Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1601 Crossroads

At this time, Isaac naturally didn't know what was going on in the dungeon of Klinger Castle.

However, when Xiren gave up everything, when the blazing and sacred power of silver fire enveloped the entire Shadow Valley.

"It seems that it can't be stopped."

"The Shadow Valley will eventually return to its original appearance."

Isaac's perception naturally noticed that the power of the shadow magic essence could no longer stop the sweeping of the silver fire power, and the damage it caused to the magic essence was also being repaired.

It won't take much time for everything in the Shadow Valley to return to its original state.

However, with this perception and judgment, Isaac's expression was calm, and everything like this was expected.

With a faint look, he was just observing calmly.

Not long after, his eyes locked on two places.

One was Klinger Castle, the place where the fierce battle took place and the place where the silver fire broke out.

The other place was a bit strange. Not only was it not in those landmark buildings, it even looked like it should be underground.

This is the core of the shadow power.

It is also the place where the silver fire power and the shadow power conflict most fiercely.

If nothing unexpected happens...

"This should be the location of the two shadow holy artifacts!"


After a moment of thinking, Isaac's gaze finally turned away from Klinger Castle and stared at another target.

This should be the original layout of the Dark Night Church!

It's a very simple truth.

This kind of layout can never be completed in a short time.

It is too unlikely to complete the layout in a landmark building like Klinger Castle without being noticed.

Compared to this, Isaac is more willing to believe that only a few people cooperated with the Dark Night Church and completed this layout in a place that no one noticed.

This place is exactly the same as the location of the second target.


"In all likelihood, this place should belong to a certain spellcaster!"

"Considering the magic experiments that spellcasters have to conduct from time to time, this is exactly what will prevent everyone from suspecting anything in advance because of this arrangement!"

With this judgment, Isaac's eyes showed a further thought.

"Considering the first wave of operations, it directly blew up the Minnis Tower and directly led to Minnis' disappearance..."

"This shadow holy weapon is definitely extraordinary!"

A trace of interest flowed out of Isaac's eyes.

Although he would not intervene in the fight between Lady Dark Night and the Goddess of Magic, he still had a lot of interest in the arrangement of the Dark Night Church, which was a holy weapon of a certain level.

So, when the power of the silver fire completely disintegrated the arrangement of the Dark Night Church, he could observe this arrangement, especially the core structure of this arrangement!


But these thoughts flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, Isaac's mind jumped again.

Then, he withdrew his gaze from the Shadow Valley.

With a look of doubt, his sight turned to the depths of the forest below.

In the forest below, a fierce battle was in full swing.

However, judging from the spider webs everywhere in the forest, this forest should be very remote, with few people around, and more giant spiders should be breeding and surviving in it.

Presumably, the giant poisonous spiders fighting with the elf rangers and druids in the forest at this time should be the "indigenous people" here.

Before this, Isaac had not made any extra associations with this.

But at this time, when the silver fire power in the Shadow Valley was repairing all the damage caused by the essence of shadow magic, Isaac clearly felt that in this dense forest located in the north of the Shadow Valley, the spatial level was obviously turbulent.

With his magical attainments, when the space was turbulent, he had a more specific observation of the surroundings...

"It's a seal!"

"A seal for space!"

"Should it be...sealing the door to space?"

In just a few blinks of an eye, Isaac had a certain degree of judgment in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, the people of Shadow Valley would not let this forest be so abandoned, let alone become a spider's nest.

There is only one possibility for this situation.

There is something in this forest that makes them taboo, and even prefer to give up rather than approach.

This thing is naturally not these giant spiders.

These spiders are certainly terrifying, but it is impossible for the people of Shadow Valley to be so afraid, and they can't solve it.

Isaac is more willing to believe that what the people of Shadow Valley are taboo about should be the thing behind this space seal!

Consider again, this is a seal, not something like removing a magic door...

"This shouldn't be caused by magic!"

"Nine out of ten, this should be a naturally existing space crack, so it should be sealed, not solved by removing the spell effect!"

After making this premise judgment...

"Shadow Valley is an extremely special valley among the valleys. It was once a paradise for the elves."

"And the origin of the elves is in the Fey Wild."

"If this plane crack is a natural connection between the material world and the Fey Wild, then everything can be understood!"

Based on this speculation, Isaac also thought of more.

It is true that Shadow Valley was once a paradise for the elves, but this is only "once".

As far as he knows, the elves in Shadow Valley are getting worse and worse, both in terms of the size of the tribe and the strength of the individuals.

If this phenomenon is linked to this seal, it is obviously easy to understand.

"The Fairy Wilds can also be regarded as a kind of transitional plane, and there is a natural boundary with the material world. This is not a rare thing."

"Some people call this connection a 'crossroads'. One step forward is the Fairy Wilds, and one step back is the main material world."

"When this 'crossroads' is sealed and abandoned, the elves in Shadow Valley are gradually declining, which is more normal."

Of course, the people of Shadow Valley will not deliberately seal the "crossroads" and deliberately let the elves decline.

If this happens, there must be a compelling reason.

Considering that Shadow Valley was once an important surface base for the drow elves to attack the Elven Court, and that this abandoned forest is densely populated by many Purgatory poisonous spiders, at this time, there are many "crazy fallen elves" besieging the rangers and druids, especially fighting against the elves...

"It should be related to the Spider Queen!"

"It must be something the Spider Queen did that forced the people of Shadow Valley to permanently seal this crossroads, even if this seal will cause the elves to decline in power and lose contact with the Fey Wilds!"

"If that's the case..."

Just as he was constantly speculating, Isaac suddenly had a thought in his mind and his eyes fell on the former Prince of Green.

"They are here, and this is probably not just for containment and coordination, right?"

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