Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1600 Xiren

Isaac had a deep understanding of the chosen people of the Goddess of Magic, especially the supernatural power of the chosen people, "Silver Fire".

At this moment, the white light that erupted in the Shadow Valley had a great difference in properties from the Silver Fire he had encountered many times before, but he was still certain at the first moment that this was Silver Fire, the divine power bestowed on the chosen people by the Goddess of Magic!

The reason for the difference in properties...

"The purpose is different!"

"This Silver Fire focuses on repairing, repairing the damage to the essence of magic within the repair area!"

But while making this certainty, Isaac's eyes were still slightly wrinkled.

From the Silver Fire, there are a series of problems.

First of all, Silver Fire is a unique ability of the chosen people of the Goddess of Magic, but the chosen people of the Goddess of Magic will suffer continuous and violent damage as long as they approach the Shadow Valley. Even Storm and Dove were severely injured because of this. Who can sneak into the central area of ​​the Shadow Valley and then erupt this Silver Fire power?

Secondly, the strength of this Silver Fire power is too huge.

Seeing the power of silver fire, it exploded in an instant, and it actually completely enveloped the entire valley, as if it was going to repair the dead magic effect of the entire area at once...

"It should definitely not be the chosen ones themselves!"

"The Goddess of Magic is probably interfering directly!"

This is understandable.

The Goddess of Magic is in charge of the magic field. If someone begins to destroy the essence of magic, she can naturally take action directly.

Moreover, when the Lady of the Dark Night, the King of Darkness, and the Spider Queen have a tendency to join forces, she can't shrink back.

To be honest, the Goddess of Magic is actually the most powerful of the powerful gods. She will not fear any gods, at least, she will never fear any powerful gods.

The reason why she seems to be somewhat controlled by others, and she has to change her vest from time to time, and has invested a lot of divine essence in many voters, this just shows that her divine power is too powerful, and she has almost unlimited room for improvement, so that all gods need to be restricted!

But it is true that there are restrictions, but this does not mean that the goddess of magic must endure after being directly provoked by some existence.

Especially this provocation is directly aimed at the essence of magic!

"No mistake, He must have taken action, or through a certain elect!"


There was a trace of contemplation in Isaac's eyes.

He had a feeling that the price to be paid for the action of this elect would definitely not be small, and it might even be very heavy!

Who would it be?

Is Dove making a sacrifice to save her son?

Or is it that old ghost Minnis is back?

For a while, Isaac had no way to confirm it.

However, he was not in a hurry.

The action of the goddess of magic should be very sure to completely solve this dead magic field.

Once it is completed...

Not to mention determining which elect is sacrificing, even the core of the Dark Night Church's layout, the two shadow holy artifacts that he judged must exist, there is a possibility of direct contact.

There is no need to rush, just wait patiently!


"It's also good to see, besides the Lady of the Night, what ambushes do the Dark Lord and the Spider Queen have here?"

The three parties joined forces to stop the reconstruction of Myth Drannor.

It's impossible that the Church of the Night played such a role, and the Zhentarim and the drow elves didn't have some high-end preparations?


On Isaac's side, he was patient and continued to wait.

In the Shadow Valley, in the dungeon of Klinger Castle.

"Azara, don't be sad, cheer up, everything that comes next will be handed over to you."

"When I repair the dead silence effect, you will lead everyone to retreat into the Feywild, and when Susulus appears, open the seal of the Twilight Crossroads, introduce it into the material world, and then completely kill it."

"Only by killing Susulus can Rose's four thousand years of evil influence in Shadow Valley be completely cut off, and the connection between Shadow Valley and the Feywild can be truly restored."

"This is also the great mission given to you by Ms. Mielikki."

From a ball of blazing silver-white flames, a voice at the spiritual level is rippling calmly.

Corresponding to this calmness, the burning of this silver-white flame is indescribably blazing.

At this moment, the platinum brilliance that radiates the entire Shadow Valley comes from it.

This is naturally the silver fire, which is the divine ability that only the chosen people of the Goddess of Magic can possess!

However, this silver fire at this moment is unique.

This is a ball of silver fire with soul!

To be more precise, the chosen one who possessed this divine power had lost all existence, not to mention the physical body, even the ghost form could no longer be maintained, but the soul of the chosen one was unwilling to leave at this time, so it was forced to stay in the material world in the form of silver fire.

The price of this was... She was constantly impacted by the special environment of Shadow Valley, and was constantly suffering from pain and torture!

Just before this silver fire.

At this time, there was another large group of people, and at the entrance of the dungeon, there was a fierce battle.

At this time, these people were led by a tall and strong young man with silver hair and many small braids.

The voice of Silver Fire was transmitted to him.

It was Azara-Eagle Hand, the son of Dove.

When the power of Silver Fire shook the dead silence of the entire Shadow Valley, this handsome boy who grew up on Evergather Island and had a pair of eyes with obvious elf features, a natural harmony, and at the same time, an extraordinary sacred breath of vitality and justice was born in his tall body that was obviously inconsistent with his age, and gradually embraced his heart.

The voice of Silver Fire.

The comfort of this natural breath.

Azara-Eagle Hand finally suppressed the sadness of his heart.

The Silver Fire in front of him was Xiren, his oldest aunt!

Before he was born, in order to protect Shadow Valley, Aunt Xiren had already sacrificed her life, and finally could only live in seclusion in the depths of Shadow Valley in the form of a ghost.

In this round of Shadow Valley disaster, Aunt Xiren suffered a fatal blow again, and even her ghost form was broken.

But she did not leave completely because of this. She still wanted to save Shadow Valley, so she forced herself to maintain the silver fire form.

This also made her suffer unimaginable torture.

The dead silence of Shadow Valley was impacting her soul all the time.

The people of Zhentarim summoned a powerful demon-eater as the warden, just to guard and torture her soul, so that all her magic power could not be restored.

It was not until they rushed in and killed the demon-eater that she finally recovered, but immediately, she made another sacrifice.

This time, Aunt Xiren was going to sacrifice everything she had, and use the power of silver fire to restore Shadow Valley!

When the power of silver fire was used up...

She had no more support and could only leave!

However, just as Aunt Xiren said, and just as Ms. Mielikki gave him the guidance at this time.

Since Aunt Hiren had sacrificed everything, he could not afford to be depressed. He had to take everyone away safely and kill Rose's demon spider servant.

Only by doing all this could Aunt Hiren's sacrifice not be meaningless!

"I understand."

"Even if I sacrifice everything, I will definitely kill Susulus!"

Azara Eagle Hand's will was as firm as a decisive blow.

Hiren's soul smiled with relief, and another voice came over: "And this pebble, bring it to..."

It was to say that she would bring her only connection to her sister, who was also the mother of Azara Eagle Hand. In this way, even if she could only exist at the level of magic essence from now on, she could communicate with her sister.

Suddenly, Hiren's soul moved again, and an inexplicable touch made her heart wave slightly paused.

The next moment, the meaning of this heart wave changed.

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