not only weaken the influence of the "Blood Ritual", those vampires, especially those who have just been transformed by the ritual, are naturally afraid of approaching here.

In addition, among the people who fled here, quite a few were members of the Caravan Chamber of Commerce, and mercenaries and guards were indispensable among them.

With the assistance of these people, only then, the priests in the church, could barely block the constant attacks of the vampires.

His eyes scanned the city, but he didn't intend to make a move. Isaac stepped forward, and his figure teleported to a secret palace located underground.

Just like the usual secret organizations and the usual evil churches, these secret agents of the Dragon Worship also established their strongholds underground.

At this time, after receiving an urgent order from the spy leader, there were already more than a dozen people, and they shrank here.

However, even if this is underground, the radiation effect of the "blood magic pattern" on the soul can still affect this place.

Under the ground, those bloody evil energies have been weakened to a certain extent.

And these spies are all professionals, and their willpower is naturally stronger than that of ordinary people.

Now, although some people are still not in the right state, at least no one has been transformed into a vampire.

"grown ups!"

After Isaac's teleportation, it was discovered that the people who had reported the information to him immediately showed joy and saluted again.

Isaac nodded slightly, but said: "Before this battle is over, you are hiding here. After everything is over, there will be new orders."

These spies are still useful.

Not to mention the matter of Solomon, it is probably impossible to succeed in one go.

Even if things like Solomon, the "Golden Road" and the Imasca ruins have been completely resolved, there must also be a stable branch here.

These spies who are already familiar with the situation here are naturally the first choice for the branch candidates.

While speaking, Isaac waved his hand and set up a holy light circle, which quickly dispelled the radiation and erosion of evil forces on this side.

Don't stay here too long.

After signaling this, he took a step forward, and the figure, he disappeared here again.


The "Blood Ritual" didn't last all night.

After reaching a certain stage, the vampire noble above the sky suddenly flapped his bat wings, and a large amount of blood evil energy no longer eroded the people in the city, but poured towards him endlessly, into the His bat wings are engraved with evil magwen.

Seeing this evil magic pattern, he became more and more evil.

"It's our time!"

In Yenidra's eyes, a faint look of greed flashed past, and his eyes turned back to the lich in front of him.

They were all from the Red Robe Mage Association. After taking refuge in Solomon, for a time, she and the Lich had some intentions of alliance.

It's just that it's hard to say what the reason is. Recently, Conrad's situation seems to be a little bit wrong.

"Tomb bondage!"

The Lich naturally heard her voice.

But there was no response. The nagging lich just took out a black hexagonal crystal that looked like a crystal gem.

On top of this dark crystal was engraved an imprint of a lich's skull wearing a crown and laughing evilly.

An indescribable sense of death and evil.

Even the officiant Yenidra, when he saw this black crystal, his eyes shrank for a while.


"Could it be..."

"It's so!"

"I see!"

At first, he was startled and suspicious, and then, some sudden expressions appeared.

No wonder this lich has been doing something wrong recently.

If her suspicion is correct, this black crystal should be his phylactery!

This guy actually combined Solomon's bestowal with the phylactery directly.


"Don't ruin my event!"

With a curse in his heart, the priest Yenidra didn't dare to slow down.

On the side of Conrad the officiant, in a short time, the "tomb bondage" ceremony began, and the endless negative energy flooded the entire city like a tide.

"Eternal Life Agreement!"

Only a moment behind Conrad the officiant.

A dark six-pointed star also floated in the hand of the officiant Yenidra.

There is no conflict with the "tomb bondage", and they are even echoing and transforming each other. A huge six-pointed star array is shrouded in the sky above the city.

"Life and death are never opposites!"

"This is the two sides of the eternal life!"

"The fusion between life and death, even a small mortal life can understand the complexity and mystery of the whole world!"

"Knowledge is power, and what is life and death is the supreme power that governs all existence!"

The officiant Conrad, who was once a red-robed mage, was once again a believer, chattering with gods and gods.

But this time, the officiant Yenidra was no longer surprised.

This lunatic actually tried to obtain greater power through the binding of the phylactery and the holy seal, and it was only normal to be backlashed.

In the future, he will completely lose himself and become a part of Solomon. This is what he asked for.

It's a pity that without this lunatic, she will have more troubles to achieve her goal.


"Life and death!"

"This is Solomon's core field, his own background!"

"However, this is not enough!"

"The God of Storms sponsored him so that he could enter the magic god system. Therefore, the evil magic domain is the core of his god-conferring ceremony."

"After this life and death, there should be another, possibly even more, composition!"

Isaac was also observing the two ritual circles that were going on at the same time.

Naturally, he has his own judgment in his heart, but this does not hinder him. He still has a strong interest in these two rituals.

life and death!

But it is not the opposite of life and death!

The combination of the two...

In the city of Fent, the dead life is constantly rising.

Even though most of them are skeletons and zombies, due to the base number, there are still many middle-level and even high-level undead being produced.

This is the transformation of the "Ritual of Death".

These undead, whether they are low-level or high-level, are not the kind of unintelligent, completely manipulated undead puppets.

In the transformation of the "Ritual of Death", their souls wake up in their bodies, and they are all undead with intelligence.

The "Ritual of Life" is even more treacherous.

Even Isaac was meditating from time to time while observing.

It was more profound than he expected.

This "Ritual of Birth" faintly reveals some extraordinary and sacred essence.

If his observation is correct, this should be giving Solomon's devout followers the magical power of resurrection immediately after death!

What's more, this endowment also includes the undead.

Whether it is the three chief priests in the sky, or the high-level undead who are attacking, including some that have just been transformed, they are all shrouded in the magical power of this "Ritual of Life".


Isaac's eyes, after observing the situation in the city for a while, were fixed on the ritual instruments in front of the two priests.

Like the vampire's wings engraved with the "magic pattern of blood", these two ritual instruments also revealed the essence of the domain.

"Three chief priests, each in charge of one."

"Then, the next 'Evil Magic Ceremony' will probably be presided over by Solomon himself!"

"At that time, all these resistance strongholds, even if they are protected by the holy power, will be completely sacrificed for him!"

Isaac's eyes fluttered slightly.

Next... depends on whether Simbu will show up in time!

Just like his thought.

"Let's get to the point!"

Not in Fendt City.

Far away in the dark.

Watching the unholy ritual above the city.

Among a group of figures completely integrated into the dark shadows, there was a leather armor and cloak, and a black silk mask. Behind the mask, a figure with eyes as bright as stars in the night sky let out a voice faintly.

The prelude to the end!

The topic is about to begin!

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