Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 1603 Design

The sacred power of the silver fire has completely disappeared.

Subsequently, the magical effect of death that shrouded the Valley of Shadows completely disappeared.

And just as the silver fire was disappearing, another spatial fluctuation came from the direction of Klinger Castle, which was captured by Isaac's perception almost at the same time.

It should be the door to space!

Moreover, the creation of this space gate can be completed as soon as the death magic effect disappears...

"It should be the hand of the chosen one from the goddess of magic. As for the direction..."

The thought in Isaac's heart only flashed, and then he made some judgments.

If nothing else, this space door should be pointing to the Fairy Wilderness!

"They should have a tacit understanding and cooperation with the Prince of Green Field, and they want to completely eliminate the influence of the Spider Queen from here."

"For this reason, although more than one of these former Princes of Green Fields came, the only one who showed up and took action at this time was the Arch Druid!"

"The others must be lurking and waiting for the opportunity to lure out and attack the Spider Queen!"

This opportunity will not last long.

Or rather, it should be coming soon.

If it is delayed for a long time, many aspects will react!

And once the time comes...

No need to think too much, Isaac also knows that whether it is the Church of Dark Night or the Zhentarim, this will be attracted.


It was now time for him to visit the ceremony arrangements of the Church of Dark Night!

It didn't take long for all this to be clarified, and the next step was to wait to verify whether this speculation was correct.

Isaac first left the northern forest, and then waited quietly as a bystander.

The battle on the forest battlefield is naturally becoming more and more intense.

The Shadow Valley is also in complete chaos.

Not only the outermost Klinger Castle, but also riots broke out in the town. It seemed that Lord Moglin, who was controlled by the ghost mage, could no longer maintain order here.

This also further verified Isaac's speculation.

However, he was still in no hurry. The really critical moment had not yet arrived.

Continuing to be patient, Isaac continued to observe and wait while...

"What will it be?"

In his eyes, he showed some thoughtfulness and curiosity again.

In his speculation, the arrangement of the Spider Queen should have existed for at least thousands of years.

After such a long time, Shadow Valley has been unable to help "him", and even wants to abandon and seal the "crossroads". Now, is it possible to solve it?

"It should be that certain conditions must be met in order to really kill 'him'!"

Shadow Valley, this is Minnis's hometown, Sheron has also settled here for a long time, and Storm's hometown is also here.

For a long time, even these three were unable to kill "him", which shows that under normal circumstances, this "him" should not be killed.

Thinking about it again, after sealing the "Crossroads", "he" can no longer influence the Valley of Shadows.

"'He' should not have a real caster level, nor can he carry out plane teleportation through means such as spell-like abilities!"

One, cannot be killed!

Two, there is no caster level!

When these two points are combined, it should still be in the Fairy Wilderness...

"It should be some kind of regional spirit. Living in certain environments in the Fairy Wilderness, it is truly immortal. It may even go a step further and have an essence similar to the Lord of the Abyss, the Lord of Hell, and the Great Goblin. "

"The design of the Forest Goddess is to try to introduce 'him' into the material world, and then truly kill 'him'!"

"Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for 'him' to leave the Fairy Wilderness, but now the time has come!"

"Minnis disappeared, Shiron died, Storm and Dove were severely damaged, and three more dark gods joined forces and changed the entire magical environment of Shadow Valley..."

"The Forest Goddess must be convinced that 'he' has received the order from the Spider Queen and will cooperate with those people's actions in the Shadow Valley. Therefore, at this time, there is an information gap to be created before the Spider Queen has more reactions. , through some means, introduce 'him' from the crossroads into the material world..."

As his thoughts kept flickering, Isaac gradually came up with some possibilities.

At the same time, the battle situation in the Shadow Valley battlefield and the Northern Forest battlefield is also gradually evolving.

Over in the northern forest, the power of the elven rangers and elven druids is constantly increasing. Even the drow elves and the purgatory poisonous spiders join forces, they are still gradually being pushed into a disadvantage.

In the Valley of Shadows, it's the exact opposite.

Without the leadership of Lord Moglin, the morale of the residents of Shadow Valley was only average, and the commotion they caused was already being suppressed.

At this time, many Barthez devils who had escaped from the battle in Klinger Castle were flying towards the northern forest.

Their continuous reinforcements obviously have the potential to change the battlefield situation in the northern forest.

However, before the situation over there was truly reversed...


Isaac's eyes suddenly turned at this moment, staring at the northern forest from a distance.

Almost at the same moment.

On the other side of the forest, mysterious auras were blooming one after another.

If it is a magic light curtain, a kind of trance and unrealistic space-time interlaced fluctuation is generated in the forest.

This is a large-scale magic phenomenon.

It is directly generated on the battlefield, almost covering most of the battlefield.

This is...

The long-sealed crossroads has been opened again!

After thousands of years, the intersection of Shadow Valley and Fairy Wilderness has appeared again!

And almost as soon as this plane interlaced fluctuation was generated...

A series of figures, including humans and elves, and a large number of fey creatures, swarmed out from this crossroads as if they were running for their lives.

And they followed closely behind them.

An extremely huge giant spider, even larger than the ancient dragon, also leaned out over there.

This giant spider is covered with shaggy white hair, and these white hairs are filled with extremely cold breath, as if condensed by ice and snow.

Even though they were far away, Isaac could still see that its legs, which looked like burnt trees, were still bleeding. It was bloody, hideous, and disgusting.

When its body chased out from the crossroads, it could be seen that there seemed to be an invisible spider web in the void, and it could actually crawl directly in the void at a high speed.

The speed of those who escaped in front was fast enough, but it was still not as fast as its pursuit.

In just a blink of an eye, several people were hunted by it.


"It is indeed the minions of the spider queen!"

Isaac's eyes, staring at the giant spider, rarely revealed some solemnity.

On this spider...

A kind of extremely chaotic, extremely dark, and extremely evil power!

From its body, it seemed that there was a crazy whisper constantly coming out.

As long as the fleeing spirit life in front fell into the direct influence range of the whisper, it was directly eroded without any resistance.

After a short period of time, they became corrupted and crazy, and became evil spirits who only knew how to kill.

This is the power of the Spider Queen!

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