Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1365 Son of Fire

"Tsk, tsk, are all the strong men in this world so ruthless and poisonous?"

"I watched you sacrifice this entire city, but I was still indifferent."

"No wonder they all say that hell is empty and the devil is in the world."

"We Baatezu are really ashamed of themselves."

A dark temple located deep underground.

Protected by unknown mysterious power, it almost blocks the transmission of all fluctuations, and also hinders the pursuit of all prophecies and detection techniques.

However, this blockage and hindrance is only aimed at the outside world.

In the lobby of the temple, there was a red-robed lich manipulating the crystal ball, constantly reflecting the situation in Fente City into a curtain of light in the sky.

After witnessing the first stage of the ceremony, the second stage and the third stage came again. Countless creatures were wiped out, and then resurrected as undead, and were further given the power of rebirth that blasphemous to their essence...

This comes round after round.

In the main hall, the two Hell Demons who watched with great interest could not help but admire and became even more emotional.

Since Solomon said that someone would block his promotion and pay a price, he called the two of them and also called on the fallen blazing god. Obviously, this was basically certain.

If this is the case, that person, or even those people, will definitely be watching this side secretly.

But I have been paying attention, but I just sit back and watch this sacrifice going on...

These guys in this world are really more ruthless and vicious than the Baatetz devils!

Just behind these two hell-fiends, there is another one, surrounded by blazing hell-fiends, and behind him is the Blazing Divine Attendant with three pairs of wings of darkness.

With his chin raised slightly, he naturally showed his majesty and arrogance, with a feeling of disdain to associate with the people around him, even the red-robed lich, even the hell fiends. At this moment, the flame-shaped eyes of the blazing god servant His eyes, however, had a slightly strange color as he glanced at the Hell Demon in front of him.

Hell is empty, the devil is in the world!

Are you serious?

Not just him.

In the shadowed corner of the temple, a few eyes also turned around at this time.

These are some figures that, if blended into the shadows, would be almost invisible without magical vision.

Naturally, they should be Solomon’s allies all along, the followers of the “King of Hiddenness”!

These thieves and assassins with shadow abilities are not inferior to the power of the Shadow Thieves Guild and the Shadow Master Guild. In addition, they are not undead. If Solomon really wants to, combining these thieves and assassins with the undead army, but It is possible to bulldoze those temples and churches in Fenter City.

But Solomon just didn’t use them!

"Mortal life is small and humble. Only by exploring the mysteries of life and death can this smallness be elevated to immortality."

"They are not ruthless and poisonous, they are also pursuing immortality."

Solomon's calm voice sounded.

Different from the previous appearances, the red-robed lich at this time seemed exceptionally peaceful, even ordinary. There was no powerful manifestation that distorted reality. It was Lian Wu. The demon must have had the aura of despair, but at this time there was no sign of it, just like a withered skeleton covered in red robes.

While he was silent, there was actually a faint hint of curiosity in Solomon's eyes, which flashed past.

It's understandable that no one else showed up. After all, he had many designs.

But since the one from Agolalon has returned, why does he sit back and watch this sacrificial ceremony continue?

"Could it be that he was restrained by something?"

In his heart, Solomon frowned secretly again.

He originally had three designs for this ceremony.

However, the most important thing about Sazastan is that the immortal god is too powerful, and it is impossible for him to directly kill the Ser Mountains and fight with them in Sazastan's lair.

This means that he can neither recapture the "Heart of the Pillar" nor imprison the immortal god and sacrifice it to improve his shortcomings in the "death" and "immortality" priesthoods.

This kind of design could only be shelved from the beginning.

So he simply used Eltaba to drag Sazastan and the others to the Ser Mountains.

The second design is Yu Xinbu.

The chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic also possess magical divinity.

If he can improve his shortcomings in the "magic" priesthood through the blasphemous sacrifice to Xinbu, there is also hope that he can directly complete the ceremony of deification.

But now, after this round of rituals, the entire Fente City is close to being reduced to a complete realm of death, but Xinbu...

He could only wonder if Xinbu was being restrained by some existence, or was blocked by some accident.

If the ceremony reaches the fourth round, when he comes to cast the spell in person, Xinbu has not yet arrived...

Then there is only the last design, that is, it can only be carried out under the patronage of the God of Storms.

In his heart, Solomon felt a little gloomy.

He knew in his heart that the God of Storms' sponsorship of him not only came with conditions, but also probably had some hidden agenda.

If he really completes the ceremony of becoming a god according to the wishes of the God of Storms, I am afraid that he will be truly controlled by the God of Storms!

But even so, if it really comes to this point, he still has to proceed.

Without him, he could return from Baator Hell, and he also had the support of these big devils of hell, including Ebris, so naturally it would not be without a price!

If he can successfully complete the apotheosis, the price is just some covenants and some future help.

But if he fails...

The devil's original contract is something that even the gods find it difficult to violate. If he fails, the price will be much more serious than his fall and sinking in Baator Hell.

Even he has no confidence that he can start over again!

Therefore, since the ceremony of conferring gods has begun, even if he knows that the sponsorship of the God of Storms will have consequences, he must carry it out to the end!

Fortunately, in the current situation, although there were some accidents on Xinbu's side, even if Xinbu really escaped from his design and completed the ceremony to the end, there would still be no problems.

As for the issue of being manipulated by the Storm God...

This is better than sinking again.

Moreover, after he completes his promotion, this is not absolutely impossible to solve.

Staring at the light curtain, whether Xinbu came or not, Solomon always maintained enough tranquility in his heart.

As time slowly passed, within the curtain of light, the "Tomb Binding" ceremony and the "Eternal Life Agreement" ceremony were gradually coming to an end.

A blend of life and death.

The dual characteristics of immortality and immortality.

The entire Fente City fell into an indescribable alternation of light and darkness.

it's time!

In Solomon's hand, a dark magic book appeared. It was so peaceful and silent that it was almost ordinary. The space around the red-robed lich suddenly became distorted and confused.

But that's it for this moment.


Suddenly, the eyes of both Solomon and the fallen God of Blazing Heaven, who raised his eyes and did not even look at the light screen, suddenly lit up.

One is a mysterious evil light that alternates between dark blue and blood red.

One is as blazing as the fire of the sun.

The eyes of the two people stared at the light curtain at the same moment.

A bolt of lightning appeared in the light curtain.

If you are performing infinite instant teleportation, just one of them appears, and this lightning has already connected multiple points in the sky.

In an instant, the sharp explosion of sun flames, the terrifying dissociation ray, and the powerful flame energy erupted at multiple points, almost at the same time.

Solomon's three chief priests, as well as the powerful undead flying around them, barely had time to react, and were completely submerged by multiple magics.


Solomon had been trapped in Baator for a long time, but he had never had direct contact with Xinbu.

Needless to say, Ebris, the descendant of the fallen Seraph God came to this material world entirely because of his contract with Solomon.

But at this moment, the two of them realized the identity of the visitor.

Especially Ebris.

Baator Hell is a place of absolute order, and those who are unwilling to surrender to the hell lord are all exiles.

As for the exiled great devils, almost all of them are concentrated in Avernus, the first level of Baator.

Ebris is no exception.

The man known as the "Son of Fire" was famous for his arrogance when he was still a servant of the God of Blazing Heaven. The reason why he fell was because he was provoked by his colleagues and refused to be humble even with the orders of the gods. Mortal service, and therefore was exiled.

With such arrogance, he would never surrender to those hell lords.

In Baator Hell, Ebris is also one of the wandering great devils, and he is also entrenched in Avernus.

Naturally, the "Son of Fire" is aware of some of the most sensational rumors in Avernus in recent times.

One of the chosen ones of the Goddess of Magic foiled the plot of Nergal, one of the wandering great devils, and even destroyed Nergal in the Baator Hell.

That's not all.

At the level of Ebris, he even knew that behind Nergal's conspiracy, there was actually the shadow of Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells.

In other words, this chosen one of the Goddess of Magic actually directly defeated the conspiracy of the Lord of Nine Hells in Baator Hell!

Since then, even the great devils who have never entered this material world have all known the name of this chosen one.

"Storm Queen" Xinbu!

A woman with a temper more explosive than the devil of the bottomless abyss!

No matter how arrogant Ebris is, he will not easily become an enemy of such a woman.

Although he is conceited, he will never be inferior to Zariel and Marche Kidd. Bunie's verbal abuse directly led to his fall, and he was beaten many times by him. Among the fallen servants of the Seraph God, He was always in first gear.

But when it comes to directly destroying a big devil in Baator Hell, especially a big devil like Nergal, who has the power of a hell lord, it is difficult to say that there is any certainty.

In addition, now that he is in the material world, Xinbu will no longer be suppressed by the power of hell, and he has also lost some power...

Under normal circumstances, he would naturally not want to be an enemy of a hot-tempered woman like Xinbu.

But now it is not an ordinary situation.

Since the time has come for Xinbu to reach the contract with Solomon, he must take action to stop it!

"Everyone, please give me a helping hand."

"After today, there will be a reward!"

Solomon's voice sounded, still calm and steady.

Over the city, the three chief priests were attacked at the same time, as if they had expected it, and it did not bring any impulse to him.

In response to his voice, in the light curtain, after being attacked by a powerful magic attack, some pictures of the location of the three chief priests gradually became clear.

The vampire priest who was attacked first was unable to reflect the "Sun Flame Explosion" attack. He was completely destroyed directly in the high-intensity scorching flame explosion.

The same goes for Priest Conrad. When he encountered the Lich who was attacked by dissociation, his skeletal body was also destroyed into a wisp of smoke.

Only Yenidra, the chief priest, could still survive even if he was first struck by lightning and then suffered the violent explosion damage of the "Delayed Explosion Fireball".

And it was with this wave of lightning strikes.

The blend of life and death!

The dual characteristics of eternal life and immortality!

While the "grave bondage" and "eternal life agreement" are still ongoing.

The horrific explosion injuries on the body of Priest Yenidra, as if regenerated, quickly recovered on their own.

And where the vampire priest and the lich priest were directly destroyed, there was also an extremely strong evil aura that quickly gathered at the same time.

According to the "Eternal Life Agreement", as long as the energy given by the ritual has not dissipated completely, or the duration of the spell effect has not ended, Solomon's followers can be resurrected immediately after death.

At this time, the vampire priest and the lich priest, even their bodies were under magic, were completely destroyed. However, as the effect of the "Eternal Life Agreement" operates, first the soul essence, and then the material body, the two are facing each other. It was resurrected right where it was.

As the main creator of these two major rituals, and able to control these two major rituals from the source, Solomon has absolute control over everything. How can there be any surprise?

"That's how it should be!"

"I'll go meet her!"

The demonic flames on Ebris' body rose fiercely.

In the demonic flames, with six wings spread out, the fallen blazing god's servant appeared in his hand, a composite long bow filled with flames and destructive power.

It was as if this fallen son of fire was already entering combat mode.

If it were any other great devil, if he were to face a great mage like Xinbu, who was also a chosen one, he would inevitably have to stay within the scope of the contract to reduce the possibility of a head-on confrontation as much as possible.

But Ebris was different.

Even though he had fallen, the arrogance of the Blazing God's Attendant was still with him from beginning to end.

If he wants to fight, he won't shrink back!

In the temple, the aura of the teleportation circle suddenly lit up.

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